看板 Astros 關於我們 聯絡資訊
05/14/2007 2:37 PM ET Mailbag: Will Houston welcome Rocket? Reporter Alyson Footer answers Astros fans' questions By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處 http://myurl.com.tw/92od Is there any way that the Astros can or will back out of the 10-year personal-services contract that they have with Roger Clemens? I think I am speaking for the majority of fans in Houston when I say I don't care what he can offer or if he wants to come back next year. -- Tim M., Houston 問︰太空人能不能和 Clemens終止十年個人服務合約?我不在乎 他的貢獻或明年回來與否,我這麼問是為休士頓眾多球迷發聲。 I've received many e-mails such as yours, Tim, so don't take this as picking on you -- but that's the silliest thing I've heard since, "Why can't Jeff Bagwell just throw left-handed?" Come on, how many times did our parents tell us, "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face?" 答︰Tim, 我這回收到很多封跟你一樣意見的 e-mails,因此千萬 別以為我特別選你,不過你提出的建議是我聽過最愚蠢的動作 了。像『為什麼 Bagwell不改用左手傳球?』這之類的。拜託, 爹媽不是講很多次,『不要賭氣傷害自己』嗎? I know a lot of you are upset that Clemens signed with the Yankees, and I don't blame you. And I'm not here to try and change anyone's mind, because you're entitled to your opinions. But let's look at the big picture. Clemens never promised the Astros that he'd finish his career here, and we all knew that there was a strong chance that he could return to the Yankees. 我知道很多球迷對 Clemens回到洋基感到失望,然而我不會責 怪你。在此我不是要改變任何人的想法,因為你有資格表達個 人看法。大體來看, Clemens從未跟太空人承諾會在此退休, 而且眾所皆知,他回到洋基投球的機率很高。 But to suggest that the Astros should try to cancel the personal-services contract is shortsighted and unrealistic. First of all, it's already paid for, and I can't imagine any scenario where Clemens' agents are going to write a check to the Astros. But even if this was a refundable agreement, why in the world would the Astros not want Clemens in the organization when he retires? 但是建議太空人應中止他的個人服務合約實在目光短淺又不切 實際。第一,錢已經有付了,而且我無法想像 Clemens的經紀 人會開張支票給太空人。就算可以退費吧,為什麼 Clemens退 休,太空人就不能延攬他來組織效力呢? We're talking about one of baseball's best pitchers, ever. Clemens is going on 24 years of Major League experience, and he's reached the highest level of excellence. I've watched him work with these young kids, both during the Elite Camp and at Spring Training. He's absolutely genuine about his passion for working with young pitchers, and he takes it very seriously. He'll be a great coach or instructor or whatever he wants to be someday. 我們現在正談論的是棒球界最頂尖的投手之一。 Clemens要邁向 大聯盟第24年,而且他也達到登峰造極的地位。我在巨投營與春 訓見他和小老弟們一同練球。跟這些年輕投手一同練習,他絕對 熱情洋溢,而且態度認真。未來他一定是個好教練或指導者,或 者就算他以後想幹什麼,都可以很優秀。 If he doesn't do it with the Astros, he'll do it with someone else. The Astros would be crazy to cut off their relationship with him because of the recent turn of events. 要是他無意留在太空人提供服務,要到別隊去。太空人會因後續 轉變與他撕破臉。 