看板 Astros 關於我們 聯絡資訊
05/28/2007 2:30 PM ET Mailbag: Will Astros shake things up? Beat reporter Alyson Footer answers Astros' fans questions By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處 http://myurl.com.tw/h4et All right, friends ... fire away. I'm not going to insult anyone's intelligence by stating the obvious about how the Astros are playing lately. Feel free to vent, but please, fight the urge to ask about any trade rumors involving Lance Berkman. He's got a full no-trade clause and has no desire to leave the state of Texas for any reason other than to play road games. He's not going anywhere. 好了,各位朋友,我們開始吧。接下來我不是要就最近太空人的戰 績來數落任何人的表現。大家請自在發洩情緒吧,但拜託,不要理會那個要 交易 Berkman的傳聞。他的合約中有禁止交易條款,而且本人也沒有想離開 德州的意思,除非是到客場出賽,另當別論。所以他不會轉隊的。 With all the other teams, it seems that when a team struggles this bad, as the Astros are now, they begin talks about changing the manager. When will the Astros start considering that? I am not much of a Phil Garner fan. I think is about time for the Astros to start calling some one else skipper? How about Cecil Cooper? -- Patricia E., Houston 問︰如同別隊的處理,好像一支球隊戰績不佳,像現在的太空人,球團 就會尋思要更換總教練。太空人什麼時候要考慮考慮?我不怎麼喜歡 Garner。我想太空人是不是該更換總教練了呢?讓 Cooper做做看如何? If you all had your way, club owner Drayton McLane would dismiss Garner, general manager Tim Purpura and hitting coach Sean Berry, as well as release Jason Lane, Morgan Ensberg, Brad Ausmus, Adam Everett and Orlando Palmeiro. That's a lot of cash going to people asked not to work. 答︰如果都遵照球迷的意見來做,球團老闆 McLane就得要辭掉 Garner、總管 胖胖拉、打擊教練 Berry、還要釋出表現不好 Lane、寶哥、 Ausmus、 Everett、Palmeiro。那會有很多人都要被開除了。 While I don't always agree with Garner's strategies or his lineups, I cannot believe this is entirely his fault. I don't get the impression he's lost the clubhouse, as Jimy Williams had at the time of his dismissal, and overall, I don't think his in-game moves are the reason the Astros are losing. 我並不全然同意 Garner的戰術執行或打線順序,但這不該怪他。我也認為 他被炒魷魚不會像 Williams當初的情形那樣。總體而言,他的場上調度 並不是太空人輸球的唯一原因。 I was growing impatient with Garner's insistence on batting Craig Biggio leadoff, but after watching the Diamondbacks series, I see he's not averse to dropping Biggio to sixth. That's good. I can't fault Garner for Berkman's now two-month slump. Who could have predicted that would happen? 對於 Garner老讓 Biggio打一番,我越來越不能忍受,但是在與響 尾蛇隊的系列賽,我看他終於把 Biggio拉到第六棒去。那真是大快 人心。像 Berkman這兩個月打那麼差,我不能歸咎於 Garner。誰能預料事 情會到這種地步? What it boils down to is this -- this lineup has very little margin for error. The club took a risk by giving Luke Scott the everyday duties in right field, based on a half-season of production last year. They took an even bigger risk by assuming Lane and Ensberg would be more productive than they were last year. They had uncertainties in center, considering Chris Burke was a) playing out of position and b) hitting at the wrong place in the order. 目前打線的安排實在有點問題,要歸結什麼原因呢。球團冒著僅看 去年半季表現的風險讓 Scott擔任右外野先發。他們冒更大的風險假設 Lane 跟 Ensberg今年會比去年好。