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Mailbag: Best position for Pence? 09/03/2007 1:40 PM ET By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處  http://kuso.cc/2sEy Should Hunter Pence play center or right? I know he was called up and has done a good job in center, but does he have the arm and ability to play right field? -- Jim J., Friendswood, Texas 問︰該讓 Pence守中外野還是右外?我知道他今年升上來,鎮守中外野表   現可圈可點,不過他有臂力與能耐守右外野嗎? That's an ongoing debate. Some think the Astros would be better off obtaining a speedy center fielder and moving Pence to right, but I'm not so sure. I'm not crazy about his arm or his accuracy at this point, and really, as a center fielder, it's more important to be able to hit the cutoff man than make throws to the bases. At the corners, especially right, you need to be able to make strong throws to third and home. 答︰這是個持續不斷的爭論。有些人認為太空人最好還是要拿到一名   具速度的中外野手,並將 Pence移到右外野去,對此我並不確定   。我不瘋狂著迷他的臂力或傳球準度,事實上,身為一個中外野手,   重點在於能夠將球轉傳給 cutoff man,而非直接傳到壘包。   在角落外野部份,尤其是守右外野,你必需要能將球準確傳至三壘與本   壘。 But another side of the debate argues that Pence would only have one side of the field to worry about in right, rather than having to cover so much ground to his left and his right in center. Perhaps if he was in right, he'd read fly balls better and take better routes and have more time to make throws. I'm not so sure. I still think he'd be better in center.   不過在此爭論另一方面,討論到 Pence只要負責守右外野就好,而非守   中外野,要 cover左右兩邊那樣大的範圍。也許如果它守右外野,判斷 飛球能力會較準確,並能依循較佳路徑,有更多時間去傳球。 對此我也不是很確定,還是認為他守中外野比較合適。 You keep referring to the fact that we need a right fielder and catcher next year. I get that Brad Ausmus might retire, but what's the story with Luke Scott and Jason Lane? Are they leaving the Astros? -- Jennifer C., Austin 問︰你一直談到明年我們需要一名右外野手與捕手。我清楚 Ausmus到時會退 休,不過 Scott和 Lane的後續發展呢?他們會離開太空人嗎? They're not necessarily leaving the Astros, but they're not guaranteed anything for 2008, either. Lane is probably on his way out, considering they've sent him to the Minor leagues twice this year and he's only coming back on Tuesday because the former management regime made that promise, and interim manager Cecil Cooper and interim general manager Tal Smith intend to fulfill that promise. 答︰他們不必然會離開太空人隊,但在2008年也沒受到任何保障。 Lane 可能邁向離隊的路上,想想看他今年已經被下放到小聯盟兩次了,而且 星期二會被升上來是因為前總教練做出的安排,代理總教練 Cooper與 代理總管 Smith要去執行而已。 Cooper appears to like Scott and has confidence in his abilities, even if Scott has to take less playing time in order for the club to thoroughly evaluate Chris Burke. I think Cooper has more faith in Scott than former manager Phil Garner did, so if Cooper stays on as manager past this year, that could be good for Scott. Cooper似乎比較喜歡 Scott,對他的球技相當肯定,即使為了球團要認真 評估 Burke, Scott上場空間較少。但我認為 Cooper比前總教練 Garner 更要信任 Scott,所以如果今年以後, Cooper還是擔任太空人總教練,那 一切對 Scott是好事。 Can someone please tell me why the Astros are not calling up Tim Raines Jr.? He's tearing it up in the Minors. -- Charles G. 問;有沒有人能夠各訴我為什麼太空人沒將 Tim Raines Jr.升上來?他在小聯 盟棒子發燙著呢。 Raines is not on the 40-man roster and in order to put him on, they'd have to clear a spot for him. They're already having to make room for a couple of the callups who will be here this week, and there's only so many people you can take off the 40-man without hurting your club. 答︰Raines沒有在四十人名單內,為了要讓他在名單中,太空人勢必要清出一個 名額給他。他們先前已為本週升上來的球員弄出一些空間填滿,在不傷害球 團戰力的前提下,僅有如此多的球員可以移出名單外。 I'm guessing the Astros do not envision the 28-year-old Raines as a top prospect, whereas the bulk of the group they're summoning to the big leagues this week all have a chance to be a part of next year's club. 我想太空人不會視28歲的 Raines為頂級新秀,本週他們召集上大聯盟的球員 明年都有機會成為隊上的一份子。 