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Mailbag: Will Lidge deal help Astros? 11/12/2007 3:55 PM ET By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處 http://kuso.cc/2XwW What's your take on the Brad Lidge trade? Did you see it coming? Will these players we received help as drastically as we all hope, or is this a move by a new general manager to trade with a former team and only a former team? -- George P., Wiggins, MS 問︰你對於 Lidge的交易有何看法?你之前就知道嗎?換來的球員 真如我們熱切期盼,給予球隊幫忙嗎?或者這是新總管跟他前東 家的交易並僅僅於此呢? Let's touch on the last part of your question first. I think there is something to a GM making a deal with his former club, because it's natural for him to trade for players he's familiar with. Certainly Ed Wade watched Michael Bourn play in college and in the Minor Leagues and feels comfortable with what he brings to the table. But for those who have suggested Wade is "helping" his former team, that's just silly. Regardless of how long Wade was with the Phillies, ultimately, that's the team that dismissed him, and obviously, GMs who were dismissed aren't looking to help them out later on down the road. 答︰我們先來回答你最後一個問題。我認為總管與前東家進行交易 大有學問,因為對他來說,交易來熟悉的球員自然不過。事實 上 Wade看過 Bourn在大學與小聯盟打球,對於他展現出的球技 相當清楚。 不過對於抱持 Wade幫助老東家說法的球迷,那實在是太愚蠢了。 縱使 Wade在費城人待了多久,終究是球隊炒他魷魚的,而且顯 然,被炒魷魚的總管在之後不會想幫助前東家。 Now, about the trade. When I heard about it, I wasn't shocked. I had heard the Astros had made a trade before I heard who was involved, but my first thought was, "It's Lidge." 談談這個交易。當聽聞這個消息,我並不驚訝。在我知道誰換 走前,就聽說太空人做了交易,但我最初念頭就是 Lidge。 Look, we all know what Brad can do when he's on the top of his game. But clearly, his time had come and gone in Houston. It's been an unbelievably difficult two years for Lidge and for Astros fans. As I watched him pitch through 2007, I saw glimpses of that 97 mph fastball and that fabulous slider that put him on the map three years ago. And I'd often think, "He can still be a great closer." But as the season progressed, I asked myself, "Can you honestly envision him closing games for the Astros in October?" And as much as I wanted to believe he could, I just couldn't picture it actually happening that way. He needed to move on. He has one more year before he's a free agent, so even if the Astros kept him for '08, he'd surely be gone after the season. 我們都知道 Brad在巔峰時期的表現。但清楚的是,他在休士頓的 日子已經告終。對 Lidge跟太空人球迷來說,度過了難以置信的兩 年。2007年看他投球時,我見到他投出一些三年前讓他留名的97mph 速球,及變態的滑球。 我常常在想,「他仍然是頂尖的守護神」。可是當球季進行中,我問 自己︰「你真的相信他十月份還能為太空人關掉比賽?」 我相信他有此能耐,就跟我想像不出現實會發生一樣。他必須被調動。 他離自由球員還剩一年,就算太空人08年留著他好了,到時球季結束, 他確定會離隊。 Now, about the three players the Astros acquired in the deal. The key, obviously, was Bourn. He's known as a plus runner, a plus thrower and a plus defender in center field. He's also known as a gap hitter with a good eye at the plate, which makes him a prototypical leadoff hitter. 現在來說說太空人在交易中換來的三名球員。很清楚的,關鍵在於 Bourn。 他以俊足、強肩、中外野守備精湛聞名。也以巧打,選球眼佳知名,這些 特色讓他身為典型的開路先鋒。 