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Mailbag: Why did club sign Matsui? 12/09/2007 10:00 AM ET By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處 http://kuso.cc/311R If Astros general manager Ed Wade was so big on signing a second baseman to bump Chris Burke, why not sign Mark Loretta? He might have signed for less money to start. He seems to produce when called upon. Hope you can shed some light on this issue. -- Brian L., Port Orange, Fla. 問︰如果太空人總管 Wade這麼大咖,能簽下新的二壘手,把 Burke擠掉, 那為什麼不去簽 Loretta?他應該可以用較便宜金額簽下來擔任先發。 每當需要他發揮時,他似乎能有所表現。希望妳能對此議題發表一些 看法。 The Astros are emphasizing speed and defense, and in that regard, Kazuo Matsui is the superior player. Loretta is a better hitter, but he's slow on the bases and his range isn't as good. At 32, Matsui is four years younger than Loretta, and when you're talking long-term deal, age has to factor into it, too. 答︰太空人目前強調速度與守備,在這方面,小松井為頂級的球員。 Loretta是個不錯的打者,可是他腳程不快,而且守備範圍不廣。 32歲的小松井比 Loretta年輕四歲,當談到簽長約時,年紀的考 量舉足輕重。 The Astros want to return to the basics -- pitching, speed and defense. The pitching, at this point, is suspect, but they did improve in the other areas by putting Michael Bourn at the top of the order with Matsui behind him. Hunter Pence can fly, too, and it'll be nice to have a speed factor in the three-hole. 太空人隊意圖回到投手、速度、守備的基本層面上。投手戰力 方面,有待存疑,不過藉著讓 Bourn當開路先鋒,後頭擺小松井 的安排下,其他部份確實提升不少戰力。 Pence也有速度,而且打線前三棒都具備腳程,是非常理想的。 How active do you think the Astros will be in acquiring Brandon Inge from the Tigers, if at all? -- Robert J., Pullman, Wash. 問︰如果可以的話,你認為太空人從老虎隊那交易來 Inge的可能性多大? With no disrespect to Inge, who is very good defensively and can play just about every position on the diamond, looking at his offensive numbers, I would hope Wade will take a pass on this one. 答︰我沒有蔑視 Inge的意思,他的守備一流,而且能守內野許多位置,但是 看他的打擊成績,我希望 Wade就此打住。 Inge hit .236 last year, his lowest average since 2003. His numbers have slowly declined across the board. His on-base percentage last year was .312, and his slugging percentage dropped dramatically from .463 in 2006 to .376 in '07. Ty Wigginton's numbers are much better than Inge's, and I'd rather have someone who can provide a little bit of power at a power position. 去年 Inge打擊率 .236,是2003年以來的新低。他的數據逐年下滑,去年 上壘率為 .312,長打率從2006年的 .463大幅降到2007年的 .376。 Wigginton的數據比 Inge的好很多,而我寧願在強打位置上見到能提供 較多火力的球員。 With the signing of Jose Cruz Jr., doesn't that mean we have too many players for the outfield? The Astros have Carlos Lee, Luke Scott, Pence, Bourn and now Cruz Jr. Is the team still looking for starting pitching? -- Andrew N., San Antonio 問︰雖然簽下了 Jose Cruz Jr.,並不代表我們外野人才濟濟吧?太空人已經 有 Lee、Scott、Pence、Bourn等外野手,現在又多了 Cruz,球隊還要再 補先發投手嗎? The team needs more than three outfielders, and most big league teams employ five. Cruz Jr. has a good chance to make the team out of Spring Training as a fourth or fifth outfielder. He will not be unseating any of the starting three -- Lee, Bourn or Pence. 答︰球隊需要三個以上的外野手,而多數大聯盟球隊會納用五名。Cruz Jr.在春訓 有不錯機會可成為第四或第五號外野手。他不可能竄取先發三人Lee、 Pence、 Bourn的地位。 The club always is looking for starting pitching. As we've gone over time and time again, the pool of available free agents is thin and not that enticing, and very few teams are willing to part with the pitchers they control. Those clubs that are willing to deal pitching are looking for multiple talents in return, and the Astros don't have that much to offer. 球團總是在尋找先發投手,隨著我們持續觀看,發現可以簽下的自由球員很 少,實力也不讓人為之一亮,而且少有球隊願意放掉隊上的投手,願意拿投 手出來交易的球團要換回的是有實力的球員,而太空人根本拿不出來。 In other words, click on the Astros' roster page, close your eyes and point to a pitcher. That could very well be the No. 2 starter next year. 