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http://news.rti.org.tw/index_newsContent.aspx?nid=420876&id=1 飛臨敘利亞 俄國客機傳遭2飛彈攻擊   俄羅斯國際傳真社引述消息人士報導,俄羅斯1架載有150人的客機29日在飛臨敘利亞 上空時,遭身分不明的攻擊者發射2枚地對空飛彈攻擊。   報導中說,敘利亞通知俄方,29日早上有身分不明分子發射2枚地對空飛彈,在逼近 俄羅斯1架民航機的位置爆炸。   這名人士說,機組人員及時將客機駛往一側,挽救了乘客的性命,這些攻擊分子是否 知道客機是俄羅斯所有則不得而知。   俄羅斯航空主管機構29日稍後發表聲明說,這架包機是由埃及勝地夏姆錫克(Sharm el Sheikh)飛往俄羅斯的喀山市(Kazan),當飛臨敘利亞上空時,機組人員就發現有戰鬥 行動的跡象。   聲明中說,這架俄羅斯NordWind航空公司擁有的A-320客機機組人員認為,這些行動 已對飛機安全構成威脅,目前客機現已準時降落在喀山。   俄羅斯外交部另行發表聲明說,現已採取緊急措施來釐清狀況,並與敘利亞當局接觸 中。航空機構與外交部的聲明均未提及飛彈。 http://rt.com/news/rockets-russian-plane-syria-575/ 'Missiles fired at' Russian plane with 159 passengers onboard flying over Syria Two missiles were reportedly fired at a Russian plane with at least 159 passengers on board that was flying over Syrian territory. Russian officials admit the jet faced danger, but are not talking of a targeted attack. The news broke in on Monday as Interfax, citing “an informed source in Moscow,” reported that a Russian passenger plane was attacked. “Syrian [officials] informed us that on Monday morning, unidentified forces launched two ground-to-air missiles which exploded in the air very close to a civilian aircraft belonging to a Russian airline,” the source told the Russian agency. The pilots reportedly managed to maneuver the plane in time however, “saving the lives of passengers.” It is believed the aircraft was intentionally targeted, “but it remains unclear whether the attackers knew it was Russian or not,” the source added. However, Russian officials, though admitting the plane might have been endangered, are not yet talking of a targeted attack. The Russian Foreign Ministry’s said on its website the plane’s crew at 4.55 PM Moscow time (12.55 GMT) “detected battle action on the ground that, according to the crew, could constitute a threat to the 159 passengers on board the plane.” The Russian Foreign Ministry is now “taking emergency measures to clarify all the circumstances of this situation, including making contact with the Syrian authorities,” the ministry’s spokesperson Aleksandr Lukashevich said. The plane that was allegedly targeted belonged to Nordwind Airlines – a Russian charter air carrier – and was identified as an Airbus A320. On April 29 it was en route to the city of Kazan, in Russia’s republic of Tatarstan, from Egypt's resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh. So far, there are no grounds to claim that the aircraft became a target of a missile attack, experts say. It was flying over a mountainous area in Syria when one of the pilots noticed “flashes on the ground.” After that, to keep safe, it was decided to increase the height of the flight, Irina Tyurina, a spokeswoman for Russian Union of Tourist Industry told RIA Novosti. “No one was injured, and the plane was not damaged. The aircraft landed in Kazan as had been planned,” the Russian Federal Agency for Tourism told news agencies. There were 159 passengers and eight crew members on-board the aircraft. Meanwhile, Syrian aviation authorities received no indication of the alleged attack on the Russian plane, says the director of Syrian Airlines, Ghaida Abdullatif: “We contacted the service that monitors traffic within Syrian airspace. None of the air traffic control services or other ground services at the airports in Damascus and Latakia have confirmed the information of a Russian plane being fired at". Russian experts have already voiced their doubts that a passenger plane can actually perform the kind of maneuvers that would allow it to avoid a missile attack. “Planes are usually attacked either from the side or from above. A pilot could not have seen the missiles ,” Vladimir Gerasimov, a Russian pilot and an expert on flight security told RT. “ A passenger plane crew simply couldn’t see what’s behind. And if something is approaching the plane from the opposite direction – the speed doubles, so there is no time to do anything, ” he added. Danny Makki of the Syrian Youth Movement in the UK believes that the incident is no doubt a rebel attack, which could have been carried out with weapons supplied by neighboring governments or taken off the Syrian army. He thinks that the attack is an intentional one and should receive widespread condemnation, just as the attacks carried out by government forces do. “The most likely thing that could have happened was rebel fire from missiles that could have been given by regional countries or government forces… no rebel forces would fire a missile at civilian aircraft without it being done intentionally. So it is essentially another reprehensible act that would have been committed by rebel forces, and should gain condemnation from all the states after it is clearer who actually committed it”, Makki said, “But it does show that these are not the liberal forces which the West wanted to arm in the first place”, he added. The civil war in Syria between the government of President Bashar Assad and opposition forces has been raging for over two years, claiming the lives of more than 70,000 people according to UN estimates. Assad says he is fighting an insurgency that has been sponsored from abroad. -- 320多了一項可以宣傳了嗎? -- 思念 是從回憶深處伴著微風而來的熟悉香味 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
DavidEaston:006事件重演嗎 04/30 13:19
Epsilon:機上的人要怎麼知道如何躲飛彈? 04/30 13:20
flyiii:006 ? 還是 KL007 ? 不過這個地對空飛彈本來打不到的啦.. 04/30 13:29
DavidEaston:囧 記錯XDD 04/30 14:01
ttnakafzcm:DHL OODLL表示:無液壓成功降落 04/30 14:07
flyiii:DHL 那架是剛起飛就被轟了,這架都飛高高好久了... 04/30 14:09
ttnakafzcm:伊朗航空表示: 04/30 14:12
flyiii:伊朗航空是被SM-2R揍下來的,那個不是肩射防空飛彈阿... 04/30 14:58
flyiii:而且 20 miles 的航程根本飛不高吧.... 04/30 14:59
iqeqicq:DHL曾發生過在巴格達遭激進份子的手提式SAM攻擊但全員生還 04/30 15:06
iqeqicq:抱歉,剛才重複ttnakafzcm的話了 04/30 15:07
iqeqicq:此外以色列航空全機配備熱焰彈和金屬片等反飛彈系統 04/30 15:07
kromax:這配備也太專業了 加掛舞器不就可當戰機用 04/30 18:21
iqeqicq:不只反導彈系統,LY也配備了隨機特工與武警 04/30 20:29
iqeqicq:唯一有武裝的客機是空軍一號吧,上面有核武啟動鈕:P 04/30 20:31