球團對中外野的人選也不確定,我 們想想看, 其實 Burke a)守備位置不得其所 b)打線棒次也不適合。 What does this mean? Carlos Lee and Berkman have to produce, all the time, all season. Lee has been great. Berkman has been terrible. And without Berkman, this team will not win. If he has a bad season, is it Garner's fault? 這一切代表什麼? 黑白雙肥的打擊得整季持續有量產才行。 黑肥打的很不 錯。白肥的成績就不堪入目了。不過這支球隊沒白肥是不會贏球的。如果 他有個表現低潮的球季,這是 Garner的錯嗎? This offense is anemic yet again, besides Hunter Pence and Lee. Is Berry's job as batting coach on the hot seat? We can't make a late run every season. -- Donnie B., Fayetteville, Ark. 問︰除了 Pence跟黑肥,這支球隊的攻擊火力又再次積弱不振。 打擊教練 Berry 的飯碗搖搖欲墜了嗎?我們總不能每季都到後來才奮勇直追吧。 If the Astros were to dismiss Berry this year, that would give them three hitting coaching changes in four years. They parted ways with Harry Spilman in '04 and promoted Gary Gaetti, and last year, they dismissed Gaetti and brought in Berry. At some point, we're going to have to look to spreading the blame around a little. This is on everyone -- McLane, Purpura, Garner, the coaches and the players. 答︰如果太空人今年要 Berry走人,那他們在四年就換 3個打擊教練了。太空人 在04分別用了 Spilman,接著是 Gaetti,而去年他們辭掉 Gaetti,聘請 Berry。現在我們要分散失敗的焦點。這是每個人都有負責的--像 McLane、 Garner、各教練以及球員。 Not to sound like a broken record, but again, if Berkman doesn't produce, this team is not going to win. Period. 這聽來不太算破紀錄,不過我們還是要再說一遍,如果 Berkman打擊沒表現, 這支球隊不會贏球。就這樣。 Pence has proven his speed, batting versatility, and all-around offensive capability. He has many infield hits, and has a great on-base percentage. So why have the Astros not moved him to the leadoff spot? -- Michael M., St. Louis 問︰ Pence現在已經證明他擁有速度、打擊實力,以及精湛的守備。他用腳程 跑了無數支內野安打,也有絕佳的上壘率。所以太空人為什麼不讓他擔任 開路先鋒呢? Yes, absolutely, by moving Pence to the leadoff spot, that would clear a space for that crop of really viable candidates just itching to hit in the five-hole. You know who I'm talking about -- those three or four really, really talented clutch hitters who would be a perfect fit hitting behind Berkman and Lee. Kidding. Put Pence in the leadoff spot and who hits fifth? Take your pick -- there are any number of hitters on this team who are entirely capable of hitting under .200 and stranding baserunners. Really, wouldn't you rather Pence hit fifth for now? He's one of two players actually hitting the ball with any consistency. 答︰是呀,說的一點也不錯,把 Pence拉到第一棒的話,將會清出空間給一批 有資格足以打五棒的人選。你一定了解我說的是哪幾位---那三、四個有天 份,棒次最適宜排在 Berkman與 Lee之後,關鍵時刻能一棒將隊友送回的 打者。 我只是開玩笑啦!要是給 Pence擔任開路先鋒的話,誰打第五棒?以下給 你選好了。--這支球隊目前有數名打者,打擊率在 .200以下,打擊陷入低 潮。事實上,你還要不要讓 Pence打五棒呢? 他是隊上兩名真的能維持打擊火力的球員之一。 Now, that being said, I suppose I wouldn't have a problem with Pence hitting leadoff, Lamb second and Mark Loretta fifth. But that would mean Lamb and Loretta will have to continue to start on an everyday basis, and I'm just not sure the bench can compensate for their absence. The late-game pinch-hitting options are pretty slim as it stands. 現在,就這麼說吧,我希望自己對 Pence打一棒、Lamb二棒而 Loretta五棒 的安排沒有疑慮。可這樣就意謂 Lamb與 Loretta每天都先發囉,我可不確定 板凳上有人可以補起缺空。