看板 Astros 關於我們 聯絡資訊
06/25/2007 4:31 PM ET Mailbag: Any big trades on the horizon? Astros beat reporter Alyson Footer answers fans' questions By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處 http://0rz.tw/9e2LG The trade deadline is fast approaching. Do you think the Astros are going to make any moves that will turn some heads? I think in the postion we are in now, we have players currently in our system or on our roster (Morgan Ensberg, Jason Lane, Chris Burke, Brad Lidge, etc.) that we could get some quality starting pitching or a quality bat for in a trade. -- Jordan O., Jacksonville, Ark. 問︰交易截止日很快就到了。你認為太空人會有何動作改變陣 容呢?就我看目前的情形,我們農場或名單中(Ensberg、 Lane、Burke、Lidge...等) 有些球員可以拿去換不錯的投手 或打者。 Ensberg and Lane have no trade value. I have received dozens of e-mails over the last couple of months from readers who can't understand why the Astros don't trade those two for a quality starter. You cannot trade players who interest no one, and that's the case with Lane and Ensberg. 答︰Ensberg和 Lane沒啥交易的價值。最近幾個月我收到無數球迷 的e-mails,他們無法理解為何太空人不拿這兩位去交易個優質 的先發投手。你總不能交易個人家沒興趣的球員,像 Lane跟 Ensburg。 Burke has marginal trade value, but not as much as he did a couple of years ago. He'll be 28 in March and hasn't played in the big leagues on a consistent basis, so teams really wouldn't know what they're getting from a former prospect who hasn't proven himself in the big leagues. Burke還稍微有點交易的價值,但身價已不像幾年前那樣高。明年 3月他就28歲了,但是到目前他在大聯盟還是有一場沒一場的,所 以別隊真的不知道他們能從個尚未在大聯盟層級證明身價的前頂級 新秀中,得到什麼助益。 Lidge was the big trading chip, but he's out until at least the All-Star break, if not longer. If he's still on the shelf on July 31, forget about trading him. Lidge本來是交易中重要的籌碼,但是他現在掛傷號,假如不會太久 至少也要等到明星賽後,才能歸隊。如果在7/31日,他還躺傷兵名單 ,那就忘了交易他這件事吧。 And the Astros have little to offer from their Minor League system. In other words, don't expect any major blockbusters come July 31. 然而太空人隊還是有一滴滴小聯盟球員可拿出。換句話說,你們不用 期待7/31日有什麼大物會空降休士頓。 With the annual Adam Dunn rumors circulating, what would the Astros have to give up in order to get him? Also, statistically, wouldn't his strikeouts be more damaging to this lineup due to the struggles the team has had being consistent this year? -- Donnie B., Fayetteville, Ark. 問︰每年要交易 Adam Dunn的風聲不斷散播,如果太空人要把他換來,需 要付出什麼代價?另外,這支球隊打線長期便祕,由數據上來看,他 的三振數會不會讓整個窘境雪上加霜呢? Dunn's strikeouts would be a liability in this lineup, but it's his defense that makes him not a good fit for this Astros team. Let's say you put Dunn in right field -- they already have a subpar defender in Carlos Lee in left field. Add Dunn to the mix and the only above-average defender is Hunter Pence in center field. Dunn的三振數當然會讓整個打線不順,可重點在於他的守備與太空人 的八字不合。假設讓 Dunn守右外野好了,左外野已經有個守的七零 八落的 Lee了。再讓 Dunn加入陣容中,那守外野達水準以上的僅剩 中外野的 Pence。 Money is also an issue. Dunn is making $10.5 million this year and he has an option for $13 million in 2008. The option will be voided if he's traded, allowing for him to become a free agent after this season. 薪資亦是問題癥結。今年 Dunn的薪水是$10.5M,2008年他有$13M的 選擇權。要考慮到今年球季結束後,他就變成自由球員了,如果被交 易的話,該選擇權就無效。 