看板 Astros 關於我們 聯絡資訊
02/05/2007 10:00 AM ET Mailbag: Is Burke the man in center? Beat reporter Alyson Footer answers Astros fans' questions By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處 http://myurl.com.tw/hj17 Hi everyone, one quick note before we get started ... I've received a lot of inquiries regarding Spring Training, and I hope you'll check out the Spring Training Fan Guide we put on the Web site last week. Hopefully, it'll answer a lot of your questions, ranging from what time morning workouts start to where to stay during your trip to Kissimmee, Fla. See you there... 各位球迷好,在我們開始本週的問答前,先給大家個短訊…最近我收到一堆關於 春訓的疑問,對此希望大家能去看看上週在官網發布的春訓球迷導覽 (http://myurl.com.tw/6nlq ) 你在佛州 Kissimmee看春訓的旅遊期間,從球員每天幾點開始練球到何景點遊覽 的解答都有,希望這些資訊能解決大家的眾多疑慮,我們到時見囉。 Why is everyone in Houston, where I grew up, so hung up on Chris Burke? I don't see that he's a starter. Other than a good playoff appearance two years ago, he's had OK numbers. -- Kyle M., Washington, Texas 問:為什麼在我從小成長的休士頓,該地球迷都對 Burke這麼期待?我實在看不 出他有先發的水準。除了在兩年前季後賽,表現還不錯外。 It's hard to assess a player's worth until he's had a chance to play every day on the Major League level, and Burke, so far, has not had that opportunity. He deserves the chance to play every day. He's a former No. 1 draft pick, he's a speedy, top-of-the-order type who's not going to hit for a lot of power but should be good for a bunch of doubles. He's also oozing with confidence, eager to perform and loves being at the plate for the high-pressure situations, as we saw in that infamous 18-inning game with the Braves in '05. The club loves Burke and is excited about what he can bring to the table on a daily basis. If he can't handle a starting job, we're going to find that out this year. My money's on him doing quite well. 答:一名球員在大聯盟層級擁有每天上場的機會前,我們難以去評估他的價值,而 到目前為止, Burke都還沒有完整機會表現。他夠格每天上場先發。他是太空人前 選秀狀元,他擁有腳程,屬於開路先鋒型的球員,雖然打擊不會有太強 power,但 是很能靠速度上到二壘。 Burke在場上散發一股自信的氣息,渴望表現,更樂於在壓力緊繃的情況下上場 打擊建功,就像在05年季後賽對勇士那場出名的18局比賽,我們見到他打出再見全 壘打。 I've heard rumors about Jason Lane getting a shot in center field. I don't think he has the speed or judging-fly-balls ability to handle it. Why not bring up Charlton Jimerson as a backup and give him a chance? -- Carter W., Richmond, Texas 問:我有聽到關於 Lane可能守中外野的傳言。我個人認為他沒有速度與判斷飛 球的能力來擔綱這個位置。為什麼不給 Jimerson機會,讓他當替補? Until Jimerson shows that he can cut way, way down on the strikeouts, he's not going to see much Major League playing time. Lane is an option in center field, as is Eric Bruntlett and maybe Luke Scott. General manager Tim Purpura and manager Phil Garner are keeping their minds wide open this spring. That's what Spring Training is for, seeing who can do what. Lane is a terrific defensive outfielder and perhaps he could handle center field from time to time, but Burke's the starter there for now. 答:要給 Jimerson多點機會就要等到他能減少被三振的弱點, 不然他不會有多少 上場時間。 Lane是擔任中外野手的選擇,Bruntlett也是,或許 Sccott也有 機會。春訓的時候,總管 Purpura和總教練 Garner還是會保持開放態度。 觀察誰有能耐足以負責某個位置,就是春訓的特色。 Lane是個有可怕火力的外野手 ,也許他可以偶爾鎮守中外野,不過現在 Burke無疑是目前認定的先發中外野手。 Do you think Garner would use platoon situations in right field and third base? He could platoon Mike Lamb and Morgan Ensberg at third and Scott and either Richard Hidalgo or Lane, depending on who makes the team, in right. -- Bill C., San Antonio 問: 妳認為 Garner在右外野與三壘會使用 platoon的形式嗎?