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07/30/2007 4:09 PM ET Mailbag: What's Lamb's trade value? Astros beat reporter Alyson Footer answers fans' questions By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處 http://0rz.tw/be2SH What would Mike Lamb's value be in a trade? Let's face it -- he's first base-only material and Lance Berkman has that spot locked up. -- James T., Houston 問︰在球員交易中, Lamb展現何樣價值呢?我們來看一看--他是隊上 僅有也可守一壘的球員,而且現在 Berkman坐穩這個位置。 With Ty Wigginton on board, the writing may be on the wall for Lamb. He's a free agent at the end of the season and, ideally, he wants to be a starting third baseman. The Astros obviously won't have that job available to him. That does not mean they wouldn't want him back as a backup option, but I doubt Lamb would sign up for that scenario. 答︰由於 Wigginton加入太空人行列,所以現在的情況對 Lamb不利。今年 球季結束他就成為自由球員,理想上,他想擔任的是先發三壘手。太空 人很顯然無法給他這個機會。但也不表示太空人就不打算讓他當替補野 手,然而我認為 Lamb本人應該不願接受這種方案。 I think there's still a moderate chance Lamb and/or Mark Loretta are traded before Tuesday's 3 p.m. CT deadline, but it's hard to gauge how serious the talks are right now. The Astros may be interested in signing Loretta beyond this year. That doesn't mean they can't deal him now and re-sign him in the offseason. If they're serious about playing Chris Burke regularly, and considering it looks like Craig Biggio will still start his fair share of games at second base at home for the remainder of the season, it seems a little silly to keep Loretta on this team. Eric Bruntlett can handle shortstop just fine in Adam Everett's absence. 我認為到星期二中央時間下午3點截止之前, Lamb與/或 Loretta仍舊有 恰當時機被交易出去,不過目前難以判定兩邊的商談到達何種程度。今 年結束過後,太空人可能有意和 Loretta簽約。不過也不代表太空人現在 就不對他做出其他安排,然後在 offseason時給他一紙合約。 如果太空人認真看待 Burke的先發,而且也考慮 Biggio在球季接下來 公平分擔守二壘,只在主場出賽的話,那讓 Loretta繼續留在隊上,似乎 是有點愚蠢的決定。 Bruntlett在 Everett因傷缺陣中替補守游擊表現稱職。 The Astros aren't going to get a lot for Loretta on the trade front because of his pending free agency, but if they can get a mid-level prospect, maybe they should pull the trigger. Same goes for Lamb. 交易 Loretta,太空人也不會獲利太多的,因為他即將成為自由球員。 不過要是能換來中等水準的新秀,也許就該促成。 Lamb的安排也是如 此。 Now that the Astros called up Hunter Pence, do we have any prospects besides Troy Patton? -- Travis B., Santa Fe, N.M. 問︰既然太空人升上 Pence,除了 Patton以外,我們還有其他的新人嗎? As far as top-flight prospects, Patton is probably it. The talent is thin, although I continue to hear good things about the pitching in the organization. Position-player wise, they don't have much in terms of players who can help them in the near future. They like outfielder Josh Anderson and catcher J.R. Towles, but I haven't heard anything that would indicate either is Major League ready. 答︰就目前的頂級新秀而言, Patton可能是。現在人才寥寥無幾,雖然我 持續聽到農場有投手表現不錯的訊息。野手的話,太空人近期是不會 有什麼堪用的。他們屬意外野手 Anderson與捕手 Towles,可是我看不 出有誰的表現可準備上大聯盟。 Do the Astros still see Matt Albers as a future big league starter? -- Brad S., Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. 問︰太空人還視 Albert為未來的大聯盟先發嗎? Absolutely, they do. I would imagine he'll be heavily in the mix of pitchers vying for starting jobs next Spring Training. During Spring Training this year, Albers was a long shot to earn one of the five spots, but next year, I would imagine he'll be one of the favorites. 答︰絕對還是啊。我相信明年春訓他必定是眾多爭取先發投手的一員。今年 春訓時,Albert還差的遠呢,不過明年我想他一定是有機會的人選。 Are the Astros willing to give up a prospect like Patton at the deadline for a big player? -- Brett A., Kentville, N.S. 問︰交易截止日前,太空人願意送出像 Patton這樣的新人以換取大 物來嗎? Heck no. They're in no position at all to mortgage the future in order to get better this year. They're not going to contend for the postseaon this year, and they must look to 2008. Patton could be a big part of next year, and beyond. 答︰絕絕對對不可能。太空人現在並不會為了要提升球隊戰績,就以 未來做抵押。他們也沒有去拼季後賽的能耐,因此應該要放眼2008。 Patton在明年與日後必定是重要的一員。 I love Craig Biggio. Do you think he'll be in the Hall of Fame on the first vote? -- Erick H., Ft. Campbell, Ky. 問︰我超愛 Biggio的。你認為他在首次投票就能獲選為名人堂球員嗎? I do believe he's a first-ballot Hall of Famer. Most respected baseball writers who I've talked to feel the same way. And by respected baseball writers, I mean the Tim Kurkjians and Jayson Starks of the baseball world who are not tied to a single beat, which frees them up to watch lots of different teams and lots of different players over a very long period of time. 答︰我相信他一定是首次就能入選成為名人堂球員。大部分與我曾經談過 ,舉足輕重的棒球作家也是這麼認為。這些舉足輕重的棒球作家,我 指的是棒球世界裡的 Tim Kurkjians和 Jayson Starks,他們倆不是 隨隊記者,所以這使得他們能長期觀察許多球隊與無數球員。 