看板 Astros 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Mailbag: Status report in wake of trades 12/17/2007 6:10 PM ET By Alyson Footer / MLB.com 原文出處 http://kuso.cc/32PO With the Miguel Tejada and Jose Valverde trades, what is the Astros' payroll sitting at now, and do you think we have enough left in the bank to go get another starting pitcher off the free-agent market? -- Rory S., Lufkin, Texas 問:既然交易來 Tejada跟 Valverde,太空人的薪資總額目前到哪?你認為我們有足夠資 金到自由市場簽先發投手嗎? It's hard to pinpoint where the payroll is right now, because many salaries -- Mark Loretta's, plus the arbitration-eligible players -- are still to be determined. But the payroll is somewhere around $85 million right now, and I do believe there is enough space for general manager Ed Wade to sign a free-agent starting pitcher. 答:目前很難確定薪資總額到哪個數目,因為還有很多薪資,像 Loretta,為附加有仲裁 資格的球員,還等著要決定數目。但是目前全隊薪資大約在$85M左右,而我相信已經 夠總管 Wade去自由市場簽一名先發了。 Don't get excited about the prospects -- if he signs someone, it won't be a big name. It'll be someone who can eat innings and provide veteran leadership, but don't expect Cy Young out of this. As we have gone over and over this offseason, there aren't a lot of options in terms of starting pitchers. 可是別對新人太興奮,如果 Wade簽下球員,也不會是什麼響噹噹的人物。簽下的會是 能吃局數且能提供母雞帶小鴨能力的球員,別期待有賽揚等級的投手。今年休兵期間 我們看先發投手沒有什麼好選的。 With Tejada's name thrown into the fire, what do you think this means for the Astros? Does Tejada face any punishment from MLB? And would you agree that the Astros have bad luck? -- Rene V., Edinburg, Texas 問:現在 Tejada陷入困境,你認為這是在惡搞太空人嗎? Tejada會面臨大聯盟官方的懲 處嗎?你同意太空人走霉運嗎? Commissioner Bud Selig may hand out suspensions to those players named in the Mitchell Report, but nothing has been decided. We'll have to wait and see if Tejada has to start next year by sitting out. 答:聯盟會長 Selig會對米契爾名單中的球員行使禁賽處分,但目前未有任何決定。我們 等著看明年開賽, Tejada是否會坐板凳上。 Bad luck has nothing to do with it. The Astros were not duped into anything when they made this trade. Tejada's name has been bandied about for two years, at least, with regard to baseball's investigation into performance-enhancing drugs. The Astros made a baseball decision. They've wanted Tejada for a long time, and they got him. I believe it's not a coincidence that the trade was consummated the day before Mitchell's report was released. It would have looked worse if they had traded for Tejada the next day. 運氣不好跟這無關。太空人作這交易,沒被詐騙。至少,在棒球界調查禁藥名單中 ,Tejada服藥的風聲早已傳聞兩年。太空人隊做的是棒球隊的決定。他們已經肖想 Tejada很久了。我相信在米契爾報告公佈前一天達成交易並非巧合。假如他們是隔 天交易來 Tejada,情況才慘呢。 Wade is making moves, and big moves, but he's also cleaning out our farm system. Granted we have one of the weakest in the league, but is it pretty fair to say if we don't at least make it back to the World Series in the next couple years we're in deep trouble for the future? -- Clay B., San Antonio 問:Wade把球隊陣容做了調動,而且是人事大震動,不過他也把農場清的一乾二淨了。就 算我們擁有聯盟最鳥的農場,但老實說,接下來幾年如果打不進世界大賽,是不是我 們未來麻煩就大了? I am definitely concerned with the number of players who have been traded. I believe they gave up too much for Tejada, because Troy Patton and Matt Albers were projected to make up two-fifths of the rotation next year, and now they're gone. I hated seeing Chad Qualls depart, and losing Juan Gutierrez makes me nervous as well. 