So what we have is a career .248 hitter who threatens to strike out 200 times a year and a subpar outfielder who's not much better at first base. The Astros already have holes in their lineup and their overall defense ranks among the bottom in the league. Dunn is a good home run hitter and he does walk a lot, but I just don't see him as a good fit on this club. 所以我們擁有的是個生涯打擊率 .248的打者,他一年的三振數逼近200, 守外野跌跌撞撞,擔任1壘手也沒好到哪裡。太空人打線已不順暢,而 且在全聯盟守備排行還是倒數。 Dunn是個很頂尖的砲手,被保送的次數也相當多,但我可不認為他適合 這支球隊。 Lee is a proven RBI man. That being said, watching him jog to first base after he hits a ground ball is disheartening. Is what we have seen up to this point the new brand of Astros baseball? I started following this team back in the 1990s because of their gritty style of play, with the exception of Craig Biggio and Pence, I haven't seen much of that this season. -- Nate K., Las Vegas 問︰Lee的確是個灌分的強打。先說一下,每次看他擊出滾地球, 緩慢的跑向一壘,真的感到失望。我們現今看到的模樣是太空人隊 的新球風嗎?因為這支球隊在90年代打球的積極,我開始懷念過去 ,本季除了 Biggio跟 Pence在場上拼勁十足外,在其他人身上 看到的其實不多。 You are not the first person who has asked about this, and I agree with you, Lee's baserunning has been disappointing. 答︰你不是第一個提出該問題的球迷,我同意你的看法, Lee的跑壘 讓人覺得失望。 I understand there are times when someone hits a sharp grounder right to the shortstop or second baseman and it's a no-doubter, a sure out. Under those circumstances, I can excuse a player for running less than 100 percent down the line. 我了解有時候,打出二游方向強勁的滾地球無疑是出局了。在 這種情況下,我可以原諒他沒盡力跑壘。 But my argument is this: When you hit a medium-to-slow roller that looks like it will be a double-play ball, run hard. Make the fielder have to make a good play. Perhaps if the fielder sees someone running hard down the line, he'll be too hasty and perhaps bobble the ball or make a bad throw. 但我的責難在於說︰擊出軟弱滾地球,看來會雙殺,仍舊要拼命 跑壘。讓防守員得做出完善守備。如果防守員見到跑壘員這麼積極, 他會倉皇處理,也許會發生漏接或將球傳偏的情形。 Lee is a terrific hitter, and the Astros are getting what they paid for in that respect. But in terms of defense and baserunning, I've not been terribly impressed. Lee是個可怕的打者,而且太空人隊也值回票價。但從 Lee的守備 與跑壘來看,我是還沒極度悲觀。 I just saw that the Astros signed Chan Ho Park to a Minor League deal, and they are going to give him a shot. My question is, if he gets called up, who goes down and who gets moved out of the rotation? -- Dutin C., Huntsville, Texas 機會。我的疑問是,如果他被 called up上來,誰會被送下,哪位 投手會移出先發輪值? Let's not get ahead of ourselves. I am not counting on Park pitching a single inning for the Astros this year. He hasn't been effective since 2001, and by signing him to a Minor League deal, the Astros are able to take a look at him without making any significant financial commitments. 答︰我們先不用想這麼遠。我才不指望补贊浩今年能在太空人投個一局 呢。自從2001年後,他就沒那麼威了,而且和他簽下小聯盟合約, 少了巨約的加持,太空人可好好看他表現如何。 So far, Park's been very average. He had a bad first outing -- five runs over three innings -- and a better second outing, three runs over six innings. Park would have to be practically unhittable at Triple-A for the Astros to believe he would be a better option than Wandy Rodriguez, the only one of the starting five who's movable (no, they're not going to release Woody Williams, who's signed through next year and owed around $9 million at this point). 到目前為止,补贊浩表現普通。第一場先發差強人意--三局丟5分, 至於第二場先發還不錯,六局失3分。