I can't imagine how Biggio wouldn't go in on the first ballot. Besides the 3,020 hits, he's sixth all-time in doubles -- and first all-time among right-handed hitters. He's third all-time among second basemen with 288 home runs, and he is one of only two middle infielders to ever log 1,000 extra-base hits and 3,000 hits. The other, Cal Ripken Jr., was just inducted into the Hall on Sunday. 我想像不出 Biggio在第一次就落選。除了現在的3,020安,他的二壘 安打數排名史上第六,在右打者排行第一。他的288支全壘打在二壘手 的排行位居第三,而且他還是唯二同時擊出1000支長打與3000安的中 間內野手之一。另一個達此成就的是 Cal Ripken Jr.,星期天才剛入 選名人堂而已。 Biggio is a first-ballot Hall of Famer, and even if I wasn't biased (and I admit I am -- it's been a privilege watching him play in person for the last decade), I still think I would feel that way. Biggio的確是首輪入選的名人堂球員,就算我沒有私心﹙我承認真是這 樣,因為看他本人在最後一個10年奮鬥,實在是莫大的榮幸﹚,仍然 認為自己還是會這樣想。。 I know how fans can be hard on the players, manager and other coaches, but in your honest opinion, do you think that this year is going to be the year that Phil Garner is going to say goodbye to the Astros and to baseball? -- Nolan F., Port Arthur 問︰我知道球迷對於球員、總教練、與其他教練常常要求嚴苛,不過你老實 講,你覺得今年是不是 Garner告別太空人與棒球界的一年? I do not think Garner is going to be fired after this season, and if you're asking if he'll resign, the answer is no. Drayton McLane can change his mind at anytime, however, and how the Astros end this season may dictate Garner's immediate future. But Garner is signed through 2008, and I believe he'll be back to complete that contract. If McLane decideds to make a change with his manager, I would guess it'll happen mid-season next year. 答︰我認為今年球季過後, Garner不會被辭掉,如果你問他是否會跟球團 續約,那麼答案是否定的。 McLane可以隨時改變自己的心意,然而 太空人到球季結束表現的成果決定 Garner未來的去向。 Garner的合約到2008,我相信他會履行完合約。如果 McLane真要更換 總教練,我猜也是明年季中的事。 I really appreciate your honesty even though it is not the most popular position. My question is about Tim Purpura. How short is his leash after the Jason Jennings trade debacle and other apparent mishaps? -- Matt, Cypress, Tex. 問︰我很感謝你的坦白,即使是最不受注意的。我的問題是關於 Purpura。 在 Jennings交易的失敗與其他明顯的缺失後,他可以待多久? That's hard to tell. A couple of weeks ago, McLane said he had no plans to fire Purpura or Garner. But when ownership gives the proverbial vote of confidence to his management staff, you never know what he's really thinking. I honestly don't think either Garner or Purpura will be fired this year. McLane would be paying two people not to work, and well, that's just not his style. 答︰很難講耶。幾個星期前, McLane說不打算讓 Purpura或 Garner喝西北 風。可是當老闆對旗下管理人員睜眼說瞎話,你就搞不清他葫蘆裡在賣 什麼藥。 老實說,我覺得 Garner和 Purpura其中之一不會被辭掉。 McLane不會 白付薪水給兩個毋需付出工作的人,恩,那不是他的作風啊。 I think the bullpen's collapse this season is a result of two departures -- Jim Hickey and Russ Springer. From what I have heard, Springer was a real leader among the staff, and I sure did like Hickey's approach to coaching. What are your thoughts on this? -- Ryan Z., Conroe, Tex. 問︰我覺得今年的火牛陣要歸咎於兩個人的離開---Jim Hickey和 Russ Springer, 據我所知, Springer是投手群的老大哥,而且我的確喜歡 Hickey的 訓練方式。你對此有何看法? The pitchers like and respect current pitching coach Dave Wallace, and considering he's been in the game some 40 years and has not only a thick resume but a very successful track record, I don't think you can point the finger at him. 答︰隊上的投手們喜歡也敬重目前的投手教練 Wallace,想想看他已經在 球場打滾四十年了,不止有豐富的資歷,而且過去還締造輝煌的紀錄, 我想你不可以怪罪他。 It makes me chuckle when I receive emails about the effect Hickey's absence may be having on the bullpen. Last year at this time, you all wanted him fired. 當我看到談論 Hickey走人而導致牛棚崩盤的 emails,我暗自偷笑。 去年這個時候,你們都要他滾蛋。 Springer is missed, but I don't think that's why the relievers have struggled. Personnel changes are made all the time in baseball. When a teammate you like is traded or isn't re-signed by the club, you adjust and move on. If you can't perform well because you miss one of your friends on the team, you probably shouldn't be wearing a Major League uniform. 雖說 Springer缺陣,但我認為這並非牛棚崩盤的主因。在棒球界中, 球員的轉隊稀鬆平常。喜愛的隊友被交易或沒被球團續約,你都要適應 並且繼續向前邁進。 如果表現不佳是因為隊友離開的話,你可能沒資格穿上大聯盟 球衣。 Do you think the Astros can make a run? I think they can't, because they're losing to teams that they should beating, like Washington. -- Kobe B., Houston 問︰你想太空人今年還有機會嗎?我覺得他們不可能了,因為連應該打贏的 球隊像華盛頓國民隊居然都輸了。 Sure, they can make a run. They can make a run to the bathroom. Or a run to their vacation homes on Oct. 1, because they're sure not making a run to the playoffs. 答︰這是當然了,絕對有機會。他們有機會到浴室沖澡。或者十月一號就 開始回家度假,因為他們確定不會打入季後賽。 This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. ============================ 翻很爛 需要修正的地方 我再修 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Onassis:GJ 07/31 16:02
dimhdp10:兩處小錯誤 Patten->Patton MaLane->McLane 07/31 16:21
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