看板 Astros 關於我們 聯絡資訊
04/30/2007 1:05 PM ET Mailbag: Burke, Lidge struggle early Reporter Alyson Footer answers Astros fans' questions By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處 http://kuso.cc/1A8U With the entire team struggling, why bench Chris Burke? I am irate over this decision. How about Jason Lane (whom I really like) or Luke Scott (whom I don't)? And if the radio announcers keep on blowing Hunter Pence's horn over nothing, I will stop listening. Too much down one's throat will eventually make you vomit. -- Rita A., Village Mills, Tex. 問︰現在全隊狀況已經陷入低潮了,為什麼要把 Burke溫板凳?我對於 這項決定感到不爽。考慮 Lane(我喜歡的球員)或 Scott(我不怎麼喜歡) 如何呢?假如主播再繼續誇耀 Pence。我就不聽比賽了!太多惱怒的事 讓人想吐! Really, Rita, I wish you would stop beating around the bush and tell me how yo really feel. We're all friends here. You can just let it all out. 答︰ Rita, 坦白講我希望你說話不要拐彎抹角,然後告訴我你真正的感覺。 我們都是朋友,你可以把所有的事都講出來。 Seriously, though. The Burke/Pence move was made because the team was losing, plain and simple. The ironic part of Lance Berkman's very vocal disapproval toward management for benching Burke is that Berkman was one of the reasons Burke was benched in the first place. Berkman's not carrying his weight, Carlos Lee. But they have track records and they're making a ton of money, and so you play them and play them and hope they get it together sooner rather than later. 不過我們認真來講。 Burke/Pence的調動是因為球隊近來一直輸球,理由就這 麼單純簡單。 Berkman對管理階層將 Burke擺到板凳的處理,放話表示不爽, 諷刺的是, Berkman的不振卻是 Burke坐冷板凳的原因之一。 Berkman沒兼起中心打者的責任,而 Lee也沒有。 但因為他們過往的表現,況且讓球團所費不貲,所以只好讓他們一直上場並期 望能儘快甦醒。 Pence was hitting .340 at Round Rock. That is a huge number and it's hard to ignore. If you have a top prospect waiting in the Minors and he's tearing the cover off the ball, would it be the worst thing in the world to bring him up and see what he can do? Could he possibly make the team worse? How many more games did the Astros need to lose before changes were necessary? Pence在 Round Rock隊的打擊率是 .340。這是相當了不起的表現,讓人難以忽 視。假如你有個在小聯盟等待的頂級新秀,而他棒子也正火熱,把他升上來並瞧 他有何驚人表現,大錯特錯嗎?他真會讓球隊每下愈況嘛嗎?在必然的改變前, 太空人還要多輸幾場球? In past years when the offense went south, the Astros didn't have a stud hitter waiting in the wings. This year, Pence was an option and they took the plunge. 過去打擊陷入低潮時,太空人沒有個頂尖的打者可適時挺身而出。而今年 Pence 是個可用之兵。 If Pence doesn't hit well up here, then the Astros will be getting the same offensive production as Burke, with better defense. That's got to be good for something. 如果 Pence在這個層級打不好,那太空人就可再使用同樣打擊水準,有更好 守備的 Burke。那樣很不錯。 Now, about Burke. He needs to play every day. He is the second baseman of the future and I believe he will be a very serviceable top-of-the-order speedy gap hitter who will make things happen on the basepaths. I have no idea how he'll fare offensively over a long period of time, because he's never played in the big leagues for a long period of time. 現在我們來談談關於 Burke的事。他需要每天上場。他是球隊未來的當家二壘 手而且我相信他會是個非常稱職,擁有速度的開路先鋒,在壘間攻城掠地。我 不知道在這麼長的時間內他的打擊表現會如何,因為他在大聯盟從未上場那麼 久。 But right now, it's not happening for him. I believe the Astros still see him in their long-term plans. But they committed to Craig Biggio, a very long time ago, to allow him to reach 3,000 hits in an Astros uniform. He cannot reach 3,000 hits if he doesn't play, and that's why he's playing as much as he is. That's just how it is. 但是現在不會發生在他身上。我相信太空人仍視他為長遠打算。不過他們很久前 就跟 Biggio承諾要讓他穿著太空人隊服達成3000安。要是他不上場就不能達到 3000安了,這是為何他一直上場的原因。就是這麼一回事。 I have a philosophy that cannot be proven statistically or otherwise, but I believe if someone is playing out of position, and he's not entirely comfortable, it can affect him at the plate. I believe this may have had something to do with Burke's slow start. He wasn't particularly impressive in center field and I believe there was some anxiety that came along with it. 