补贊浩在3A一定要持續有好表 現才能讓太空人信服,比起先發群唯一可動的中職霸主(可惡!太 空人不能釋出老無敵,他的合約簽到明年,薪資達$9M),是較佳 選擇。 Seeing how Rodriguez has been pitching lately, why would the Astros give up on him? 看到霸主最近的投球內容,太空人為什麼要放棄他呢? As much as I love Burke, he's not a power hitter. The only thing I really see him valuable for is his speed. He's never been much of a good hitter, much less a great one, so are the Astros considering looking into free agency next year for an everyday second baseman? -- Jason, Houston 問︰就像我愛 Burke的程度那樣深,他並不是個有 power的打者。他 唯一有價值的地方在於速度。他從未是個好打者,實力跟頂尖的 差遠了,所以太空人明年球季會找位自由球員擔任先發二壘手嗎? Burke was never considered to be a power hitter, he wasn't drafted as a power hitter, so he's not expected to be one. He's been tabbed as a top-of-the order doubles hitter who can steal bases. I believe the club still envisions him as the next second baseman. I don't know if that transition will happen this year or 2008. I also don't know what options the Astros will have this offseason on the trade and free-agent front. Nothing in baseball is guaranteed, so I cannot say with 100 percent certainty Burke will be at second base on Opening Day next year. But I think he deserves a chance. 答︰ Burke從未被視為強打,他被選進來也不是著眼於火力,因此他 不被期待變身為強打者。他被認定為前段棒次,擁有速度盜壘。 相信球團仍期望他為未來當家二壘手。不知今年或2008年是否會 有所轉變。我也不清楚太空人在 offseason會進行何種交易,以 及在自由球員市場的動作。 在棒球世界中,沒有什麼穩固保障,所以我無法百分百確定 Burke 是明年開幕戰的二壘手,但我認為他應得到機會。 When guys get hurt -- like Adam Everett's broken leg -- what's the deal with making road trips and being at Minute Maid Park during home games? Are they expected to be at all the games, or can they just stay at home and what not? -- Kate C., Norman, Okla. 問︰當球員受傷的時候,像是最近腿傷的 Everett,他們在客場以及 Minute Maid Park主場比賽時,怎麼辦?他們都要隨隊移動,還 是只要在主場出現等之類的呢? Everett wasn't on this road trip, mainly because he needs to stay off his feet as much as possible as the broken bone in his leg heals. Once he gets back on his feet and starts rehabbing, I would imagine he'll resume traveling with the team. He's not required to be at home games, but I would expect for him to be there when the team gets back to Houston. I would guess by now he's going out of his mind with boredom and I'm sure he'll embrace the opportunity to at least lend moral support to his teammates while he's not playing. 答︰Everett沒跟著移動到客場,主要因為他得盡量讓腳休息讓受傷的 骨頭癒合。一旦傷勢漸漸恢復並進行復健,他就可以開始隨隊出賽。 他不用在主場比賽出現,不過我希望當全隊回到休士頓出賽後,他 可以到球場。 我猜他現在一定很無聊,而我確信即使不能上場,他至少會把握機 會給隊友打氣。 Sometimes, whether or not an injured player travels with the team is up to management. Someone who's out for the year with an injury usually doesn't travel, because it's an extra cost the team doesn't want to absorb. But when a player is rehabbing, like Brandon Backe, he'll travel, because they need to be with the team's athletic trainers. 傷兵是否隨隊移動有時是取決於管理階層。掛傷一年的通常就不 隨隊,因為這是筆額外開銷,球隊不願負擔。不過進行復健的球 員,像 Backe,就會隨隊,因為他們需要運動傷害防護員的幫助。 Alyson Footer is a reporter for MLB.com. This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. ============= 若有翻錯部分 我再修 -- 教育是演藝事業 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mysunny 來自: (06/26 16:41)
FreeFly:是捨不得放棄霸主喔 不是要放棄霸主 ^Q^ 06/26 17:11
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