Bourn has not played that much in the big leagues, so it's hard to determine how he will fare over a full season. He has a pretty good on-base percentage, and the Astros are looking for table-setters for their three sluggers: Hunter Pence, Lance Berkman and Carlos Lee. Cecil Cooper has already named Bourn "The Igniter." He can make things happen on the basepaths. Bourn在大聯盟出賽的時間不多,所以難以判斷他整季的表現。他擁有相當不 錯的上壘率,況且太空人正在找尋三個強打︰Pence、Berkman與 Lee棒次前 能率先上壘的打者。 Cooper已經稱 Bourn為〝點火器〞了。他能在壘間帶動攻勢。 Putting Bourn in center and Pence in right improves the defense, but pushing Luke Scott out weakens the offense. The Astros are obviously willing to make that sacrifice. Defense is something that cannot be evaluated on paper, but can have a massive effect on the outcome of a game. Pitchers' ERAs drop, innings are quicker and teams aren't constantly having to dig themselves out of holes early in the game. These elements are so important. I think we all saw how much defense can play into a team's success just by watching the Indians, and especially the Rockies, in the postseason. 把 Bourn放中外野, Pence放右外可以增強守備,但是用 Scott可增強火力。 太空人很明顯要犧牲這項。守備表現不能寫在紙上評定,但是對於比賽結果有 強烈影響。投手自責分率減低,局局進行快速,在比賽前段球隊也不必經常 填補漏洞(按:這邊似乎翻得有點怪...嗎?!)。這些要素可說舉足輕重。 我認為看印地安人隊的例子就能理解守備能扮演球隊勝利的關鍵,還有,特 別是季後賽的洛磯隊亦如此。 I was somewhat indifferent to the other two players in the trade, third baseman Mike Costanzo and pitcher Geoff Geary. Geary seems to be an average middle reliever who can eat up some innings. The bullpen obviously is a bit bare right now, so he could be a help. Costanzo (insert your favorite "Seinfeld" reference here) was brought here not so much to be the heir apparent at third, but rather to add left-handed-hitting depth to the organization. Time will tell if he'll be able to play third in the long run. He's had a ton of errors and strikeouts so far. The Astros wanted him for his bat, and whether that means making him an outfielder or first baseman or whatever down the road, that'll be determined later. 另外兩位換來的球員,三壘手 Costanzo與投手 Geary,我對他們有些不了 解。 Geary看樣子是個普通的中繼投手,可以負擔一些局數。目前牛棚戰力 有點單薄,所以他能給予幫助。 Costanzo (在此順便廣告了你們最喜愛的影 集 Seinfeld) 不會是三壘的接班人,不過可以增加組織中左打的深度。 如果他有能耐長久守三壘,時間會說明一切。到目前為止他交出了一堆失誤 與三振。太空人隊要的是他的打擊,不論是否代表之後會讓他轉到外野或一 壘,那都是日後才決定。 absolutely love his defense. Let's not forget who was playing second base during that game-ending double play during Game 4 of the NLCS in '05. He has a lot to offer and will be a great utility man for the Phillies. 最可惜的是 Bruntlett,他被眾人的懷念會遠超乎我們的想像。我喜歡他的守備。 我們絕不能忘記他在05年國聯冠軍第四戰演出的再見雙殺。他會做為絕佳的工具 人,為費城人貢獻良多。 Is it likely that Ed Wade has a handshake deal with Francisco Cordero once they can discuss money, and that is the reason for the Lidge trade? If not, what would be the odds of Dennis Sarfate getting a look in Spring Training in the closer's role? -- Donnie B., Fayetteville, Ark. 問:到了討論錢的話, Wade跟 Cordero私底下有無進行暗盤 ?而那也是 Lidge交易的緣由嗎? 