球賽後半段代打啟用的選擇性就變小了。 After his demotion, it sure seemed like it took the Astros a while before we saw Brad Lidge get any regular innings. However, it seems like he's only gotten better since. Do you think he will reclaim his closer role this year based on his recent performance compared to Dan Wheeler? -- Ryan P., Winston Salem, N.C. 問︰在 Lidge被拔掉,我們見到他投球穩定前,似乎花了太空人一段時間。 然而到目前看來,他的表現已漸入佳境。以 Lidge最近跟 Wheeler的表 現來看,你認為他能重登 CL的寶座嗎? When Garner took Lidge out of the closer's role early in April, he said if Wheeler was doing well as the closer, he would be inclined to keep it that way, regardless of how Lidge performed. I would venture to guess Garner still feels that way. 答︰四月初 Garner將 Lidge從 CL位置拔掉時,他說要是 Wheeler CL 幹的不錯,不論 Lidge未來表現如何,都會讓他繼續負責這個位置。 我大膽推測 Garner現在還這樣想。 Of course, it's been so long since the bullpen has been called upon to protect a lead, I'm trying to remember what it was like when Wheeler was actually entering games in save siutations. If I remember correctly, he was doing quite well, back in the good old days. 當然,牛棚能夠守住領先不放火,已經有一段日子了,我盡量記起 Wheeler 在有救援機會上場時的場景。如果我沒記錯的話,他投的很棒,讓我們回到 過去牛棚的穩定。 Burke is a household favorite here. Any idea when he will return to the Astros? -- Sasah S., College Station, Texas 問︰ Burke可說是休士頓這兒的師奶殺手。有沒有關於他何時回太空人隊的消息? Wish I knew. I'd call Burke and give him a heads up, I'm sure he's wondering, too. My guess is Burke will come back up when there is a spot for him to hit and play where he belongs -- at the top of the order, at second base. Right now, those spots are occupied. 答︰希望我本人清楚會在什麼時候。我會打電話給 Burke並好好鼓勵他。 我確定他一定也這麼想。我想 Burke回來的時候,是隊上有符合他 守的位置---當開路先鋒、守二壘。目前這些位置都有人佔著。 Burke is hitting .191 at Round Rock, by the way. 順便跟你說一下, Burke目前在 Round Rock的打擊率是 .191。 Has there been talk about Woody Williams retiring this year? I respect the guy because he is from Houston, living the dream, pitching for the Astros. But I hate to see him constantly struggling every time he goes on the mound. -- Ray, Beaumont, Texas 問︰有消息說 Williams今年會退休嗎?因為他是休士頓人,從小夢想為太空 人效力,所以我敬重他。但是我討厭每次看他在投手丘上被打爆。 Williams is signed through next year, so I wouldn't expect any retirement announcements in the near future. Williams has said he's in the worst stretch of his career. It's hard to say if it's because of bad luck, bad pitching or age -- he'll be 41 in August. I don't want to write him off just yet because he's had such success in his career, and he did well as early as last season with the Padres. He received a cortisone shot in his elbow earlier this season and I'm assuming he hasn't had any more health-related issues since. But do I know that for sure? No. 答︰Williams的合約簽到明年,所以我想近期不會見到他宣布退休。據 Williams 說現在是他職業生涯表現最爛的時候。很難說是否因運氣不佳、投球太鳥或 年齡老化所致--八月份他就要滿41歲了。 因為他過去的成功,而且去年球季在教士隊投的很好,所以我不會對他失去 信心。球季之初它的手肘有注射可體松,而我相信到目前他沒有什麼健康問 題。不過我能保證沒問題嗎?那可不一定。 The club signed him as their No. 3 starter, but I think we all knew deep down that at this stage of his career, he was better suited to be a four or five. 