One more word on Clemens, and I promise this mailbag is the last time I'll talk about him. I know Clemens' departure has stung a lot of Astros fans, but I think we need to take a step back and acknowledge what a tremendous impact he had on this organization. He, along with Andy Pettitte, were right in th middle of things when the Astros won their only National League pennant in 2005. Clemens provided some of the most exciting moments in franchise history, and I think we can all agree that it was a pleasure to watch him pitch, especially considering where he ultimately fits in baseball history. 我再囉唆幾句跟 Clemens相關的話,我保證這期郵包是最後一次談論 他了。我清楚 Clemens的轉隊傷了很多太空人球迷的心,但我想我們 必須回想與承認他對這個組織的重大影響。 太空人在2005贏得唯一的國聯冠軍時,他跟 Pettitte在隊上。 Clemens 付出隊史上其中幾次激昂的時刻,我們都同意看他投球是種享受,尤 其想到他多麼適合站在棒球舞臺上。 I know this Yankees situation happened fast and took everyone by surprise, but trust me, no one in the Astros' clubhouse is hanging their heads over it. The players are glad it's been resolved, and while most of them would have been happy if Clemens had re-signed with Houston, most knew it was a long-shot. They're glad the final decision has been made so they can get back to business without the will-he-or-won't-he distraction. 我知道和洋基簽約的消息突如其來讓人措手不及,但相信我,太空人球 團沒人感到悲慘。球員們都很樂見這個問題已經解決,但要是 Clemens 能跟太空人續約,他們會更加高興,雖然機會渺茫。 他們很高興塵埃落定,這樣就可恢復平靜,不用因他是否要續約而搞的 雞飛狗跳。 I had to chuckle at Clemens' announcement from George Steinbrenner's suite at Yankee Stadium. I half-expected him to break with "Don't Cry For me Argentina." No one ever said that Rocket doesn't love the spotlight. 我必須因 Clemens在洋基球場 Steinbrenner的包廂中宣佈回到洋基的作 法感到好笑。我期望他能突破電影〝阿根廷,別為我哭泣〞的場景。 沒有人說過火箭人討厭鎂光燈的追逐。 What are the Astros planning to do in the 2007 First-Year Player Draft? Will they receive supplementary picks for the losses of Pettitte and Clemens? -- Keith S., Houston 問︰太空人在2007年選秀打算挑誰?簽不到 Pettitte與 Clemens ,他們可以從選秀中得到什麼補償? The Astros will not receive anything for Pettitte and Clemens, because they didn't offer them arbitration. They also lost several draft picks when they signed "Type A" free agents Carlos Lee and Woody Williams. So the Astros' first pick won't come until the third round -- the 112th pick overall. The team's philosophy has always been to pick the best player available rather than look to fill positional needs, and I'd expect the same thing this year. 答︰太空人不會因為沒簽下 Pettitte與 Clemens而在選秀會獲得補 償,因為他們沒對兩位球員提出仲裁。他們也因為簽下 Type A 的自由球員 Lee與 Williams而失去前幾輪的選秀權。 所以太空人要到第三輪,第112順位才能選人。球隊的作法是選實 力最好的新秀而不是填補漏洞,我希望今年也依照這樣的模式。 How long will it be before the Astros give up on Hunter Pence and send him back down? I'm a big Pence fan and would like to see the Astros give him enough time to figure it all out, but Houston management seems somewhat impatient lately and I'm afraid they're going to send him back down before he really gets a chance. -- Austin G., Dallas 問︰太空人放棄 Pence,把他送回小聯盟前,會有多久?我是 Pence的超級粉絲,希望太空人能給他足夠的時間表現,但是太 空人管理階層最近似乎有些沒耐心,所以我擔心在他大鳴大 放前,就被送回小聯盟了。 Pence would have to completely fall on his face for the Astros to give up on him. Who plays center if they ship him out? They already gave up on Chris Burke, and it wouldn't make any sense to bring up a center fielder who is behind Pence in the pecking order such as Josh Anderson. My guess is that Pence -- who even if he struggles offensively still brings speed and defense to the table -- is here to stay. 