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[媒體名稱] CNN Travel [新聞日期] 2020/7/8 [網址] https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/a380-hi-fly-auxilary-freighter/index.html [內文] (CNN) — It looks like the ultimate in Covid-era luxury: a huge passenger jet with economy seats removed and acres of space to stretch out your legs. While this temporary reconfiguration of an Airbus A380 is related to coronavirus, it's not, however, about social distancing. Portuguese charter operator Hi Fly has removed most of the seats from its sole A380 in order to make way for more cargo, making it the world's first A380 to be converted for freight. As the A380 is the world's largest passenger jet, that's a lot of space that's been freed up. The aircraft has 300 square meters of volume capacity and can hold close to 60 tons of cargo, to be precise. That's even more weight than the Beluga XL, Airbus's gigantic, whale-resembling freighter airplane, can transport. Hi Fly tells CNN that it's using its newly converted A380 to transport medical and protective equipment to aid the fight against Covid-19, with its most recent destinations being Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic, Montreal in Canada, and Tianjin and Wuhan in China. This aviation first is perhaps a last hurrah for the A380, as Airbus announced last year that it would stop deliveries of the superjumbo in 2021. The Covid pandemic also appeared to be hastening its demise, with airlines including Lufthansa, Qantas and Air France grounding their remaining A380s as the demand for air travel plummeted. Popular with air travelers but expensive to operate, the gigantic double-decker craft with its 853-passenger maximum capacity was simply "too big for current needs," John Grant of AG Aviation Consultants told CNN Travel in March. Hi Fly took over its Airbus A380-800 from Singapore Airlines, retaining its original interior and 471-seat configuration. With the economy seats removed (business and first-class remain), Hi Fly can carry freight across all three levels of the aircraft. The international transport of critical medical goods has been crucial to supporting first responders around the world. "Air cargo solutions have never been more important than they are now to global health services. Currently, our international teams dispatch multiple flights daily to ensure that vital medical supplies protect those in need," Tatyana Arslanova, executive operating officer for Moscow-based Air Bridge Cargo, told CNN Travel in May. The Boeing 747-8F, with its climate-controlled cargo hold, has been a craft of choice during the crisis. Unlike the 747, however, there's never been a freighter version of the A380, although Airbus did at one time have plans for one. That freighter project was canceled. The A380 suffered from disappointing initial sales and the superjumbo's design -- with its emphasis on volume -- meant that it made more economic sense to load up with relatively light passengers, rather than weighty cargo. However, these unprecedented times have meant that airlines have been forced to be flexible and to consider how best to utilize the craft in their fleet. Perhaps Hi Fly's A380 won't be the first superjumbo to get a second chance at the high life. 葡萄牙包機公司 Hi Fly 最近將 A380 大部份座椅拆除,當作貨機來使用 是掛在子公司 HiFly Malta 下 9H-MIP 機體序號 006 ,前一手是新加坡航空 2008/3~2018/7 HiFly 接手之後保留了新加坡航空原來的內裝和 471 座配置使用 武漢肺炎初期也曾經被包租作為撒嬌專機 拆掉大部份座椅後,現在穿梭各地承載醫療用品 https://youtu.be/zTRuQ0MiIxs
https://imgur.com/AtYVwBe https://imgur.com/eJ46N3V https://imgur.com/yVn1U6G https://imgur.com/l9wuCR9 https://imgur.com/0j0bXiu https://imgur.com/piZwZp5 https://imgur.com/YSLEco5 https://imgur.com/nqnlpgW https://imgur.com/BMZAsJ4 https://imgur.com/x8jsgMb [心得] 雖然和當初預想不一樣,不過A380貨機以另一個形式實現了... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1594392258.A.185.html ※ 編輯: prussian ( 臺灣), 07/10/2020 22:44:35 ※ 編輯: prussian ( 臺灣), 07/10/2020 22:49:10
Kazamatsuri: 「撒嬌」專機 wwwwwww 07/10 22:48
michaelgodtw: 很好 07/10 22:56
※ 編輯: prussian ( 臺灣), 07/10/2020 23:00:22 ※ 編輯: prussian ( 臺灣), 07/10/2020 23:04:03
GFGF: 為啥不全拆啊? 07/10 23:12
lc85301: 先拆座墊 07/11 00:29
s88388: 剩下的椅子做緩衝用的,如果有貨物鬆脫有個緩衝 07/11 07:23
clamin: 裝貨超慢.. 07/11 10:02
lovecut: 公道價 07/11 10:46
NiChu: 全人力裝卸....一整個回到奴隸時代了阿...XDDDD 07/11 12:19
Whelsper: 應該三小時都還裝不完 07/11 12:56
asdf0923: 要命,上貨上到懷疑人生 07/11 13:12
rocky9137: 以前MD90我就上貨上到懷疑人生 A380.... 07/11 15:09
CydonianCarp: 上次遇到土航777 客艙裝滿大概2.5-3小時吧 07/11 16:39
sammy98: 一個疫情 註定加速淘汰樞紐式大飛機 07/12 12:56
danish: 還好地勤人員最近沒甚麼工作,可長時間專心上貨 07/12 17:06
yuinghoooo: 現在求沒虧錢就可以了 08/14 23:24