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Mailbag: Who is on the way up? 08/13/2007 1:23 PM ET By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處 http://0rz.tw/1f2XV Where do the powers that be stand with Troy Patton? Do they think he's ready for the big leagues? And when September comes around, would the club bring him up without a rotation spot, putting him in the bullpen for the remainder of the year? -- Jimmy A., Houston 問︰Troy Patton的優勢在哪?太空人隊認為他有能耐上大聯盟了嗎?另 外,九月的時後,球團會不會升他上來,卻不安排先發,而是在接下 來的球季讓他擔任牛棚後援的角色呢? I think the odds are favorable that you'll see Patton in Houston in September. He may or may not be ready for the big leagues, but there's only one way to find out. Sometimes pitchers will start out in the bullpen to get their feet wet for a couple of weeks before moving to the rotation. It's too early to tell what they may do with Patton, or Juan Gutierrez, who they're also likely to take a look at next month. It'll be interesting to see what happens to the rotation, especially if Brandon Backe comes back in September. Could be a bit crowded, and a couple of pitchers may get bumped. 答︰我認為九月份看到 Patton在休士頓投球的可能性是樂見的。也許他還 未有能耐在大聯盟的舞臺上,不過有個唯一的方法能夠發現。那就是 有時候投手在拉到先發前,會擔任中繼幾週,先初試身手。 現在要知道太空人怎樣安排Patton或 Gutierrez還言之過早,下個月可 能還要再看看他們的表現。看看到時先發輪值會有何改變相當有意思, 尤其是如果 Backe九月份歸隊。先發位置可能有點擁擠,而且有些投手 的空間會被取代。 Are the Astros interested in acquiring someone like Torii Hunter in the offseason? -- Cody A., Beaumont, TX 問︰球季休兵期間,太空人有意簽下 Torii Hunter之類的球員嗎? I would love to see them pursue Hunter, but I don't see them spending that kind of money. The Twins appear to be intent on making an extension offer, but it may not be enough to keep him from exploring the free agent market. Hunter is going to cost a bundle, and the Astros already have three extremely high-priced players -- Oswalt, Berkman and Lee. Taking on another huge contract may not be the way to go. 答︰我也想要太空人去簽 Hunter啊,但我不希望太空人砸這麼多錢在他身上。 雙城隊似乎有意與他續約,不過這無法避免他去尋求自由球員市場。 Hunter 的價碼所費不貲,而且太空人已經有三個極高薪的球員了—Oswalt、Berkman 跟 Lee。又去簽筆巨約不是眼下的任務。 But certainly, an outfield consisting of Lee in left, Hunter in center and Hunter Pence in right would be pretty exciting. 不過說實在的,左外為 Lee,Hunter守中外,而右外是Pence所組成的外野陣容 一定讓人興奮不已。 Are the Astros looking for a good catcher to back up Brad Ausmus? He has to be close to retiring and Eric Munson, though a good hitter, is not very promising. -- Suzi P., Houston 問︰太空人有在尋找能夠頂替 Ausmus的好捕手嗎?他也差不多快退休了,雖然 Munson打擊不錯,但並不是有多大前景。 The catching position is a big question mark. They're high on J.R. Towles, but it's still unclear if he can step into the No. 1 spot next year. Not sure they're completely sold on Munson as the front-line guy. He has a potent bat and his defensive skills have greatly improved over the last year, but can he be a No. 1? I'm not so sure. But I like him as a backup. 答:捕手位置是目前相當重大的問題。太空人對 J.R. Towles寄予厚望,然而 要說他明年可以頂上No.1的位置仍然是未知數。我們也不確定太空人能否 全然信任 Munson作為第一線的捕手。他的打擊火力擁有水準,而且守備在 最近這一年來精進不少,然而,他真的有實力擔任第一號捕手嗎?這我不 得而知。我比較希望他當替補捕手。 Come September, who do you think will come up from the Minor Leagues? -- Ryan S., Houston 問︰九月要到了,你覺得小聯盟有誰會被升上來? Look for Towles, Patton and Gutierrez. Nothing is definite, but they're the top candidates to receive September promotions. 答︰注意Towles、Patton和Gutierrez吧。其實確切的球員名單還不知道,但他 們是九月拉拔上來的主要候選人。 The farm system has received a bit of negative press lately. The rap is that they don't have much in terms of top prospects coming up through the Minor Leagues. The front office strongly disagrees, and it appears we may be able to judge for ourselves, soon. 農場系統近來收到一些負面消息。這些責難在於他們沒有太多能從小聯盟可 升上的頂級新秀。而管理部門並不同意這 項說法,但很快,我們自個兒就 能做出判斷了。 