How soon do you think will Ausmus be a manager in the Majors? -- Aaron M., Houston 問︰你認為多快可以看到 Ausmus擔任大聯盟總教練? I'm guessing as soon as he wants to be a manager, he'll be one. Brad's one of the few people who could probably jump right into managing a big league club without having to toil through the Minor Leagues first, but let's not look for that to happen right away. First, he has to retire, and I'm not sure he's ready to do that. I doubt the Astros will sign him back, but another club may have interest. We'll see. 答︰我猜只要他一決定當總教練,就能夠達成。 Brad是少數幾位不須在小聯盟苦熬 就能直接跳上大聯盟擔任總教練的人物。但我們不用期待這會馬上發生。第一 ,他得先退休,而且我不知道他準備好了沒有。而且我不認為太空人會馬上將他簽 回來,不過其他球隊可能會有興趣。到時我們等著瞧吧。 But if he does retire after this season, I sense he'll want to hang out with his family in San Diego for a while before he jumps back in. He has two young daughters and his family has spent enough time apart over the last decade. I'd guess by 2009 he'll get the itch to get back in the dugout. 但如果他今年球季後就退休,在回到球場之前,我覺得他會先在聖地牙哥與家人 好好相處一陣。他還有兩個年幼的女兒,而且這幾年和家人分隔兩地。我猜 大概要到2009年,他才有意願回到球員休息區上。 Do you ever think the Astros "season" players too long? Other teams have young phenoms in the Majors. We seem to have them down on the farm. -- Raymond M., Rome, Ga. 問︰你曾覺得太空人有太多整季全勤的球員嗎?其他隊伍都將這些傑出新人拉上戰 線,我們似乎都只把這些人才放在農場裡面。 That's been the knock on the Astros for a while -- that they keep players in the Minor Leagues too long, until they're 23, 24, 25 years old. That philosophy dates back to former Astros GM Gerry Hunsicker, who was criticized over the years for being too conservative. Tim Purpura also preferred to bring players along slowly. 答︰太空人讓球員待在小聯盟太久,直到他們23, 24, 25歲,已經傷害太空人好 好一陣了。那種用兵哲學要回溯到太空人前總管 Hunsicker在任時候,他被 批評行事過於保守。而 Purpura也偏好慢慢拔升球員。 I'm on the fence on that one. Obviously, talent is what gets you to the big leagues, but there are other factors that we don't see, that the player development folks do. Maturity is a big factor, obviously. It's important to see how top prospects react to their first big league Spring Training, how they respond to high pressure situations late in games, things like that. Not everyone can seamlessly jump into the Majors. 對此我持中立觀點。很顯然人才就是可以上大聯盟啊,不過還有其他我們 見不到的要素,而球員發展部門卻很清楚。球技成熟顯然是舉足輕重的要素。 觀察頂級新秀面對第一次參加的大聯盟春訓,以及看他們在比賽後半高度壓 力下的反應之類的,非常重要。 不是所有人都能完美躍上大聯盟的。 But I think we can all agree that if you're special, you're special, and you probably need to be given a shot, if there's a need on the Major League roster. Pence sure was ready, wasn't he? And Troy Patton, who turns 22 today, sure opened a few eyes with is first two starts. I credit the Astros for at least giving him a chance. 不過我們都同意如果你很特殊,你負有使命的話,要是大聯盟有需要,可能 獲得機會。 Pence當初就蓄勢待發,不是嗎?還有今天滿22歲的 Patton, 在他兩次先發中確實開了點眼界。我相信太空人至少會給他機會磨練。 Why is Eric Bruntlett not considered a serious candidate for starting shortstop? He hits well in the clutch, gets walks, is playing excellent defense and is a smart player. He reminds me of Cardinals shortstop David Eckstein, except he is a much better athlete. -- Billy M., Ponce de Leon, Fla. 問︰為什麼不嚴正考慮 Bruntlett當先發游擊手?他在壘上有人,打的不錯,等 到保送上壘,守備精湛而且是個智慧型的球員。他讓我想到紅雀隊游擊手 Eckstein,只不過他是更優秀的運動員。 Bruntlett is much better than Eckstein defensively, and I have been duly impressed with his play at shortstop in Adam Everett's absence. I think you all know by now how much I respect Adam's defense, but I would not have an issue if Bruntlett played short every day. He's slightly better offensively, and just a tad below Everett in the defense department. 答︰Bruntlett的守備比 Eckstein好的多,在 Everett缺席期間,我對他的守游 擊的表現印象深刻。相信你們很清楚我非常崇敬 Adam的守備,不過如果讓 Bruntlett天天守游擊,我不反對。他打擊較好,守備方面較 Everett略遜 一籌。 That said, if the Astros were to obtain a solid hitting catcher next year, I'd still rather see Everett at shortstop. 然而如果明年太空人得到名火力強大的捕手,那我當然還是要 Everett守游擊。 