答:我絕對關心被交易走的球員數量。我相信太空人賠上太多球員換來Tejada,因為 Patton 跟Albers預計是明年先發五人之二,然而現在他們都被送走了。我也厭惡 Qualls被交易,失去 Gutierrez讓我憂心。 That said, the Astros received a closer in Valverde, who not only led the Majors in saves last year, but he has two years of arbitration-eligibility remaining. That's a plus. As we know, you can't get something without having to give up something, which is why the really good trades are usually the ones that sting on both sides. 不過,太空人得到 Valverde關門,他不只奪得大聯盟去年最多救援,而且剩兩年才 有仲裁資格。那是額外的收穫。眾所皆知,有捨才有得,這就是真正的好交易往往會 讓兩方球隊受損傷的緣故。 With the Astros trading away Patton, Mike Costanzo and Gutierrez, what is the Astros farm system looking like for 2008 and beyond? I have to believe we're looking at one of the weakest in baseball. -- Nick S., Portland, Maine 問:既然太空人交易掉 Patton、Costanzo 和 Gutierrez,農場在2008年與之後會是怎樣 光景?相信我們將放眼聯盟最爛。 It was already one of the weakest in baseball before the flurry of offseason trades started. The farm system isn't going to be fixed overnight, and the team needs to have at least two or three solid Drafts in a row in order to start rebuilding a relatively barren player-development system. I would have preferred the Astros hold on to some of the young talent -- Patton, Albers, Gutierrez -- take their lumps in '08, not worry so much about putting a contender on the field and look toward '09 and beyond. That is not Drayton McLane's way, however, and his "win now" mantra will always be the law of the land. 答:農場戰力在休兵期間,混亂的交易開始前,就已經很爛了。農場系統不會在一夜之間 就打造好,為了重建球員栽培系統,球隊至少得在選秀會中獲得二到三個頂級新秀。 我比較希望太空人可以保有Patton、Albers、Gutierrez這些年輕人才,08經歷陣痛 ,不在意奪冠,展望09年與未來。 然而,那不是 McLane的作風,他那「贏球在即」的真言總是一切定律。 The problem is while most of the changes probably will help the offensive and bullpen efforts, the starting rotation is still a problem. That's why Wade has added so much production to the lineup and reshaped the bullpen. He has to be anticipating that the starting staff, with the exception of Roy Oswalt, will need a ton of run support. The relievers can probably expect a lot of sixth-inning appearances as well. 問題是大部分的改變對進攻火力或與牛棚戰力有幫助,先發輪值仍是痛處。這就是 Wade會補強這麼多火力並重新打造牛棚的原因。他得預料到先發投手群除了 Oswalt 王牌外,人人都需要強烈火力支援。後援投手可以預期第六局就會上班了。 I believe the Astros are going to score seven runs per game, which will mean very little if they allow eight runs per game. 我相信太空人一場球賽會打下七分,如果他們失掉八分,就代表這七分很少。 We need a No. 2 starter. Do you think the Astros will pursue Mark Prior? -- Adolfo D., Houston 問:我們需要二號先發投手。你認為太空人會去網羅 Prior嗎? Yes, the Astros are interested in Prior. But they would never be so foolish as to pencil him in as a No. 2. A No. 2 typically contributes 200 innings per season, and Prior has done that only once -- four years ago. Prior is someone you sign to a low, low base salary and let him earn his money through incentives. Otherwise, it's probably not worth the risk. That said, I'm glad the Astros are looking into Prior. He obviously has talent. If he can somehow find a way to get past the injuries, he could be a nice addition. 答:沒有錯,太空人對 Prior相當有興趣。不過他們也不會笨到將他定位為二號先發。典 型的二號先發每季要能負擔200局,而 Prior惟一在四年前有如此表現。 Prior是要 以低價簽下,到時再發予他激勵獎金的球員。 不然,可能不值得冒這個險。我很樂意太空人能考慮 Prior。很明顯他擁有球技。如 果他能夠找到方法克服傷痛,會是不錯的補強。 