答︰ Pence必須讓太空人完全失望,才會被放棄。如果把他送回小聯 ,誰要守中外野?他們已經放棄了 Burke,但這不代表就要升上 實力劣於 Pence像 Josh Anderson之類的球員。我認為 Pence 還是會留下來,就算他打擊陷入低潮,他仍有速度跟守備。 Manager Phil Garner said that they're going to stick with Pence. It is a shame they didn't say the same about Burke, who was demoted. The kind thing to do is to let him go to a team who will appreciate him. -- Rita A., Village Mills, Texas 問︰總教練 Garner說他們會重用 Pence。對於被下放小聯盟的 Burke沒說同樣的話,實在讓人遺憾。現在最慈悲的事就是 給他轉到一支願意賞識他的隊伍去。 Certainly, the best thing for Burke would be to be traded to another team where he could be a starter on the Major League level. But is that the best thing for the organization? If the Astros do truly intend to make him the second baseman when Craig Biggio is finished, then they need to hang on to him. I'm not sure what they're thinking anymore. 答︰當然,現在對 Burke最好的安排就是把他交易到一支可以讓 他擔任先發的隊伍。但這樣對整個組織是最完善的作法?如 果太空人真的願意在 Biggio退休後,讓他接掌二壘手的工作 ,那他們就要把他給留住。 我不確定他們是否這樣想。 Here's the problem: when you have a young player who you envision as a starter, eventually, then he has to play regularly. If he can't play regularly, he has to go somewhere where he can -- the Minor Leagues. For those of you who want the Astros to release Orlando Palmeiro and promote Burke, keep in mind that Burke, in Palmeiro's role, would be receiving one at-bat per game, if he's lucky, and would rarely play in the field. Plus, Burke has no experience pinch-hitting, so how effective would he be? 現在問題是︰你有個未來希望他擔任先發的新秀,那麼他必須 天天先發上場。假如他不能先發,他就必須被放到可以每天上 場的地方-小聯盟。 你們要太空人釋出 Palmeiro和升上 Burke的球迷需注意, , Burke如果擔任 Palmeiro的位置,一場比賽只有一個打席而 已,如果幸運的話,還可以上場守一下下。 再說, Burke沒有代打的經驗,所以他會有多少幫助? The whole situation stinks for Burke. I'm sure he never imagined when he was drafted in 2001 that six years later he'd still be behind Biggio on the depth chart. But it is what it is, and now that Mark Loretta, a veteran and career .300 hitter, is here, Burke is third in line. You can't blame him for being disappointed about how things have worked out so far. 所有的狀現況都不利於 Burke。我相信2001年他被選進球隊時會 想不到六年後,地位還是排在 Biggio下。但事實就是如此,現在 生涯打擊率 .300的老將 Loretta來了, Burke更是被擠到第三位。 你不能因為對目前發展失望而怪罪他。 What do you think will be the projected date for Biggio's 3,000th hit? I've heard June 19, but I think it will be later, say about June 29 because of all the American League road games the Astros have to play in June. What's your best guess? -- Ellyn C., Pearland, Texas 問︰你覺得 Biggio大概在哪天會打出3000安?我聽說應該是在6/19,可是 我覺得還會再晚一點,差不多在 6/29,因為六月份太空人面對的美聯 隊都是客場。那你認為最可能的時刻是? I don't think facing AL pitching will be detrimental to NL hitters. It's usually the opposite -- AL hitting is typically superior, and therefore, it's the NL pitchers who often suffer. I don't expect any major drops in averages when the Astros begin Interleague Play. 問︰我認為對國聯打者來說,面對美聯投手未必不利。情況通常是相反的。 美聯的打者實力非常頂尖,所以國聯的投手通常會遭到轟炸。我不希 望太空人在跨聯盟比賽戰績一洩千里。 When the season started, Biggio was projected to reach 3,000 milestone on June 19, which was when he logged his 70th hit of the season in '06. Then he slowed down to a snail's crawl for a couple of weeks, pushing the projected date to around July 5 or 6. 