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Mailbag: Astros have a shot at A-Rod? 10/15/2007 3:45 PM ET By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處 http://kuso.cc/2Oqb Would or could Houston go after Alex Rodriguez if he chose to leave the Yankees? It would be great to see him take the all-time home run title in an Astros uniform. -- Chris G., Houston 問:要是 A-Rod選擇離開洋基,太空人會去網羅他嗎?看他穿太空人制服拿 下全壘打王獎座,完美至極。 OK, friends, let's nip this in the bud right away. There is no chance -- as in nada, zero, zippy -- that A-Rod lands in Houston. First of all, he would have absolutely no interest in playing in a mid-market city that largely is ignored from a national standpoint. (He did that already with the Rangers, remember?) Oh, and there's that small detail about his asking price -- $30 million a year seems to be a starting point, which is ridiculous by anyone's standards. If the Astros were to sign him, they'd have A-Rod, Lance Berkman, Roy Oswalt, Carlos Lee and literally 21 guys making the Major League minimum, because they wouldn't have any spare change to sign anyone of any prestige whatsoever. 答:OK,朋友們,現在我們馬上打消萌發的念頭。 A-Rod空降休士頓,絕不可 能(按:as in nada, zero, zippy是什麼意思?!看不懂,所以我先不翻這句) 。首先,他絕對沒興趣處於一個在國內被忽視的中型都市(還記得嗎?他之 前已經待過游騎兵了。)Oh,關於他的索價,還是小數目,一年$30M似乎只是起 價,從任何人的標準來看,都是很荒謬的。 假如太空人欲簽下他,隊上成員就是 A-Rod, Berkman, Oswalt, Lee,和21名賺 取大聯盟最低薪資的球員,因為球隊沒有閒錢再簽下其他有名氣的人物。 Plus, let's not forget that Rodriguez is represented by Scott Boras, and Boras never had any intention of placing Carlos Beltran in Houston three years ago. Why in the world would he send A-Rod here? 再說,別忘了 Rodriguez的經紀人是 Scott Boras,三年前 Boras就無心 讓 Beltran留在休士頓了。『為什麼』他就願意安排A-Rod到這兒打球? Don't take this personally. Most players love playing in Houston, where the team is usually good (2007 aside) and the media scrutiny is relatively tame. But when it comes to Rodriguez -- all together, now -- just say no. 對事不對人。大部分球員喜愛在休士頓打球,這支球隊表現通常還不錯 (除了2007年)而且媒體也比較友善。但只要一提到 Rodriguez,現在大 家一起說我們拒絕。 If the Yankees don't sign Joe Torre, I think Andy Pettitte is out. Has anyone given any consideration to the idea that the Astros could bring him back? -- Michael P., New York 問:如果洋基沒簽下 Joe Torre,我認為 Pettitte是留不住了。有沒有人提 出太空人簽回 Pettitte的想法? My initial reaction is that Pettitte is not leaving the Yankees, that he's an honorable man who will see the contract through and pick up the $16 million player option. And that is what I believe he's going to do. He had a great year, and the Yankees trusted him to make an honest decision after this season and pick up that option only if his heart was still in it and his elbow was sound. At first glance, it appears both are intact. 答:我一開始的反應是Pettitte不會離開洋基,他是個可敬的球員,會履行完合約 後執行$16M的option。那就是我相信他會做的。他擁有表現不錯的一年,而且 洋基信任他在球季結束後會做出誠信決定,只有在心仍所屬,以及手臂無恙 的份上,才會執行option。乍看之下,顯然兩個考量完善無瑕。 That said, isn't there always a "but" to every argument? But ... if Torre truly is on his way out, and if the handful of soon-to-be free agent Yankees players really are considering bolting the team if their beloved skipper is not asked back, then, well, I leave a sliver of hope that Pettitte could return to the Astros. 然而,不是每個結論都會有"但書"嗎?但...如果 Torre走人,而且要是洋基一堆 準自由球員見到他們親愛的總教頭沒被慰留,就打算不續約,那麼,恩,我對 Pettitte回太空人有一線期望。 Now, let's look at this realistically. His option is for $16 million, and if he turns that down to become a free agent, he's not going to accept less on the open market. Yes, I think he's worth the money. The Astros probably would have to agree to a multiyear deal. They didn't want to do this last year, so I can't imagine why they would want to this time, except for the simple fact that the pitching staff desperately needs him and pretty much fell apart without him in '07. 現在,我們實際來檢視合約。他有$16M的選擇權,而且如果拒絕執行,成為自由 球員,在公開市場上,同意簽約的價碼不可能短少。