I know the Astros did not have a first-round Draft choice this season due to them signing free agents in November, namely Carlos Lee and Woody Williams. Is it too early to say whether we will have a first-round Draft choice next year? Reason I ask is, due to our record, it should be pretty high. Or do you think we'll sign free agents again that'll not let us have a pick? -- Kevin T., Denham Springs, La. 問︰我知道今年太空人沒第一輪選秀是因為在十一月份簽了自由球員,即 Lee跟 Williams 。說我們明年有第一輪選秀權是否言之過早?我提問的動機是,由於我們的戰績, 選秀輪次應該很高。還是你認為我們該丟掉選秀權,去簽自由球員呢? If the Astros finish in the bottom half of all teams in terms of record, they cannot lose their first-rounder, regardless of what free agents they sign. Seeing that they did not sign their top two picks this year and didn't have picks in the first two rounds, that's good news. They need to they need to focus on replenishing he system, not depleting it more. 答︰如果太空人戰績在所有球隊中名列後半段,那不管有沒有簽下自由球員,都不 會失去第一輪選秀。他們今年前兩輪沒選秀權,而且沒簽下頭兩位選進的球員 ,那是好消息。眼下需要補強農場系統,而非讓兵源枯竭。 Here's what has to happen -- the Astros need to offer arbitration to Mike Lamb and Mark Loretta, both of whom would surely decline the offer. If you accept the offer, you are considered a signed player and all that is left is agreeing on a salary for a one-year contract. If Lamb and Loretta accepted the arbitration offer, they'd be committing to a team that, in Lamb's case, won't be giving him the multi-year deal he's looking for, and in Loretta's case, doesn't necessarily have a starting job for him. 這是接下來會發生的事情--太空人要對 Lamb跟 Loretta提出仲裁,他倆必定 會拒絕 offer。如果同意 offer好了,你就被視為已簽約球員,而接下來 就是同意一年合約的薪水。 如果 Lamb和 Loretta同意仲裁,他們就交由球團宰割,以 Lamb來說,不會給 他想要的複數年合約,而 Loretta的話,不必然能擔任先發。 So I'm guessing they reject the offer, and then if the Astros do not re-sign them, they'll get draft picks as compensation. High draft picks, too. 因此我猜他倆會拒絕 offer,如果太空人沒跟他們續約,就可以獲得選秀補 償。而且也是前段的選次。 That's why the Astros did not trade these two at the deadline. They were offered players that had very little chance to make it to the big leagues. They could get a lot more by taking another team's draft picks. 那就是為什麼太空人在截止日前不交易走他們的原因。換來的也是較小可能 上大聯盟的球員。這樣做反而可以拿其他隊選秀次序,大大獲益。 Do you think Jeff Bagwell's chances of making the Hall of Fame with the writers increase in the first year that Craig Biggio becomes eligible? What an awesome event that would make --- the original two Killer B's in the Hall at the same time! -- David G., Little Rock, Ark. 問︰你認為 Bagwell和在第一年就有資格參與票選的 Biggio同時其入選的可能 多大?這是多麼棒的事啊---最初的 Killer B's同時入選名人堂。 That topic has come up a lot lately, and yes, that would be incredible, and so fitting. It could happen, too. Biggio will get in on the first ballot without a doubt. Bagwell won't get in on the first try, but his third year on the ballot will be Biggio's first. So while I wouldn't call the odds favorable for this to happen, it's certainly possible. And a lot of fun to talk about. 答︰這個話題最近常被提出來討論,沒有錯,這樣的結果讓人驚奇,也 如此適切。它也有可能發生。Biggio無庸置疑在第一次即能入選。 Bagwell不會在第一次票選就成功,不過他的第三年票選就是 Biggio 的第一年了。儘管我認為可能性不大,不過確實是有機會。而且會讓人津 津樂道。 I'm just hoping that Roger Clemens, Greg Maddux, Tom Glavine and Randy Johnson all do not retire this year. That would make the 2013 class somewhat crowded with first ballot no-doubters, which would decrease Bagwell's chances to get in that year. 我希望 Clemens、Maddux、Glavine與 Johnson別在今年退休。那會使 得2013年第一次票選有太多準名人堂球員,那樣會降低 Bagwell該年入 選的可能。 I've heard Milo Hamilton refer to the Crawford Boxes as the "Biggio Boxes" on radio broadcasts. What are the chances the Astros will rename them after he retires? -- Brett C., Corpus Christi, Texas 問︰我聽到 Milo Hamilton在電台廣播節目當中把 Crawford Boxes稱作 "Biggio Boxes"。那麼在 Biggio退休後,太空人將更名此區塊的可 能性多大? Not a bad idea. You never know what may happen, especially if a corporate sponsor gets involved. 答︰這點子還不賴。你無法預料接下來會有什麼事發生,特別是如果有贊 助廠商要參一腳時。 Alyson Footer is a reporter for MLB.com. 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