換句話說,上官網按太空人點將錄《http://kuso.cc/313l》,閉上你的雙 眼,用手亂指一名投手,他即為適合擔任明年二號先發的人物。 What are the odds the Astros can work something out for Scott Rolen? I venture to say he would be better than Miguel Tejada if he stayed healthy. -- Randall F., Louisville, Ky. 問︰太空人網羅 Scott Rolen的機率多大?我敢說啊,如果他身體健康,貢獻一 定比 Tejada要來的大。 I seriously doubt the Cardinals would deal Rolen to a division rival. It's pretty much a moot point because I don't think the Cardinals are going to trade him. He's got way too much upside for St. Louis to deal him just because he's in a snit with his manager. Unless the Cards are blown away by an offer -- and that's unlikely, seeing that Rolen has had his share of injury issues over the years -- I see him staying in St. Louis. 答︰我強烈不相信紅雀會把 Rolen交易給同區敵隊。這個觀點毫無意義可言,因 為我覺得紅雀不想交易他。紅雀交易掉Rolen就只因他與總教練失和的話, 那他就獲益太多了。 除非紅雀被一個offer所驚艷,但那不可能,看看這幾年球季 Rolen傷痛不 斷,我想他還是留在紅雀好了。 Why are the Astros so fixed on getting rid of Adam Everett? Everyone complains that he doesn't produce enough RBIs, but let's be honest, he is the best defensive shortstop in the game. We need to look at how many runs he saves a game. With the lineup they have put together, I think they need to be content at hitting him eighth. -- Shay, El Dorado, Texas 問︰為什麼太空人要放棄 Everett?大家都抱怨他灌不出什麼打點,但老實說, 他可是場上最頂尖的游擊手。我們必須關注在他比賽中為球隊守下多少失 分。看到目前安排的打線,我認為要讓他打第八棒。 I don't think the Astros have been aggressively trying to get rid of Everett -- quite the contrary. I think they value his defense and would like for him to play shortstop next year. However, there is one shortstop they like a little more -- Tejada. So, for Tejada, they'd give up Everett. Tejada would be a major, major downgrade defensively, but obviously he would be a huge upgrade at the plate, even with his declining production. 答︰正好相反,我認為太空人並不汲汲營營放棄 Everett。我覺得他們很看重 Everett的守備,明年還是要他守游擊。不過,有個游擊手他們嚮往些,就 是 Tejada。因此,為了 Tejada,可以不要 Everett。 Tejada會讓守備水準大幅滑落,但顯然的,就算近來他產量下降,還是會帶 給火力強大支援。 The Astros need a closer and the Twins need a second basemen, so how about the Astros trade Burke and a mid-level prospect for Joe Nathan, a Houston native? The Twins and Astros both win with that deal. -- Utsav S., Sugar Land, Texas 問︰太空人需要一名 CL,而雙城隊也缺二壘手,所以太空人拿 Burke和一個中 等新秀來換取休士頓鄉親 Nathan如何?雙城跟太空人能獲得雙贏的局面。 Uh, no. The Twins most definitely would not win with that deal. They would need much, much more than Burke and a mid-level prospect for one of the league's elite closers. Forget about it; it's not going to happen. The Astros cannot part with what the Twins probably would ask for in return for Nathan. Think Killer P's. 答︰噢,別傻了。雙城在這樣的交易中絕對無法獲益。他們須要換得更強戰力, 比拿 Burke加一位中等新秀換取聯盟頂級 CL的安排要來的更多。所以忘了 這事吧!不可能會兌現。太空人不會割捨雙城提出的要求來換取 Nathan。 考慮 Killer P’s吧。 With the closer role still in limbo and Chad Qualls seeming to be the only candidate as of now, what are the chances the Astros will toy with Brandon Backe as a setup man or possibly as a closer this coming year? -- Charles R., Cheyenne, Texas 問︰既然 CL人選懸而未決, Quall似乎是目前唯一的選擇,太空人讓 Backe明年 轉當 setup man或 CL的可能性多大? You never say never, but seeing the gaping holes in the starting rotation, Backe is much more needed there than in the bullpen. I can't say that down the road that wouldn't change, but for now Backe is best suited as a starter. 答︰當然不可能把話說死,可是見到先發戰力積弱不堪,比起到牛棚, Backe 更須在此間。我不能說再來不會有變動,但以目前情況來看, Backe最適 合去當先發。 This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Baseball or its clubs. I =================== 恩 沒翻好的部份 我再修改 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mysunny 來自: (12/11 21:41)