在三壘他可以讓 Lamb跟 Ensberg打 platoon,而右外野則是 Scott,以及看 Hidalgo或 Lane誰 在太空人隊來負責。 Platooning at those two spots is an option, but I don't think that would be Garner's first choice. He'd like to see one guy establish himself at those positions, especially at third. Lamb is such a value off the bench that it weakens the team to put him in a semi-regular everyday role, because Ensberg probably would not be a good pinch-hitter. Pinch-hitting is one of the hardest things to do in baseball. Players like Lamb and Orlando Palmeiro are great at it. Ensberg, still young and not used to a backup role, would not be good at it. 答:這兩個位置用 platoon的形式是可行的,但我覺得這個安排不會是 Garner 的首選。他較想見到單一球員專職負責這些位置,特別是在三壘。Lamb先發會很 有貢獻,然而讓只出賽半場,會減弱球隊戰力,因為 Ensberg可能不是個好的代 打。 上場代打是棒球賽中最艱難的任務之一。像 Lamb跟 Palmeiro是箇中好手。 Ensberg 還年輕,並不習於扮演替補的角色,對於代打並不在行。 How effective is the Nolan Ryan Elite camp? Having guys like Ryan, Roger Clemens and Jeff Bagwell instructors at the camp, do we possess something other clubs don't? -- Daniel B., Huffman, Texas 問:Nolan Ryan巨投訓練營對球員幫助多大?請 Ryan、 Clemens 、Bagwell這些 大咖來指導後進,我們這個做法,相較於別球團有何特別之處? The effectiveness of a camp like this can't be determined immediately. I would imagine that a week-long clinic run by a current Hall of Famer and two that will be inducted in the future has to have a major impact on these young kids in the organization. Plus, it gives the top prospects at every level exposure to the Major League experience, from hanging out in the clubhouse to working out on the field. And, it gives them a nice warmup for Spring Training. 答:像這種訓練營給球員的效應並非當下就能顯現的。我能預見小夥子們在為期一週 的時間,被名人堂或準名人堂球員親自調教後所帶來的重大影響。再來,這些訓練也 讓每個層級的頂尖新秀,從待在球團會所到在場上練球,從中獲得大聯盟經驗。而且 這也為他們春訓暖身。 Anything a club can do to get its prospects ready for the big leagues can only be a good thing. The less awestruck they are when they finally get here, the better. After all, when you've spent a week throwing off the mound with Ryan and Clemens standing right behind you, arms folded, scowling and taking mental notes, is there anything else more nerve-wracking? It made me nervous just watching from the sidelines. 球團任何能讓隊上新秀準備好上大聯盟的安排都是好事。到後來他們上大聯盟,實力 變強,倒不驚奇。畢竟當你花一週時間, Ryan跟 Clemens在一旁叉著手,神態儼然 看你練投,並隨時指點你一些心態方面的建議,有什麼比這種經驗還更神經緊繃的? 站在邊線看他們練球,都夠我緊張的了。 Do you think this will be the year the Astros wake up and play a full year of good baseball? As exciting as these late-season runs are, it'd be nice to run away with a division crown once in a while. Is there any explanation for this phenomenon? -- Joseph F., Milwaukee 問:你想今年太空人會振作,全年戰績理想嗎?像近幾年季末全隊奮起一樣刺激,把 分區冠軍拿走比較美好。對此願景你有沒有什麼看法? Beats me. I'm all for them not having to play at an .850 clip in the last month of the season, but hey, that's just me. I have no idea why they always struggle in the first half and play well in the second. It would be nice to spread it out a bit more evenly, but obviously you can't plan for these things. 答:你把我考倒了。我支持他們不是只在球季最後一月打出 .850的佳績,不過,喂, 那只是我的認定。我不能理解為什麼他們老在上半季擺爛,然後從下半季開始奮勇直 前。戰績能穩定一點當然很好,不過顯然這種事由不得你決定。 I do agree that there's no reason this team can't be more competitive in the division race. I doubt any one team in the NL Central is going to run away with the title, so if there's ever a time for the Astros to get their act together, it would be this year. 我相信這支球隊在分區會更有競爭力。我不相信國聯中區已有球隊已經勝券在握,因 此如果太空人全隊將士用命,會是在今年。 