沒錯,我認為他有值這薪水。 那太空人可能得同意複數年合約。去年就是不肯這麼做,所以我實在想不出今年 為什麼肯給,除非是因為投手戰力非他不行且又因07年少了他,整個先發投手崩盤。 Here's my guess. Pettitte picks up the option and pitches for the Yankees in '08, and the Astros make a push for him in '09. They may have a shot at him by then, depending on how much his family is pushing him to stay home. 以下是我的推測。Pettitte會執行option,08年在洋基投球,太空人09年網羅他。 到那時靠著家人的聲聲呼喚,太空人可能有機會簽下合約。 Is there a chance that Tom Glavine may come to Houston? If so, do you think it would be a good move? -- John W., The Woodlands, Texas 問:Tom Glavine有沒有可能到休士頓效力?如果當真如此,你認為這個安排好嗎? I don't think Glavine would want to pitch in Houston. The impression I'm getting is that the only team he truly wants to play for is the Braves, who may or may not be able to meet Glavine's financial demands. The Cardinals may have a shot at him as well. I doubt the 40-year-old lefty would have interest in ending his career at a ballpark known to favor hitters. It would be nice to have someone of his ilk here, but he's not exactly the pitcher he was during his glory years with the Braves and it would take a ton of money to sign him, with no guarantees that he'd be effective at Minute Maid Park (see Williams, Woody). 答:我想 Glavine應該不想到休士頓投球。我印象中他唯一真正想效力的是勇士隊, 也許他們可能會接受 Glavine開出的價碼。紅雀隊可能也有機會簽下。 我不相信這名四十歲的左投願意在知名的打者球場結束職棒生涯。讓年輕球員在 這裡汲取他的經驗是很不錯,但他已不是顛峰時期的勇士隊巨投,而且簽他要花 上一筆不小的數目,也不保證能在Minute Maid Park吃的開(看老無敵放煙火就 知道)。 So how about it? Roger Clemens in an Astros uniform in '08 for one last go-around? -- Jackie S., Sugar Land, Texas 問:Roger Clemens在08年他最後一個球季,穿太空人球衣如何? Perhaps not enough time has passed since Clemens limped off the field in the third inning during the Division Series -- which, by the way, was his first start in nearly a month after dealing with a hamstring injury. But I cannot sit here and convince myself that Clemens can stay healthy for even a half-season. In some ways, I'd love to be wrong, but come on, the man is 45 years old and every year the injuries grab him a little harder. 答:也許從當初世界大賽第三局,Clemens跛行離場至今,時間沒有過很久,順便一提, 那次先發是他治療腿傷一個月後首度登板主投。但是我無法坐下並說服我自己 Clemens能健康投半個球季。某種程度來講,我寧願自己判斷錯誤,不過拜託 這個男人已經45了,而且每年傷痛困擾著他。 Plus, there's the issue of money. The Astros had minimal interest in bringing him back this year, partly because of his high price tag and partly because they were scared he wouldn't stay healthy. 再說,還有年薪的問題。今年太空人沒啥意願簽他,有一部份是價碼昂貴,一部分是 擔心他無法保持健康。 Maybe they'd take a chance on him if he gave them a discount of, oh, maybe $15 million or so. This notion, of course, is equal parts preposterous and humorous, which is why I'm actually chuckling (and rolling my eyes) as I write this. Let's move on and go on the very realistic assumption that Rocket is not relaunching in Houston next year. 如果 Clemens願意打個折,大約$15M左右,也許太空人可以考慮看看。當然這個念頭 搞笑跟耍幽默而已,那也是為什麼寫到這,我真的轉轉眼珠,笑了出來。我們一同接 受火箭人明年不會在休士頓升空的事實。 When will we found out whom we will be receiving from San Diego in return for Morgan Ensberg? -- Alli W., Houston 問:什麼時候會知道,以Ensberg從教士隊中換了哪些球員? The Astros took the "cash considerations" on both the Ensberg and Jason Lane deals. They wouldn't have received true big league prospects in exchange for two players who had absolutely no trade value, so they were better off taking the cash. The Ensberg deal was designed to not only get rid of a struggling player, but to also find a team to split the remainder of his contract. Ensberg didn't do any better for the Padres, so the Astros didn't miss out on too much by trading him. 答:在 Ensberg 跟 Lane兩人的交易中,太空人選擇用金錢補償。因為在這兩個毫無 交易價值的球員中,根本換不到什麼貨真價實的大聯盟新秀,所以選金錢補償 較划算。 Ensberg交易不只能送走狀況不佳的球員,而且還可找到一支共同負擔剩餘薪水的 球隊。 Ensberg在教士隊毫無建樹,所以交易他,對太空人損傷不大。 