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Mailbag: How did injury affect Lidge? 10/22/2007 2:37 PM ET By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處 http://kuso.cc/2QGc Was Brad Lidge's knee injury part of his problem this past season? -- Mart R., Huntingdon, Pa. 問︰上個球季,Lidge的膝傷是不是困擾著他? I asked Lidge that on the last day of the season (the day before his surgery) and here's what he said: 答︰球季最後一天(他動手術前一天),我問了 Lidge這個問題,這是他的 回答︰ "There were definitely times where it was painful to throw. There were definitely times where it wasn't. At times, it's in the back of your mind when you're throwing, which is one of the bad things with an injury like this. There are times where it takes your focus off a little bit. I was happy that we did the right thing and we were able to get through the season with it. I was real happy I was able to throw for the full year with it. Now it's time to get it taken care of so that I'll have confidence in the future, and I won't have to think about it and it won't bother me at all." 〝當然好幾次在投球時感到相當痛苦。有幾次是不會。有時候像投球 心理問題,這樣的傷是最糟糕的事情之一了。有時會讓你分心。 很高興我們做了正確的選擇,而且能過完整季。我真的很高興能夠 投完整年。現在是時候處理了,這樣我對未來也會更加有信心 ,我不須再想什麼,傷痛也不用困擾我了。〞 Lidge will be ready to begin throwing in January, which would be his normal time to start getting ready for the season even when he's not recovering from surgery. I asked him if he thought it would have been better just to go ahead and have the knee procedure during the season and get it over with, and he said because the rehab process wasn't going to linger into next season, he was more comfortable finishing out the 2007 campaign first. Lidge一月份就會準備開始練投,這是他往常為球季做準備的時段, 儘管當時未從手術復原。我問 Lidge會不會覺得早點處理問題,在季 中就進行膝蓋手術,然後塵埃落定會比較好,可是他說復健過程不會 延誤到明年球季比賽,先把2007年的比賽打完,會比較自在。 I read your recent mailbag comment that the Astros would probably not pursue and sign Andy Pettitte to a multi-year deal in 2008 if he left the Yankees, because they didn't try to last year. Don't you think that having a new GM, a need for a No. 2 starter, and Pettitte's performance in 2007 would change the Astros interest and approach? -- Andy S., Friendswood, Texas 問︰我讀了你 mailbag說到如果 Pettitte離開洋基,太空人可能不會 網羅他,也不會提複數年合約,因為去年又不這麼嘗試。 你覺得在換了個新總管,球隊需要二號先發,Pettitte 2007年表現不錯 的份上,會改變太空人意願,著手接洽簽約嗎? Even if the Astros were interested in bringing Pettitte back, I still think he'll pitch for the Yankees in 2008. He told them he'd pick up the player option if he was healthy and seeing that he is, I just don't think he's going to go back on his word. Now, that doesn't mean his agents won't try to broker a contract extension, but I think Andy's destined for New York in '08. I don't know what impact, if any, Joe Torre's departure will have on Pettitte's decision making. 答︰就算太空人有意把 Pettitte找回來,我還是認為他2008年會效力洋基。 他告訴洋基隊,如果健康無慮就會執行球員選擇權,我想他不會出爾反爾。 目前也不代表他的經紀人不會促成續約,可我相信 Andy '08年會選擇洋 基。我不知道有什麼影響,如果有的話,Joe Torre的離職會改變 Pettitte 的決定。 In terms of dealings with Pettitte and Roger Clemens, it doesn't really matter who the GM is. Drayton McLane has always been the main negotiator and it's solely up to him how to deal with those two pitchers. So to answer the next question, no, I doubt he has any interest in taking a chance on Clemens for one more year. Pettitte maybe. Clemens, probably not. 談到處理 Pettitte跟 Clemens,非關誰是球隊總管。 McLane向來才是 主要的磋商者,而且和這兩名投手斡旋都單單由他決定。所以要回答下一 問題,我講不出來,我認為他沒興趣再簽 Clemens一年,也許 Pettitte還 有可能,至於 Clemens,大概不會了。 What's the verdict on Brad Ausmus? Has he said yet whether he's coming back? -- Linda D., Houston 問︰Ausmus的最終決定是啥?