I've read a few articles and they say that the Astros are a worse team than last year and they won't do well this year. What is your response to this? -- Brett A., Kentville, Nova Scotia 問:我讀到一些文章說太空人今年的實力比去年還差,今年戰績不會多好。你對這個 分析的看法如何? It's hard to estimate how this team will do. Compared to last year, the offense is stronger, but the pitching is weaker. How many more wins or losses will that translate to? Hard to say. But considering we're talking about a pitching staff minus Andy Pettitte and Clemens, I can't fault observers for saying the team won't be as good. It's up to Jason Jennings and Woody Williams and Co. to prove them wrong. 答:目前很難評估太空人隊在新球季會有何表現。和去年相較,打擊提升了,但是投 手戰力卻下滑。這樣的戰力到底會轉化成幾勝幾敗的戰績呢?很難下定論。不過想想 我們的投手群少了 Pettitte 和 Clemens,我不會去怪預測太空人大不如前的專欄作家。 新球季就由 Jennings 、Williams、以及全隊來跌破他們的眼鏡。 Don't you think if Clemens really wanted to win last year then maybe HE SHOULD HAVE PITCHED A COMPLETE SEASON? That also would have put us in first in our division. -- Chris G., Canastota N.Y. 問:你不覺得,如果去年 Clemens真想贏球的話,那他也許應該參與全年球季?這樣 的做法可以讓我們戰績在分區第一。 I've received quite a few angry e-mails in response to Clemens' recent comment that playing for a team that did not make it to the playoffs was a "waste of time." While I think Roger could have been a little more tactful, I think it's important that we don't blow this too much out of proportion. I think he was simply saying that at this point in his career, having accomplished everything possible and having nothing left to prove, the only reason he would continue pitching is to win another World Series. It would be a complete waste of his time to play for a non-contender, and until the last week of the season, that's exactly what the Astros were. 答:我收到一些回應 Clemens近期表示"待在打不進季後賽的球隊,浪費時間"的不滿 信件不過我認為 Roger已經很圓滑了,重要的是我們不要騷動。我認為他只是說在他 的職業生涯中,已經達成許多榮耀,也沒有什麼要証明的,他願意繼續投球的原因是 因為還想再贏得一次世界大賽冠軍。 所以如果待在一支毫無競爭力的球隊到球季結束,分明在浪費自己的時間,而太空人 隊確實是這樣。 Of course, if Clemens had returned two weeks earlier in June, maybe it would have been the Astros who reached the playoffs and the Cardinals who went home. But the idea that Clemens should have pitched a full season if he really wanted to help this team win is way off base. He cannot pitch a six-month season anymore. Given the choice, which would you prefer: a) Clemens starts the season with the team, breaks down halfway through, spends a big chunk of the second half on the disabled list and perhaps is not available for the postseason, or b) Clemens joins the team in June, is healthy for the stretch run and is feeling great heading into October? 當然,假使 Clemens在六月前兩週就回到太空人隊,也許是因為太空人已經打進季 後賽,而紅雀隊打包回家。但是如果 Clemens想幫這支球隊贏,就要投滿整季的說 法不切實際。他沒有辦法應付六個月的球季。給你一些選項,看你想要哪個: a) Clemens季初就待在太空人隊,半個球季後就因傷休息,下半季大部分時間都躺 在傷兵名單,季後賽可能也無法上場。 b) Clemens在六月份加入太空人行列,身體健康並對前進十月份季後賽感到自信滿 滿? Either way, you're going to get no more than four months out of him. The Astros, of course, would prefer to have him around down the stretch, when he's so unbelievably clutch. 不管怎樣,你都要讓他投四個月就好。當然太空人也想讓他留到球季最後,那時他 會不可思議的扮演英雄。 Alyson Footer is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. ================= 嗯 今天翻的很差 > < 沒弄好的我再修 -- ~ "環保" 可以當自己吝嗇的最佳理由 ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dimhdp10:"如果太空人有機會拿冠軍"這句原文似乎是上下齊心的語意? 02/06 17:37
嗯 謝謝^^ 當初不察 > < ※ 編輯: mysunny 來自: (02/06 23:16)