I really think the Astros should have experimented with Brad Lidge as a starter. Has Lidge ever started in his career in the Minor Leagues? Do you honestly think he can succeed again in the closer role? But I think his stuff still merits consideration as a starter. -- Shannon, Louisville 問:我實在認為太空人應該嘗試讓 Lidge先發看看。 Lidge在小聯盟曾先發過嗎? 你真的認為他能再從CL角色獲得成功嗎?不過我認為應該要考慮他擔任先發。 Yes, Lidge was a starter in the Minor Leagues. But big league starters have more than two pitches, and Lidge is strictly a slider-fastball pitcher. He tried to mix in a few others over the years and did not have good results. He's best suited as a reliever. I do not know if he can succeed as a closer again. I do know that right now he's the Astros' best ninth-inning option. They'll take their chances on him one more year, and if it doesn't work out, he'll be a free agent in '09 and probably won't be back. 答:沒錯, Lidge在小聯盟時期是先發投手。可是大聯盟投手得擁有兩種以上的球路, Lidge僅僅是個slider-fastball pitcher。這幾年他試著配其他球路在裡頭,卻 成效不彰。他最適切的位置是擔任後援。 我不知道他能否再從CL獲得成功。我只知道目前他是太空人九局關門的首選。太 空人會再給他一年的機會,如果毫無轉圜,09年成為自由球員,可能不續留他。 Is it me, or are we getting ahead of ourselves already? I do think Josh Anderson is a great player, but he played solid for about a month. Now people think he can take over in center? One solid month is not enough for us to bank on his Major League abilities. I say we look at the free-agent pool. Is there any chance that we get an Andruw Jones? -- Rene V., Eidenburg, Texas 問:到底是只有我,還我們所有人都操之過急了?我認為 Anderson是個優秀的球員, 可是他只打出一個月的好成績而已。陷在大家居然認為他能夠接手中外野?一 個月的好表現並不足以讓我們評斷他的大聯盟實力吧。 依我看來,還是要放眼自由球員才好。我們有沒有可能去簽 Andruw Jones呢? Ed Wade's recent comments suggest he's not completely convinced Anderson can assume the full-time duties in center. It appears Josh will be one of a few competing for a starting spot. Reggie Abercrombie, a low-risk waiver pickup, will be in the mix as well. Hunter Pence obviously can play there, too. And who knows, they may bid on soon-to-be free agents Aaron Rowand or Mike Cameron. I don't think Torii Hunter is an option -- he's going to cost a bundle. 答:Ed Wade最近表示,他根本不認為 Anderson能擔綱先發中外野。顯然 Anderson只 是少數競爭先發的球員之一。而從low-risk waiver中撿來的 Reggie Abercrombieu 亦在此名單內。當然 Pence也可以守中外野。 不過誰知道呢,太空人也有可能去爭取準自由球員 Aaron Rowand 或Mike Cameron。 我想不會去考慮 Torii Hunter,因為他所費不貲。 I also vote no on Jones, who also is represented by Boras. Last year, Toronto center fielder Vernon Wells, a fine player but one who has not reached Jones' production, signed a seven-year, $126 million contract extension. That's $18 million per year, so Jones probably will ask for even more. It's too rich for the Astros' blood, especially for someone who hit .222 this year. 我也反對去簽下 Andruw Jones,他的經紀人是Boras。藍鳥隊中外野手 Vernon Wells是個不錯的球員,他的年產量雖沒達到Jones的水準,去年還 是續約簽了一筆七年,$126M的合約。平均一年就要價$18M,所以 Jones一 定會拿更多。 對於太空人的薪資來說,已經太高了,特別是還要花在一位今年打擊率才 .222的人身上。 ================ 翻狠爛啦 翻錯的部分 我再修 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tommy0221:為什麼都要找一些老&貴的人 no A-ROD!!! 10/17 19:45
tommy0221:老無敵一個就頭痛了 不過還是私心希望Rocket back XD 10/17 19:45
poplin:今年FA好東西似乎沒很多...可能要靠交易&日本人(?) 10/17 21:20
geneaven:因為拿不出東西跟人換啊...沒農場又沒前段選秀順位... 10/17 21:15
geneaven:這支球隊的未來到底是想怎樣?維持這種成績五年十年嗎? 10/17 21:20
griepe:NADA 記得是虛無的意思@@ 應該就是說不可能吧~ 10/17 23:27
FreeFly:怎麼沒前段順位 墊底幾年就有了 今年就還不錯啊 XD 10/18 02:43
Onassis:Nada西班牙文=nothing 10/18 14:45
Herlin:前提是沒有又把選秀權賠給別隊吧 (煙) 10/18 16:37
FreeFly:至少今年的第一輪會給別隊 我們可是在打太爛保護名單中 XD 10/19 00:10
FreeFly: 不^ 10/19 00:22
tommy0221:忍一年等08搶FA..? 10/19 01:15
dimhdp10:其實是擺個爛 08一次搶FA+選秀權啊 XD 10/19 04:23
FreeFly:不管08擺不擺爛 至少該把一些?找出答案 該死心的就死一死 10/19 04:51
FreeFly:至少Burke Scott要有答案 還有幾隻投手小朋友的定位 10/19 04:53
FreeFly:繼續留一堆問號 要留不是 要砍不是 對後年補強也是障礙 10/19 04:55
FreeFly:明年的戰績真的不是很重要了 把方向打出來才是真的 10/19 04:56
geneaven:http://tinyurl.com/3a8up5 10/19 08:12
geneaven:Barrett?給毛巾小弟打吧 Livan?靠他吃局數?沒得分有用嗎? 10/19 08:20
FreeFly:XDD FA預測 通常是猜10個錯9個 不用想太多 :) 10/19 08:53
FreeFly:不過比較讓我在意的是價碼 3號水準的都喊上千了 @_@ 10/19 08:55
dimhdp10:先發交給小朋友吧 反正今年算是過渡期 10/19 15:55