有說要回太空人嗎? A couple of weeks ago, Ausmus said there was an "unexpected delay" and that it would be a while longer until he made a decision. Ed Wade expects this to filter into the free agent period, which begins when the World Series ends. I do not expect this to drag on for too much longer and I would say within the first couple of weeks in November we'll have an answer. I also expect Ausmus to sign a one-year deal with the Astros and serve as a backup to J.R. Towles in 2008. 答︰幾週前, Ausmu透露因為一個意想不到的延誤,等到做出決定,必須 花較長的時間。Ed Wade希望能在世界大賽結束後,自由市場開張時 搞定。 我不希望拖太久,而且認為在十一月初就可塵埃落定。希望 Ausmus與 太空人簽下一年合約,2008年擔任 Towles的替補。 Can Wade and the Astros really fill all the holes the Astros have? We need an outfielder, at least a No. 2 starter, and a few decent arms added to the bullpen. With a shallow Minor League pool and the ridiculously expensive market, it makes me very nervous. -- Ryan K., Kingwood, Texas 問︰Wade跟太空人真的能補足現有漏洞嗎?我們需要一名外野手,至少 一個二號先發,牛棚加個不錯的後援投手。因為戰力薄弱的農場及 貴得誇張的自由市場,使得我非常憂心。 Let's not look for Wade to fix everything overnight and yes, you have reason to be nervous. They have a lot of work to do and it's going to take time. I think they'll be able to shore up the bullpen and certainly there seem to be some outfield options available. 答︰我們不必期待 Wade一夜之間化腐朽為神奇,沒錯,你有動機去擔心。 球團有許多事情待完成,需要花上時間。我認為會補強牛棚,當然 囉,似乎有一些外野手能考慮。 The No. 2 starter issue isn't going to be resolved as easily, and for those of you who keep asking about what free agent the Astros may sign to assume that role, let's go over this again. Here is the list of pending free agent starters who are not bound by club options for '08: 二號先發的問題不這麼容易解決,為了你們這些不停問太空人簽哪個 自由球員的人,我們再來談一遍。這邊是待決定為自由球員的先發投 手名單,它們沒被球團執行'08年的 option。 Shawn Chacon, Clemens, Matt Clement, Bartolo Colon, Josh Fogg, Casey Fossum, Freddy Garcia, Tom Glavine, Livan Hernandez, Jason Jennings, Joe Kennedy, Byung-Hyun Kim, Brian Lawrence, Jon Lieber, Kyle Lohse, Rodrigo Lopez, Eric Milton, Tomo Ohka, Russ Ortiz, Kenny Rogers, Curt Schilling, Carlos Silva, John Thomson, Koji Uehara, Jeff Weaver, David Wells, Kip Wells, Jamey Wright and Jaret Wright. Shawn Chacon, Clemens, Matt Clement, Bartolo Colon, Josh Fogg, Casey Fossum, Freddy Garcia, Tom Glavine, Livan Hernandez, Jason Jennings, Joe Kennedy,金炳賢 ( Byung-Hyun Kim), Brian Lawrence, Jon Lieber. Kyle Lohse, Rodrigo Lopez, Eric Milton,大家友和 ( Tomo Ohka) Russ Ortiz, Kenny Rogers, Curt Schilling, Carlos Silva, John Thomson, 上原浩治 ( Koji Uehara), Jeff Weaver, David Wells, Kip Wells, Jamey Wright Jaret Wright. As we've discussed, most of the pitchers on this list fall into one of two categories: a) superstars who are now over 40 and on the downside of their careers and b) veterans who have had some level of success during stretches of their careers but haven't done much lately. 如我們所討論,這個名單大部份投手現況都落在以下兩項目之一︰ a) 現已年過四十的超級巨星,而且處在生涯球技下滑階段。 b) 生涯後段表現有相當水準的老將,不過近來表現不怎樣。 It's important to remember this as we enter the Hot Stove season. The Astros are going to have to look within for someone to step up and really anchor this rotation. Here's the problem: even if one of the young up-and-comers has a breakout year, can he be expected to absorb more than 200 innings right away? We saw what happened to Troy Patton this year when he exceeded 150 Minor League innings for the first time. He pitched a few innings once he was called up to the big leagues and had to shut it down because of tendinitis. 進了熱爐季節,謹記這些要素事關重大。太空人得找個可挺身而 出並能撐起先發輪值的投手。 而問題在此︰就算其中一個年輕新秀有爆發的一年好了,他真的 能馬上負擔200局以上的份量?我們都看到 Patton今年在小聯盟 投超過 150局後發生的結果。 他被升上大聯盟,投了幾局後,就因為肌腱炎得掛傷。 