看板 BASKET-RULES 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下是FIBA網頁上對2003新規則的判例。 1. How does the 2nd and 4th periods of a game begin? 第二節及第四節的比賽如何開始? 2. Team A is awarded an alternating possession throw-in. Before the throw-in ha ended, A4 commits a disqualifying foul. Shall team B be entitled to the next alternating possession throw-in? A隊擁有爭球時發界外球的權利。在發界外球完成之前,A4被宣判奪權犯規, B隊是否會被賦予在下次爭球時發界外球的權利? 3. During the 3rd period, team A uses no time-outs. With one minute remaining in the 4th period, team A requests three time-outs in succession. Shall the time-outs be granted? 第三節時,A隊沒有使用任何暫停。在第四節剩下一分鐘時,A隊連續請求 3次暫停,是否可以給予A隊這些暫停? 4. A4 releases a shot for a goal. The ball strikes the cylinder, after which it is rebounded by B4 who begins to dribble. After B4 has been dribbling for 2 seconds, the 24-second device sounds in error. Shall team B be awarded a throw-in with 22 seconds remaining on the 24 second clock? A4投籃。球中籃框之後被B4搶到籃板,並開始運球。B4運球2秒之後, 24秒計時器誤鳴。 B隊是否由發界外球開始比賽,且24秒計時器剩下22秒? 5. A4 attempts to dunk the ball. The ball strikes the cylinder and rebounds into team A's backcourt. Before a player on either team can gain control of the ball, the 24-second signal sounds. How shall the game be resumed? A4嘗試灌籃。球中籃框後,彈回A隊的後場。在任何一隊可控制到球之前, 24秒計時器響,比賽如何繼續進行? 6. On a final unsuccessful free throw by A4, both A5 and B5 enter the restricted area before the release of the free throw. How shall the game be resumed? 在A4最後一次罰球不進時,A5和B5同時進場過早,比賽如何繼續? 7. A throw-in by A4 lodges on the basket support. Shall team B be entitled to the next alternating possession? A4發界外球時,球停在籃框支架上。 B隊是否被賦予發界外球的權利? 8. In alternating possession throw-ins, shall the officials change positions? 在發爭球後的界外球時,裁判是否換位? 9. On an alternating possession throw-in by B5, the ball is simultaneously touched on the court by both A4 and B4, after which it goes out-of-bounds. Shall team A be entitled to the next alternating possession? B5發爭球時獲得的界外球時,球同時被A4和B4踫出界, A隊是否被賦予在下一次爭球時發界外球的權利? 10. A final free throw by A5 is successful. Before the ball can again become live, A4 and B4 commit a double foul. Team A has the right to the next alternating possession. Shall the game be resumed with a team A throw-in? A5最後一次罰球中籃。在球未變活球之前,A4和B4被判雙方犯規。 A隊擁有下一次爭球時發界外球的權利。 比賽是否由A隊發界外球繼續開始? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: wswei 來自: (11/10 20:31) ※ 編輯: wswei 來自: (11/10 20:39)