看板 Aviation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://goo.gl/Imf4Jf 原本應該降落在 Branson Airport 的 西南航空 737 客機, 錯降在9英哩外的 M. Graham Clark Downtown Airport 這座機場跑道只有 3700英呎 (1127公尺), 最後停在距跑道終點只剩 40英呎的地方 要起飛也有難度,目前還暫時停在機場中 A Southwest Airlines plane landed at the wrong airport, around nine miles from Branson, Missouri on Sunday. The plane was bound for Branson Airport but landed at M. Graham Clark Downtown Airport, also known as Taney County Airport, which is at the College of the Ozarks. The plane came to a stop about 40 feet from the edge of a cliff, Scott Schieffer, one of the passengers, said via Twitter. “The mood is somber now, ” he said. “You should have felt the braking when we landed,” he said. “The pilot braked hard; I wonder when he realized he picked wrong airport?” The plane, Flight 4103, departed from Chicago, reported NBC. The Boeing 737-700 had 124 passengers on board and a five-person crew. An investigation is underway into how the wrong landing happened. The plane is now stranded at the small airport, which has a short, 3,700 foot runway. Sources told Ray Villeda of NBC that the plane isn’t leaving tonight and that it “will be tough” to get the plane out of the airport. Passengers are being shuttled to Branson Airport. Jeff Engel, a Branson teacher who lives less than a mile from the College of the Ozarks airport at Point Lookout, told the News-Leader that he was grading papers when he heard the plane arrive. It was much louder than planes that usually land there. “I wasn’t concerned about any danger. My dog perked up and I thought it was unusual,” he said. “Now it’s kind of scary. You don’t know what’s going on.” --
eggimage:= = 建議千萬別這樣做..上次有人這樣 結果佔用一個插座..10/26 08:05
WhatCanIDo:樓上..然後呢@@10/26 08:07
eggimage:就少一個插座用 很不方便.. 10/26 08:08
#1AvERudW (ask) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: ccpz 來自: (01/13 12:32)
manieliu:這應該是嚴重影響飛安的狀況吧.... 01/13 14:20
ccpz:剛才發現這篇新聞航班號碼打錯,4013 才對 01/13 16:42
cses87241:沒載客應該是飛得起來 01/13 17:04
cses87241:3700英尺是1147公尺吧 01/13 17:38
starger:LCF表示: 01/13 19:01
benck:還有載客...真扯 01/13 19:02
gloria3136:我也和乘客一樣想知道機長何時發現自己降落錯機場XD 01/13 20:29
nelsony1216:Giant 4214 後來拉起來我真嚇了一跳 01/13 22:44
kerrboy2001:有點好奇,塔台的管制條應該找不出這個班機,怎麼會讓它 01/13 23:31
kerrboy2001:降落呢?! 01/13 23:31
Japanesque:要怎麼離開這個機場呢XD 01/13 23:48
qwertyuiop24:不要起爭議,先拆坐墊 01/14 08:13
Japanesque:樓上XDXD,順便輕量化 01/14 16:17
newest:先拆坐墊wwwwwww 01/14 17:39