我有個無法用數據證明的觀念,但我相信如果一個位置不適合某人,他不會 感到自在,而且也會影響他打擊的表現。我相信這跟 Burke目前慢熱的窘境息 息相關。他在中外野並不出色,我也認為有些許焦慮伴隨著他。 I ran that philosophy by two prominent players -- one shot it down and one gave it a full endorsement. So who knows? But it's something to consider. 我把這個看法講給兩位傑出的球員聽--其一不認同,而另一為全然贊成,因此 對此誰能下定論呢?但這是值得思考的課題。 What it comes down to is the Astros are struggling right now, and something had to change. This is not all Burke's fault. I have been absolutely disgusted with some of the things I've seen during this homestand, from a variety of players. Lazy jogs down the line on ground balls. Poor baserunning. Terrible approaches at the plate. 現在的結果就是太空人戰績低迷,有些調度必須改變。這不全然是 Burke的錯。我比較厭惡的是從主場看到有些球員的表現。滾地球慵 慵懶的跑壘。實在消極的跑壘。在打擊區的態度很糟糕。 When things are going badly, players have to do drastic things sometimes. Here's an idea -- run out a ground ball. Put some pressure on the fielder to make a hasty throw. Don't jog when you hit into a presumed double play. Who knows? Maybe the fielder will -- gasp! -- make an error. You really never know until you try. 當狀況不順的時候,有時候球員表現必須更積極。我覺得是這樣-滾地球要盡 力跑壘。給野手壓力,讓他倉皇傳球。認為是支雙殺打也不可以慢跑。誰知道 會發生什麼狀況呢?也許對方的野手會失誤。你不盡力去試,就不知道有什麼 事情產生。 I am really liking Brad Lidge not in the closer's role. Hopefully he can gain some confidence and go back to that. What do you feel about moving Lidge to a starting job, to gain that confidence? -- Anthony M., Seaford, N.Y. 問︰我喜歡 Lidge目前不擔任 CL的位置。希望他可以增加自信 心並回到過去的意氣風發。你覺得把 Lidge調到先發來增強他信 心的安排如何? We broached that subject with Lidge a couple of weeks ago, when Roger Clemens mentioned on a radio show that if he were making the decisions, he would start Lidge. If I remember correctly, Tim Purpura chuckled, Phil Garner rolled his eyes and Lidge politely turned down the idea, stifling an amused smile. 答︰幾週前我們和 Lidge一同討論這個話題,當時 Clemens在一個 廣播專訪中提到,要是他有生殺大權,一定要讓 Lidge擔任先發。 我沒記錯的話, Purpura那時咯咯笑了起來, Garner轉了轉眼珠子, 而 Lidge憋住笑意,婉拒了這項提議。 Lidge needs more than two pitches if he's going to be a starter. Right now it's probably best for him to work on throwing the slider and fastball for strikes, as a reliever, and go from there. 如果 Lidge要擔任先發,他勢必得多練兩種球路。目前對他最好的 安排應該是擔任後援投手,以他的滑球與直球三振打者。 Just a thought, but maybe [Burke and Lidge] need a change of scenery. Would the Astros have any interest in a Lidge for Brett Myers deal? -- Chris R., Hamilton, N.J. 問︰我只是想想而已,但也許 Burke和 Lidge需要轉換舞台。太空人 對以 Lidge換 Myers的交易有沒有興趣呢? No. Myers has had domestic issues in the past and I cannot envision any scenario where Drayton McLane would want him in Houston. 答︰太空人沒這個意思。 Myers有家暴的不良記錄,而且我也想不到 McLane要延攬他為休士頓效力。 Why don't the Astros trade Lidge? I mean, earlier in the week I heard about the Astros getting close to a deal with the Devil Rays, where we would get either Rocco Baldelli or Carl Crawford. I believe that Lidge cannot be the closer he was a few years ago in Houston. -- Ryan F. 問︰太空人幹麻不把 Lidge交易掉?我的意思是,本週一開始時,我聽 到太空人和魔鬼魚幾乎要達成球員交易的消息,在此交易中,我們可以 獲得 Baldelli或 Crawford。我個人認為 Lidge沒辦法像過去那樣叱吒 風雲了。 You did not hear that the Astros were close to a deal with the Devil Rays. You also did not hear that the Astros would get either Baldelli or Crawford in return. You did read a bunch of speculative hooey from media reports suggesting the two could make interesting trade partners. There was never a single quote from either club that suggested they were anywhere close to making a deal. The notion that the Devil Rays would ever consider trading Crawford, a five-tool bonafide superstar in the making, for Lidge, is ridiculous. 問︰你並未聽到太空人和魔鬼魚雙方幾近達成的交易。你也沒有真的聽 見太空人會換來 Baldelli或 Crawford。你看到的是記者那邊暗示雙方 實行的有趣交易,這一些不切實的胡說八到。根本沒有任何一方球團表 是交易將抵定的消息。 關於魔鬼魚打算拿五項全能明星 Crawford交易 Lidge的說法實在太荒謬 了。 