So, in a nutshell, yes, there is cause for concern. It would be nice to trade for a solid No. 2, but there are two problems there -- teams who have such pitchers aren't willing to part with them, and the Astros don't have nearly enough to offer what it would take to get them. 所以呢,簡單來說,理想都會扯到利害關係。交易來頂尖的2號先 很不錯,可這邊有兩個問題了---擁有這些投手的隊伍不願將他拱 手讓人,太空人也沒有足夠籌碼提出去交易。 Assuming the Indians let him go, do you think the Astros would have any interest in acquiring Kenny Lofton for a year to give them time to figure out if Josh Anderson is the real deal? -- Hank C., Austin 問︰假設印地安人願意放手,你認為太空人有無興趣簽下 Lofton一年, 然後來觀察 Anderson是否真材實料? After Lofton's performance during the postseason, I would imagine the Indians will be interested in hanging on to him. But if he's out there on the open market, I suppose the Astros could consider him. He wouldn't require a long-term commitment and I imagine he wouldn't be terribly expensive. 答︰在 Lofton季後賽的表現後,我想印地安人應該有意續留他。不管 有否在開放市場,我希望太空能考慮他。Lofton不會要求長約,我 認為價碼也不昂貴。 Interesting move claiming Reggie Abercrombie off of waivers. I assume that the Astros will be giving him a look in center field during Spring Training. Do you think he has a shot at making the club? Granted, he only has 331 Major League at-bats and he's only a .208 career hitter with little power. He also seems to strike out a lot (100 K's in 331 AB's) and while I understand he has speed, his 13 career stolen bases don't scream Rickey Henderson. If he does stick, does that mark the end for Luke Scott and Orlando Palmeiro? -- Andy K., Conroe, Texas 問︰從 waviers中拿下 Abercrombie是相當有趣的動作。我認為春訓太 空人會讓他在中外野小試身手。你想他能成為隊上一員嗎?就算 如此,他在大聯盟只有 331個打數,只是個生涯 .208,有一點火力 的打者。他的三振似乎很多(331個打數吃了100K),我知道他有速度 ,生涯13次盜壘不會嚇到 Rickey Henderson。要是他就此留下, 是不是代表 Scott跟 Palmeiro完了? Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Abercrombie fits into the "low risk, high reward" category. They claimed him off waivers and will take a look at him during Spring Training next year. He's not taking anyone's job at this point. He's just another option for the outfield, and the Astros do have a hole to fill. 答︰我們別猴急。 Abercrombie符合"俗擱大碗"的範疇。太空人從 waviers 拿下他,明年春訓會好好看他的表現。 Abercrombie不會取代其他人的 工作。他只是外野的另一選擇,而且太空人的確有漏洞要補。 This is what teams do -- they scour the waiver wire, they take chances, they stockpile options who may be able to help them. You don't claim a player off waivers and anoint him as the next big thing, but certainly, you have to take your chances. They'll see what they've got in Abercrombie and go from there. 這是球隊做的事情---從 wavier wire中找尋可用之兵,把握機會,儲備 選來的球員,也許能夠有所幫助。你不會從 waviers拿一個球員後,視他 為明日之星,但事實上,你得把握一份機會。 球團會看看在 Abercrombie 身上能挖什麼寶。 This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. ========= 翻錯or沒翻好的部份 我再修 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mysunny 來自: (10/24 09:51)
FreeFly:我很好奇太空人會給Lidge多少的仲裁約 XD 10/24 09:54
geneaven:還有新聞就是Ausmus和蘿莉塔的房子有被火燒掉的危險... 10/24 09:56
poplin:How about Carlos Silva? 雖然可能不夠當成二號來用 10/24 12:42
poplin:而且弄不好又是一個Jason Jennings XD 10/24 12:44
tommy0221:上原來吧 10/24 15:33
poplin:上原是不是說最後是沒有FA? 好像說就差幾天而已 XD 10/24 18:02
dimhdp10:我覺得這群FA裡面最有可能撐住rotation還是傑尼斯跟上原 10/24 18:34
dimhdp10:當然前提是傑尼斯健康的話啦 沒二號真的好囧啊 10/24 18:35
dimhdp10:Jon Lieber應該也不錯 但是撐二號似乎有點勉強 10/24 18:36
tommy0221:如果傑尼斯沒留 二號要給誰?Backe? 10/24 23:03
tommy0221:Abercrombie其實還是有點小小期待XD 10/24 23:04
dimhdp10:Abcb雖然有power不過現在應該比較缺avg hitter 10/24 23:06
dimhdp10:尤其是位像樣的第一棒 10/24 23:07
tommy0221:avg hitter =蘿利塔 XD 10/24 23:11
dimhdp10:羅莉塔率先上壘對對方投捕造成的威脅實在是有夠低的啊XD 10/25 00:13
Liandh:亂入一下> 上原明年才有FA..今年的SP..黑田吧 10/25 00:38
dimhdp10:都好啊 反正不少FA的SP來都可以增加rotation 但還是缺2nd 10/25 03:29