看板 Aviation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
飛機位置: 可能真的有轉向,最後衛星通訊是在 3/8 08:11 由衛星推測,可能的位置在哈薩克,土庫曼 或是印尼到南印度洋 @STForeignDesk: The aircraft then turned back and flew over Peninsular Malaysia. Consistent with deliberate action by someone on the plane #MH370 Correction: The last confirmed communication between #MH370 and satellite was at 8:11am Saturday March 8 Based on new data, location of last communication was at possibly at border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan #MH370 #Malaysia's PM Najib also said a second possible location for the plane was in a corridor from Indonesia to southern Indian Ocean #MH370 飛機狀況: 通訊系統可能被刻意關閉,之後航行還是很穩定 所以可能是人為繼續控制 http://www.breakingnews.com/ Malaysian Prime Minister: We can say with a high degree of certainty that aircraft communications system was disabled - live video Malaysian Prime Minister: Movement of missing Malaysia Airlines plane was consistent with deliberate action of someone on plane - live video @YahooSG Najib: Shortly afterwards, near the border, the aircraft's transponder was switched off. #MH370 接下來的行動: 南海的搜救結束了,還是不確定是不是劫機 接下來的範圍太大,要和其他國家協調 @myfoxphoenix Malaysia P.M. Najib Razak: We are ending operations in the South China Sea, refocusing elsewhere #MH370 @STForeignDesk 35分 #MAS commercial director Hugh Dunleavy tells #MH370 relatives airline won't take questions as it is now "criminal investigations" @STForeignDesk 48分 As this new possible ocation involves many countries, Malaysia's foreign ministry will be meeting representatives of those countries #MH370 --
spuim:台淫能拿到面額最大的鈔票嗎?06/13 16:43
spuim: 銀06/13 16:43
pluseeman:平常打什麼字 就會肛好打出來06/13 16:46
shihmis: 剛 樓上也是06/13 16:51
#1ACsMhP0 (Gossiping) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
tlm:那幾個可能位置也差太遠了吧!!! 03/15 15:25
ccpz:因為衛星的涵蓋範圍很廣吧 03/15 15:25
volcom:所以前幾天搜救的人浪費資源 太可憐 03/15 15:34
imprezasti:馬國的空軍跟瑞士一樣有下班時間嗎= = 03/15 15:39
HScarpetta:突然覺中華民國國軍好像也沒太糟 03/15 15:42
ewayne:哪個國家的軍方都一樣,不給你碰就是不給你碰 03/15 15:44
physbook:靠...哈薩克到印尼.......== 03/15 15:47
hihi29:機長發神經的機率越來越大了... 03/15 15:49
qtgeorge:哈薩克到印尼也太大了吧....... 03/15 15:57
suzukihiro:一開始的搜尋位置就歪了。。馬來西亞在搞什麼 03/15 15:57
busgoer:乾脆把整個地球搜一遍算了 03/15 16:06
liyuoh:太扯了 之前各國的行動都... 03/15 16:38
donkilu:越南,波音: 幹! 03/15 17:09
kimi255085:把之前去幫忙找的國家都當白癡 03/15 17:15
westfour:八卦版#1J90wjUg 時間整理不錯 馬航粉絲閉嘴就是爽 03/15 17:43
htio:謝謝幫忙, 油費自理. 03/15 17:50
fcliverpool:你們真的以為其他國家在那區域甚麼都沒做嗎? 03/15 18:06
happyliz:順便做一些探測之類 03/15 19:14