If the Astros felt they were only being offered 50 cents on the dollar for Lidge at last year's trade deadline, then they're probably looking at about 10 cents on the dollar at this point. He's a sixth-inning guy who doesn't come into games when the Astros are trying to protect a close lead. He's also making $5 million with no guarantee he's going to ever close games again. Yes, many teams contacted the Astros, just in case they were interested in talking trade. The Astros probably figure there was more value just keeping Lidge and hoping he can be a factor in the bullpen than they would get trading him. So, Lidge stays. 去年交易截止日前,如果太空人覺得只能被以五十分的價值換 Lidge,那他們可能 只可以找到10分的。現在他是六局上場的中繼投手,太空人若要守住些微領先, 是不會讓他上場的。他的五百萬年薪也不能保證他還能重回關門的工作。 沒有錯,很多球隊為防萬一,跟太空人接觸,他們對商談交易興致勃勃。 太空人可能會發現,把 Lidge留在隊上擔任後援投手會比將他交易走要好。 所以 Lidge就被留下來了。 I have been wondering why the Astros don't seek psychological counseling for Lidge. I truly believe it would help him a lot. I heard that John Smoltz had a similar problem and was helped by some sort of counselor, and that Phil Garner knows about him. Why don't they give this a try? I truly feel Lidge's problem is psychological. I hate to see his career ruined this way. How do you feel about this? -- Sandra H., Publa, Mexico 問︰我一直很納悶太空人怎麼不幫 Lidge安排心理諮商。相信在 這樣的安排下,對他會有很大的幫助。聽說 Smoltz也有類似的困擾 ,然而在諮商師的幫助下,改善了許多,而且 Garner也知道的。 為什麼不試試看呢?我認為 Lidge現在的問體是心理方面的。不希 望他的職棒生涯就這樣毀了。對此妳覺得如何? Lidge could very well be seeing a sports psychologist. That doesn't mean the club has to make it public. If Lidge is seeking help, I would imagine he would want to keep it private. I have no idea whether he is or isn't seeing someone, and that's OK. Not everything needs to be public fodder. 答︰ Lidge看了運動心理治療師後,狀況一定可以大大增進。但這不 代表球團就要把這種事情公開。如果 Lidge真的需要找心理師,我想 他會希望保密。我不知道他要不要找人進行心理建設,但那都沒問 題。不是什麼事都要向大家公開的。 If Jason Jennings has had elbow problems since he played in Colorado, why didn't he speak up? Do you think the Astros would have called off the trade if they knew about Jason's elbow? It's kind of disappointing to see Jennings on the disabled list, but I think it is great to see Matt Albers called up. -- Alex R., Hong Kong 問︰倘若 Jennings在洛磯隊時,手肘就有問題,為什麼他不告知呢? 你想要是太空人早就知道 Jason有手傷,他們會否決這樁交易嗎?看到 Jennings在傷兵名單有點失望,但是看到 Albers被升上來了感覺很棒。 Yes, Jennings' admission that his elbow issues started last June was somewhat disconcerting. But I think the Astros looked at Jennings' history, saw that he had never been on the disabled list for arm-related issues and trusted that any lingering aches and pains wouldn't be enough to prevent him from pitching a full season. 答︰沒錯, Jennings坦承手傷從去年六月就開始困擾他了。不過我想 太空人著眼的是 Jennings過往的歷史,清楚知道過去他從未因手臂之類 的問題進傷兵名單,而且相信手部持續性的疼痛不會影響到他投滿整季。 If Jennings comes back in a week or so and makes 28-30 starts this year without any issues, then no harm done. But if this lingers, the trade certainly won't look so good. 如果 Jennings一週左右內回來,或者今年能先發個28-30場,沒出任何問題 那就沒啥傷害。但如果傷痛仍舊纏身,和洛磯的這筆交易看來可就愚蠢至 極了。 I guess it's probably a good thing the Astros didn't sign him long-term during Spring Training. 我猜想太空人春訓時不跟他簽長約可能是好事。 Alyson Footer is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. ============= 沒翻好的部份 我再修改 -- ~ 你對世界如何發問,世界就如何回答你 ~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mysunny 來自: (05/01 19:19)
googoodoll:果然這兩個廢物目前已經觸犯眾怒,自己看著辦吧。 05/01 19:54
FreeFly:肥仔對高層冰住Burke大表不爽 但諷刺的是他卻是Burke 05/01 20:54
FreeFly:被冰在板凳的原因 XDD 正死肥仔超囧 XDDDD 05/01 20:56
謝謝 FreeFly的指正^^
FreeFly:確實兩肥表現的如果很好 Burke的壞表現可以容忍久一點 05/01 20:57
FreeFly:胖胖拉: 你要是來當Closer 我就叫他先發 老克: 囧rz 05/01 21:11
Onassis:看到就推~ 克勞福換力矩?小魚不會這麼笨吧! 05/01 21:30
※ 編輯: mysunny 來自: (05/01 22:04)
balado:換得到有鬼 保大力跟克勞佛都是好物 拿寶哥可能都換不到 05/01 22:28
googoodoll:寶哥? 哪根蔥? 他這種咖小也只可能在太空人打第五棒。 05/01 22:49
Byzantine:魔鬼魚那兩支要歐斯華特才換的到吧 =..= 05/01 23:22