如果沒有的話,春訓讓 Dennis Sarfate試試CL角色的機率會多大? No handshake deals. Teams cannot negotiate with other team's free agents until this week, so to do anything on the sly would be bad form. I do think Wade has something else up his sleeve, however. I find it hard to believe they don't have a strong feeling that they're going to be able to land a closer. The idea of Chad Qualls closing games doesn't thrill me, and when the Astros talk about "looking internally" for closer options, Qualls appears to be the lone option. 答:他們雙方沒有偷來暗去啦。到這星期為止,各隊都不能與其 他球隊的自由球員磋商,因此偷偷動作是不正當的行為。不管怎樣,相 信一切在 Wade的掌握之下。 我發現很難相信太空人無意願要拿到個CL。 Qualls關門的點子並不 使我驚奇,因為太空人談到 CL要從球隊內部找尋時, Qualls看來是唯 一的選擇。 Sarfate is a long shot to close. I would look for him to fit in somewhere in the sixth or seventh inning at this point. Sarfate要關門還有很長的路要走。我期許他先在第六或第七局上場中繼。 Why don't the Astros hit Hunter Pence third? It seems that Pence, Berkman and Lee would make the perfect three, four and five hitters. -- Richard, Carson City, Nev. 問:為什麼太空人不把 Pence放第三棒? Pence、Berkman和 Lee看來可以組 成強悍的中心打線。 You're thinking the same way as Cooper, who said recently he's inclined to slide Pence into the three-hole and drop Berkman and Carlos down a notch or two. It's unclear if Berkman would hit cleanup or fifth, but that will be worked out during Spring Training next year. 答:你和 Cooper持相同看法,最近他說有意把 Pence移到第三棒,Berkman 和 Carlos往後移。 Berkman打四番或五番尚未確定, 不過明年春訓會開始動作。 The three-hitter is usually the team's best hitter, but Cooper feels he also needs to be an all-around offensive player, as Pence is. As Cooper said, "He can produce runs, he's got speed, he can score on a base hit, hit it out of the ballpark." 這三棒通常是隊上最強的打者,可是 Cooper認為也需要個像 Pence一 樣攻擊全能的球員 正如 Cooper所言:「他能夠製造打點、擁有速度、回壘得分,把球轟出場 外。」 Berkman, who turns 32 in February, isn't a speed threat, but he certainly can be counted on for somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 homers each year. Berkman在二月就要滿32歲了,雖說沒有速度,不過他全壘打年產量確實能在40 發左右。 "He's not an old guy, but he's not a young guy, either," Cooper said. "I see him moving down in the lineup to four or five. Hunter is the more likely [No. 3 guy]." 「他年紀並不老,可是也不小了。我認為他要被拉到第四或第五棒。 Hunter可能 才是最恰當的第三棒」Cooper表示。 With Bourn in center and Pence in right, is Scott now the odd man out and/or trade material? -- Andrew N., San Antonio 問:既然 Bourn守中外野而 Pence守右外,現在 Scott變成多餘的外野手還 是交易籌碼? Probably both. There's nothing that says Scott can't return as a bench player, but the preferred course of action probably would be to trade him. He doesn't have enough value alone to bring in pitching, but he could be included in a package that may fetch some value in return. 答:可能兩者都是。Scott不會回去當板凳球員,而目前傾向的作法可 能是交易他。他還不夠格以單人去交易個投手,不過可以和他人一 同打包換個等值的過來。 In a recent article, you mentioned the possibility of Stephen Randolph being back in the bullpen in 2008. Why would we want someone with such a high ERA? We can't afford to have a pitcher who gives up so many runs. I hope we get rid of him. -- Delene R., Houston 問:您在最近的文章中提到 Randolph可能是2008年牛棚一角。但為什麼 我們要有一個自責分率這樣高的傢伙?我們可承受不起一個放大火的投 手啊。希望可以丟了他。 The Astros took Randolph off the 40-man roster at the end of the season, but that doesn't mean they've given up on him. They have strong hopes that he'll sign a Minor League contract and accept an invitation to Spring Training, and indications are that he'll accept. 