I'm curious on what you think the batting order should be, now that we have acquired Tejada. Rumors are that Tejada will hit third, and Hunter Pence will drop down to sixth. Based on pure projections, I think that should be flip-flopped. Tejada is now either a two-hole hitter average-wise -- but we have that spot seemingly locked up with Kaz Matsui -- or a five- or six-hole power-wise. I know respect and fame probably have something to do with it, but it would seem to waste Hunter's speed. -- Robert P., Houston 問:既然我們獲得 Tejada,我好奇你對打線安排有何看法。有傳聞說 Tejada會打第三 棒,Pence會移到第六棒,基於計畫,我認為應該反轉過來。 Tejada現在是第二棒 的水準,可是這一棒似乎是小松井的位置了,或者讓他打第五或第六棒。我知道 敬重與名聲可能跟此安排有關係,但這樣似乎太浪費 Hunter的速度。 I hate the idea of Pence hitting sixth. I believe it's a waste of tremendous speed and a potent bat. I'm projecting him as the No. 6 hitter right now, but in no way do I think that's where he'll spend the majority of the season. There's nothing that says you can't move him to No. 2 and drop Matsui. Yes, right now, Michael Bourn and Matsui are projected to be the No. 1 and 2 -- the "table-setters." I doubt that's how it will end up, however. 答:我不喜歡讓 Pence打第六棒的做法。我相信這是浪費了一堆速度跟有效率的進攻。我 現在會想讓他打第六棒,但不可能讓他整季在這個位置。不排除讓他打第二棒並將小 松井棒次調後。當然,目前是預計讓 Bourn與小松井打第一、二棒,當然,目前是預 定讓 Bourn與小松井打第一、二棒,當開路先鋒。 然而,我不認為會是長久之計。 How do you see the Astros rotation shaping up next year? Oswalt ... and then what? -- Dan R., Chicago 問:你認為太空人明年先發陣容如何? 王牌…接下來呢? Your guess is as good as mine. Brandon Backe, Woody Williams and Wandy Rodriguez are probably locks. You can at least consider Felipe Paulino and Chris Sampson as rotation candidates. I'm guessing Wade will add an inexpensive veteran starter to the mix as well. 答:你看法與我差不多。可能不出 Backe、Williams、Rodriguez等人。不過你至少可以 考慮 Paulino 與Sampson為先發可能人選。我猜 Wade會再補進個價碼不貴的老經驗 先發到陣中。 In case you couldn't tell, I'm not oozing with optimism. 假使你無言,我也不抱任何希望了。 I don't understand why we just let Adam Everett go without at least trying to get something for him! He is the best defensive shortstop in the league. You don't just throw him to the trash, which is what it seems the Astros did. -- Scott R., Rockville, Md. 問:我搞不懂為什麼讓 Everett走人,不至少試著拿他換球員。他是聯盟守備最精湛的游 擊手。你不能將他扔到垃圾堆,似乎這是太空人會做的事。 They did try to trade him. The problem was that once the Astros obtained Tejada, it was pretty obvious they were going to non-tender Everett. Why would you give up something to get him if you can nab him as a free agent the next day? 答:太空人隊有試著交易他。問題就在太空人簽下了Tejada ,很顯然他們會要 non-tender Everett。如果明天能簽下身為自由球員的Everett,那為什麼還要放棄球 員來得到他呢? I obviously have been an Everett advocate over the years, and I hated seeing him go. The Astros liked him, but Tejada was the one shortstop they preferred over Everett. They got their man. 這幾年來我一直是 Everett的擁護者,而且我討厭見他離開。太空人隊喜歡他,不過 Tejada是唯一他們喜愛勝於 Everett的游擊手。現在太空人得到他們的人了。 ================ 翻錯的部分 我再修改 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dimhdp10:"母雞帶小鴨" XDDDD 12/18 22:12
dimhdp10:"聯盟會長 Selig會對米契爾名單中的球員行使禁賽處分" 12/18 22:14
dimhdp10:這句使用了may 所以也還是有可能不會有懲處吧 12/18 22:15
dimhdp10:雖然下一句接"但目前未有任何決定" 但看起來卻好像是在說 12/18 22:15
dimhdp10:"一定會罰但不知道罰多久、多少"的樣子 12/18 22:16
dimhdp10:這次好像蠻長的 我的問題也很多 所以還是回文好了orz 12/18 22:46
tommy0221:有點不知道Wade的方針到底是什麼 戰績是其次 12/18 22:53
tommy0221:球隊明年的目標和展望呢? 12/18 22:53
dimhdp10:"You score, I score." <--- 大概就是這樣吧orz 12/18 23:15