Mike Lamb wasn't traded at the deadline. Why not sign him next season? I'm not sold on Wigginton, and I still think Lamb should be the third baseman now and next season. -- Sasha S., College Station 問︰Lamb在截止日沒有被交易出去。明年何不簽下他呢?我對於 Wigginton 並不信任,而且我仍舊認為 Lamb才應該是目前與明年的三壘手。 Lamb is a free agent after this year and there are no guarantees that he would re-sign here. He has no idea what he'll command on the open market, but he's looking forward to finding out. Wigginton is under club control for another two years, and he won't cost a fortune in arbitration. This is how teams maintain payrolls. Players price themselves out of the market and other players -- younger and less expensive -- are brought in. 答︰Lamb今年球季結束後就是自由球員,而且事實上並不保證他會續約。他 並不清楚在開放市場上,能夠掌控什麼,不過他盼望能有所發現。Wigginton 在球團的掌控下還有兩年,而且,在仲裁中他不會讓球團花一大筆錢。 這就是球團穩住薪資總額的手段。 球員哄抬自己的身價的話,這時其他比較年輕又便宜的球員反而會受到 青睞。 But all logic aside, this team will miss Lamb if and when he moves on. He's a tremendous hitter in the clutch and there are few players I'd rather see stride to the plate in a late-game, RBI situation. 說個題外話,一旦 Lamb離開,這支球隊就錯失他了。他是個得點圈 有人的關鍵時刻會將隊友送回的可怕打者,我見過很少球員能在比賽 後段上場代打建功的。 What does the "player to be named later" mean with the Morgan Ensberg trade? -- Troy W., Austin 問︰在 Ensberg的交易案當中,什麼叫做〝稍後指名球員〞啊? Toward the end of the season, the Padres will submit to the Astros a list of players -- mid-level Minor Leaguers -- who are available. If the Astros don't like any of the options, a cash amount will be exchanged instead. 答︰季末快到來時,教士隊會提交給太空人球員名單,這些是換到的小 聯盟球員。如果太空人對提交的球員都不滿意,那麼就會以現金 兌換。 It's highly unlikely the Astros will receive a top prospect. The deal between the two clubs allowed the Padres to make a low-risk deal, and the Astros were able to save some money. If Ensberg had cleared waivers, he would have become a free agent and could have signed with any team. That team would have had to pay him a prorated portion of the Major League minimum, with the Astros having to absorb the bulk of what was owed. 太空人絕不可能從中獲得頂級新秀。這兩支球團的交涉使得教士隊可 進行低風險交易,而太空人也能從中省下一大筆錢。倘若 Ensberg clear waiver,那他就成了自由球員,可跟任何球隊簽約。那支 球隊就要付給他大聯盟規定最低限度比例的薪資,而剩下部份則由 太空人埋單。 Instead, the Astros and Padres split the remaining $1.4 million on Ensberg's contract. And the Padres obtained a player who may or may not help them in the stretch run, but who was definitely done in Houston. Win-win for everyone. 太空人與教士在 Ensberg的合約中,要共同分攤剩下的$1.4M。 教士隊得到的球員不一定能在拼季後賽階段給予幫助,可是他在太空 人隊很明顯已經混不下去了。這樣的安排是讓每個人各得所求。 What do you believe are the top three priorities for the club in the postseason to bring them back into contention for another World Series run? -- Greg M., Indiana 問︰你認為對一個球團來說,在季後如果要與敵隊廝殺,打進世界大 賽,有哪三個要點是必須做到的? Well, as one very wise baseball man said recently (and I'm paraphrasing here), for 140 years, pitching and defense has won championships. Every once in a while, teams get away from that and stock their offense while ignoring the other two categories, and lo and behold, they very rarely win. 答︰恩,根據一個很有見識的棒球人跟我講的﹙在此我敘述一下﹚, 這140年以來,擁有強投與堅強守備贏得冠軍。有時候會有球隊 忽略這兩項要素,單單加強攻擊火力,然後你看喔,他們很少贏 得冠軍。 When Phil Garner began his managerial career back in the early 1990s, his old skipper, Chuck Tanner, gave him this piece of advice: get as much pitching as you can, and just when you think you have enough, go out and find more. 回到1990年代初, Garner開始執掌兵符的時候,他的老教練 Chuck Tanner 給他一些忠告︰盡可能用多些投手,只要你認為投手數量夠了, 再去尋找實力更強的來。 Case in point -- in 2000, the Astros broke every offensive record in the history of the franchise. They also lost 90 games and finished fourth. In 2005, they had one of the worst offenses in the league, but the best trio of starters and a stellar bullpen, and they made it to the World Series. 舉個實例來說︰在2000年球季,太空人打破隊史各項打擊紀錄。同時 該年他們輸掉了90場比賽,屈居第四。2005年,他們打出聯盟最爛的 打擊成績之一,可是卻有最強的三巨投及耀眼的牛棚,所以他們打進 世界大賽。 