答:在太空人在季末將 Randolph移出40人名單,可這不表示要放棄他。他 們極其希望Randolph能簽下小聯盟約並參加春訓,有跡象顯 示他會同意。 I know Randolph didn't do much to impress during his time with the big league club, but the Astros still think he can be a contributor based on how dominant he was at Triple-A in '07. 我知道 Randolph在大聯盟表現不好,可是太空人相信,以07年在3A大殺 四方的表現,他可以做出貢獻。 When Spring Training began this year, the Astros told Randolph that he has a history of having good stuff but also giving up a ton of walks, and if he wants to get to the big leagues, he has to stop walking people. He did just that, producing a fabulous walks-to-strikeout ratio for Round Rock last year. 今年春訓開始時,太空人對 Randolph表示,他有很不錯的 stuff,可是也 丟太多保送了,如果想在大聯盟,就別保送打者上壘。他也達成目標了,在 Round Rock隊投出絕佳的四壞三振比。 That did not translate to the big leagues. However, the Astros feel he's gotten past a lot of his control issues and they'll take another look. He's left-handed, which as we know is a valuable commodity. Don't be surprised to see Randolph competing for a bullpen spot during Spring Training next year. 可那些表現沒有移植到大聯盟成績上。可是,太空人覺得 Randolph克服了 控球問題,因此要再給他機會。他是左投,如我們所知彌足珍貴。明年春訓看到 Randolph競逐牛棚位置,不用感到意外。 The Marlins are entertaining offers for Dontrelle Willis. I think he would be an amazing addition to the rotation. What are the chances the Astros get in on that race? -- Richard P., San Diego 問:馬林魚隊有意兜售 Willis。我想他對先發輪值來說,會是個驚奇的收穫。 太空人搶他入隊的可能性多大? From what I'm hearing, the Astros are already in on that race. I'm also hearing they're a long shot, at best, to land him. First of all, the Marlins appear to be leaning toward taking Willis off the table. But if they did decide to trade him, two things worry me: the asking price will probably be too high, and Willis' ERA and salary are simultaneously escalating -- not a good combination. However, I do think he's worth looking into, especially considering the Astros need a starter or two. Or three. 答:從我所聽到的,太空人已經加入爭奪戰了。我也知道得到他機會不大。 首先,馬林魚隊似乎重視 Willis。但要是真的決定交易他,有兩件事 令我擔心:馬林魚的要價可能會太高,而且 Willis的自責分率和薪水 不成正比---並非名副其實。然而我認為還是值得考慮他,特別是想 到太空人需要一個或兩個先發投手。或者是三個也好。 This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. =========================== 恩 翻的鱉腳 關於有翻錯的部分 我再來修改 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
poplin:ok Scott+老無敵 應該沒Willis不過換個什麼都好XD 11/14 22:36
dimhdp10:可以把Miller包進去換個好用耐操的LHP嗎XD 11/14 22:55
FreeFly:完全不想要Willis 換他Jennings Trade重現機率太高了 11/14 23:17
FreeFly:Miller好像是FA 而且他好像還有Type B XDD 11/14 23:18
tommy0221:我也不要.. 11/14 23:24
Lkira:要左投去爭取wolf好了= = 11/14 23:29
hsf0318:handshake deals可以被翻做"皆大歡喜的合約"嗎? 請指教... 11/14 23:34
FreeFly:原本好像只是指成交 沒加負面形容辭 說皆大歡喜沒問題 ^Q^ 11/14 23:42
FreeFly:他那邊只是想問當可以開始談錢太空人就搞定口袋肉的機率 11/14 23:46
FreeFly:不過這邊handshake deal好像是指私下默契還是暗盤之類的 11/14 23:48
FreeFly:應該不一定要左投吧 有霸主和Patton兩個了 XDDD 11/14 23:53
poplin:湊數的SP已經很多啦 可以先補RP...當然Wolf我覺得不錯啦 11/14 23:56
goopa:就是檯面下交易或暗盤的意思... 11/15 01:10
globekiller:應該是暗盤的意思 照上下文連起來 很貼切XD 11/15 18:16
恩恩...改好了 thx ※ 編輯: mysunny 來自: (11/16 20:36)
hsf0318:感謝各位大大指正 受益良多啊...>"< 11/17 02:16