球團簽他來擔任第三號先發,但我想大家心知肚名,在他職業生涯這個階 段,擔任第四或五號先發比較恰當。 If Loretta can play second base, shortstop and third base, why not try him in right field? It would be nice to have someone with an on-base percentage like his in the lineup every day. It seems like we could have him playing every day if we could rotate him at all the above mentioned positions. -- Mason M., New Braunfels, Texas 問︰如果 Loretta可以守二壘、游擊、三壘的話,為什麼不要讓他守右外野呢? 先發打線上有個像他一樣高上壘率的球員,一定會很棒。要是我們能讓他輪 流守上面所提的位置,似乎就可讓他天天先發上場。 Loretta is a lot of things -- clutch hitter, good fielder, veteran presence, nice guy. Otfielder he is not. Let's keep him in the infield. 答︰ Loretta擁有許多能力 -- 能適時將隊友打回本壘,守備精湛、經驗 老道、是個好人。但在外野就不是了。所以我們還是把他留在內野。 Is there a rhyme or reason to the frequent Astros wardrobe changes? They seem to be wearing the red "softball" jerseys all the time on the road these days, and never the classic road gray. Is there a reason? Those red jerseys aren't too classy. Save them for batting practice and Spring Training. -- Carter, Los Angeles 問︰太空人隊服的換穿有無什麼邏輯性?最近在客場,他們似乎一直穿著那件 紅色'壘球'球衣,從未穿過那件經典的灰色客場。這有什麼原因嗎?那些 紅色球衣並沒多有歷史。還是把它留在打擊練習或春訓時再來穿。 The Astros wear the red jerseys on the road for two reasons -- the material is lighter and therefore more comfortable during the hot summer months, and McLane likes them. 答︰太空人在客場穿紅色球衣是因為兩個理由---這件球衣的材質比較輕,而且 在炎熱的夏天出賽,身體會比較舒服,而且老闆 McLane喜歡。 Alyson Footer is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. ====================== 如果有什麼翻不好的地方 我再修, THX! 很不好意思 老是粗心 還好有細心版友 -- Geography is everywhere. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mysunny 來自: (05/29 16:45)
googoodoll:我的媽呀,連球衣都有球迷在幹譙了,會不會太好笑 -_- 05/29 19:01
poplin:球隊戰績差 連球衣看起來都變難看了 XD 05/29 19:10
googoodoll:其實我蠻早之前有想過要mail一個問題給front office: 05/29 19:18
googoodoll:請問太空人何時把中外野的小丘給剷平讓死胖子在那個位 05/29 19:19
googoodoll:置拿一座金手套呢?... -_- 05/29 19:19
poplin:有丘才能讓肥仔站中外娛樂觀眾啊 05/29 19:31
balado:原來每個球迷都希望砍掉一堆罪臣 可以砍一大半了 05/29 21:33
googoodoll:有大聯盟球隊移師台灣轉戰CPBL的八卦嗎? 05/29 22:52
FreeFly:顯然他已經濾掉很多白痴問題和提議了 國外有些討論版 05/30 01:39
FreeFly:在討論交易 白痴到不行 完全把別隊GM當白痴 05/30 01:41
FreeFly:例如打包寶哥 亞當 Lane Burke Lidge之類的一大包 05/30 01:42
FreeFly:去換一個頂級的球員 =.= 垃圾包大包一點也不會有人收的 05/30 01:43
FreeFly:還有人已經失去理智了 連Patton Towler都想賣 XD 05/30 01:45
poplin:我怎麼感覺Pupura可能會情急下作出很蠢的決定 -_- 05/30 01:59
dimhdp10:那些人真是瘋了 是忘記Hirsh+Buchholz+Taveraz的慘劇了嗎 05/30 01:59
dimhdp10:Patton跟Towlers是未來的投捕戰力啊 05/30 02:01
dimhdp10:不過Lidge應該是有人要啦 只是不大可能換到大物 05/30 02:02
balado:Towlers 應該還好吧 我記得還有2個不錯的捕手 05/30 02:12
balado:Hector Gimenez手廢了 Maxwell sapp 我比較看好這個 阻殺高 05/30 02:14
balado:如果把Patton包一包送走的話 我只會罵一聲 趕羚羊 沒左投了 05/30 02:25
balado:乾脆把自己包一包 送到別隊當球迷 可能會更好 05/30 02:31
dimhdp10:打包球迷大部分都沒問題 不過像g兄這樣大概別隊會拒收 XD 05/30 03:00
dimhdp10:砲火太猛烈了 XD 05/30 03:02
FreeFly:Sapp要ready最少要在三年 而且他體重要是減不下來 05/30 19:04
FreeFly:被搬到1B的可能性很大 05/30 19:05
FreeFly:他今年到目前為止連1轟都沒有 有點囧 XD 05/30 19:06
FreeFly:Towles加東西去可以賣 不過標的物只可以是Salty 05/30 19:15
FreeFly:Salty在勇士當板凳太可惜了 XD 05/30 19:16
muxiv: 砲火太猛烈了 XD http://yaxiv.com 07/02 16:50