球季開始時, Biggio預計在6/19達到3000安的里程碑,這是照他在06 年當時打到第70支安打的時候推估的。可是他有陣子步調放慢像蝸牛般, 所以讓預定日要等到在 7/5或7/6的時候。 But Biggio has heated up lately, and he's 34 hits away from 3,000. Based on his production so far, he's on pace to reach the big hit around June 25 or 26. The team will be in Milwaukee, wrapping up a three-city, nine-game road trip. 然而 Biggio最近棒子發燙,只差34支安打就能達到3000安。以他目前的 貢獻來看,大約在6/25或6/26就可到達這重大的一刻。該時要在三個城市 作客九場,對手應是釀酒人。 But I'm guessing he'll get the hit at home. The Astros begin a long 11-game homestand to end the first half, and all it'll take is Garner giving Biggio an extra couple of games off in the coming weeks to make sure that hit happens at Minute Maid Park. 不過我猜 Biggio會在主場打出3000安。上半季結束前,太空人會在主場 進行11場比賽,所以 Garner會讓 Biggio休息個幾場,以確定能讓他在 Minute Maid Park達到3000安紀錄。 Last year, the Astros sent down Jason Lane when he had a .205 batting average. At what point does Adam Everett get the same treatment? Loretta can easily step in and provide plenty of offense and adequate defense, and Bruntlett can be called up as the utility guy. -- Bert S., New Orleans 問︰去年 Lane打擊率剩下 .205時,太空人將他下放至小聯盟。照這樣看, 是不是要讓 Everett接受同等安排? Loretta的實力能夠輕易取代他的 地位,而且還可以提供相當的火力支援與足夠守備,而且也可以把 Bruntlett升上來當工具人。 Everett, as I'm sure many of you have heard me say before, is the best defensive shortstop in baseball, so I doubt we'll be seeing him shipped out to Triple-A anytime soon. If he can get his average up to around .240, that'll be enough. 答︰關於 Everett這傢伙,我相信你們很多人之前就聽我解釋過了,他是 球界守備最精湛的游擊手之一,所以我認為不能即刻見到他被送往3A。 如果他能把打擊率拉升到 .240左右,那就夠了。 From what I'm hearing, the club isn't entirely comfortable with Loretta at short. He'll get a start there every once in a while, but I wouldn't expect to see it very often. 據我所知,球團還不放心 Loretta守游擊。他有時候是可以先發守游 擊啦,但我希望可別太常。 Historically, Everett produces his best results in June and July, so stay tuned. 從過往紀錄來看, Everett在六月、七月表現不錯,所以請繼續觀賞! Alyson Footer is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. ========== 嗯 沒翻好的部份 我再修改 -- 教育是演藝事業 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
goopa:翻的很流暢! 推! 05/15 17:04
Onassis:翻一篇就推一篇 05/15 18:03
balado:翻得很好阿 推 05/15 18:19
zhengwei:m大的報導翻譯文是我的精神食糧 05/15 19:37
dimhdp10:"cut off your nose to spite your face"較常翻作 05/16 02:04
dimhdp10:"不要和自己過意不去" 好像是這樣吧 05/16 02:04
我知道是[別和自己過不去],當初想翻『不要賭氣傷害自己』 是因為我認為 Alyson Footer希望該名球迷要有風度 若雙方就此鬧僵,說不定以後就不能合作 -->所以我就想翻白話點...或許我多此一舉
dimhdp10:"Why in the world ..."這句我覺怪怪的 第一次看到這用法 05/16 02:07
剛剛問我的念外文的同學,他說"Why in the world ..."是加強語氣
dimhdp10:"turn of event" 沒翻到的樣子 :p 05/16 02:11
dimhdp10:"One more word..." 這行後面漏了個l跟talk 05/16 02:12
dimhdp10:"I know this Yankees situation ..." 後面也有漏 05/16 02:14
dimhdp10:"drops in averages" 我猜應該是打擊率的下跌? 05/16 02:28
我會想猜[戰績變爛],因為比較符合前後文的感覺耶 但是很不確定說
dimhdp10:今天心情被別的事情弄得很煩所以看這篇時比較認真 XD 05/16 02:32
不會不會, d大您很用心,不覺得您囉唆,看到您的細心指正, 讓我感到自己太隨便,日後要更加仔細,才不會丟臉> < ※ 編輯: mysunny 來自: (05/16 22:58)
muxiv: "One more w http://yofuk.com 07/02 16:48