The priority needs to be pitching. Defense should be a close second, but I have a feeling if Chris Burke is a regular at second, if Adam Everett resumes his position at shortstop, if Lance Berkman plays first exclusively and if the Astros obtain a solid right fielder, the defense will fix itself. 打進世界大賽的首要考量是投手。守備應該是位居第二,不過我想如 果 Burke是先發二壘手, Everett重返游擊, Berkman專守一壘,而 且太空人得到一名超強右外野手的話,守備問題即可解決。 Tim Purpura claimed he couldn't deal Lamb or Loretta because not enough was being offered. I don't believe that, but I'm curious what we get in terms of draft compensation if they leave as free agents this year? And why have we had so few upper-round picks in recent drafts? -- Richie E., Friendswood 問︰Purpura聲稱無法交易 Lamb或 Loretta出去是因為他們不足以被交易 ,我不認同這樣的說法,我很好奇如果他們今年以自由球員身份離開 球隊,我們在選秀的補償有何所獲?還有為什麼在這幾年的選秀當中 ,怎麼鮮少能在前幾輪選到新秀? At the end of the season, the Elias Sports Bureau will rank the potential free agents based on a two-year statistical average. They have a formula to determine if a player is type "A" or "B." 答︰在季末 Elias Sports Bureau會以兩年數據平均為基礎,把可能的 自由球員分級。他們有公式來決定一個球員是屬於 type "A" 或 "B"。 的等級。 Lamb and Loretta appear to both be Type A's, but that's to be determined. Should the Astros offer arbitration, and assuming Lamb and Loretta reject the offer, the Astros will receive high-round draft picks for both. It's a gamble, because of course, either or both could accept the arbitration offer, which essentially makes them signed players, with salaries to be determined. Lamb跟 Loretta兩人好像是 Type A的球員,但那還要被裁定。假使太 空人提出仲裁,假定 Lamb跟 Loretta拒絕 offer,太空人就能從二者 中獲得較高輪次的選秀。這是場賭注,當然兩者或其一可能會同意仲裁 ,所以使得他們必須簽約,同時薪資就此抵定。 But if they accept arbitration, they'll be committing to a team that cannot guarantee them starting positions. I would guess they'll reject the offers. This is going to be key for the Astros. They have lost a ton of top draft picks in the last five years because of several free agent signings, including Jeff Kent, Andy Pettitte, Woody Williams and Carlos Lee. These are the kinds of things that don't hurt the club immediately, but can decimate the system later on. We're seeing some of that now. 不過如果他們同意仲裁,就把自己交給未必能讓他們先發的球隊。 我猜他們會拒絕 offers。對於太空人來說,這項動作是個關鍵。過 去這五年來因為簽下一些自由球員導致他們輸掉一堆首輪選秀,包含 簽下 Kent、Pettitte、Williams以及 Lee在內 這在短期之間不會 傷害球團,但在之後可以瓦解整個農場系統。我們現在就見證到了。 The Astros have to draft high for the next couple of years and get some talent into the system. Progress doesn't happen overnight, but a strong farm system is the most important element of a winning Major League team. And it played a huge role in the Astros making six playoff appearances in nine years. 太空人在接下來這幾年必須選到前幾輪的球員,讓農場系統要補進一些 有天賦的。整個進步過程不會在一夜之間就出現,然而有堅強農場系 統提供兵源是一支大聯盟常勝軍的關鍵要素。 而且該成果對這九年內太空人六度打進季後賽佔有舉足輕重的地位。 How about we give Ty Wigginton a nickname like "Wigs" or "Wiggy?" What do you think? -- Kyle C., San Antonio 問:我們幫 Wigginton取個綽號叫 "Wigs" 或 "Wiggy"如何? I believe his teammates refer to him as Wiggy. Seeing that I just met him, I think I'll just stick with calling him Ty for the time being. I'll keep you posted. 答︰我認為他的隊友會叫他Wiggy。目前我遇見他,還是會繼續稱呼他Ty。 我會隨時讓你知道他的綽號。 This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. ============== 翻很爛 如果有翻錯的部份 我再修改 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dimhdp10:先推再說囉 要睡了 明天再仔細讀讀 XD 08/15 00:35
Herlin:簽了Torii Hunter 的話太色人外野就有Hunter X Hunter! 08/15 01:10
tommy0221:今年的投手真是爛暴了!!! 08/15 01:11
googoodoll:大推Hunter X Hunter,但是說好不提 261.... XD 08/15 01:13
Herlin:請問各位覺得達成Hunter X Hunter 外野機率比較高 08/15 01:15
Herlin:還是富間畫出261 的機率比較高? 08/15 01:16
googoodoll:我覺得簽下富間來守CF的機率可能比較高 0_o 08/15 01:22
Herlin:那祝他一頭撞死在中外野那個旗竿下面好了, 科科 08/15 01:23
※ 編輯: mysunny 來自: (08/15 08:56)
dogers:Nice Birdy!!! 08/15 21:37