看板 BLAZERS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Price: You are correct that Pippen does not want to win a ring riding on Shaq and Kobe's coattails. It would mean more to him to win a championship in Portland where he has established himself as a team leader. It is unfortunate that he his season was interrupted by a knee injury with so little time left in the regular season. Had he stayed healthy and been able to play at the level he was playing at just before the All-Star break, I'm sure the Blazers would have easily finished with the West's No. 4 seed, if not higher. Then, who knows? Coach Cheeks certainly wants Pippen back and recognizes the value he brings to the team as a player and leader. I also have heard that there is a possibility Pippen could look at going back to Chicago. Now that Jerry Krause is out and Pippen's friend John Pa son is heading up the Bulls' front office, PIppen might consider going back there with the understanding that when he is done playing there will be a front office job waiting for him. My best guess s that if Pippen is able to play -- the condition of his knees being the biggest question mark -- he wil re-sign with the Blazers. Of course, much depends on who the Blazers bring as their new GM. W ll that person want to remake the team? If so, how drastic will the makeover be? Stay tuned. Jim 版友 Carrarese 熱情贊助的翻譯 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 皮朋不會想在歐布的光環之下拿到冠軍戒指,關於這點你是正確的。 對他來說在他已經建立領導地位的拓荒者陣中奪下一座總冠軍才有更重大 的意義。很不幸的,在正規賽季快結束時他受到了膝傷的困擾。假如他能 保持健康的身體狀態並維持明星賽前的身手的話,我確信拓荒者在球季結 束的時候能輕鬆的以西區第四種子或更高的順位晉級季後賽;接著誰知道 還會發生什麼事呢。 毫無疑問的,莫瑞斯教練員希望皮朋能留下,莫瑞斯也知道皮朋在拓 荒者陣中身為球員與領導者角色時所代表的重要性。另外,我曾聽說過皮 朋有可能重返芝加哥。既然現在Jerry Krause已經離開芝加哥,加上皮朋 的好友John Paxson 成為公牛的領導階層,皮朋或許會考慮重回芝加哥, 原因是在他結束選手生涯之後能在芝加哥高層佔有一席之地。我猜測,如 果皮朋還能打的話〈他膝蓋的狀況是最大的問號〉,他會跟拓荒者續約。 當然這還得看誰將成為拓荒者的新GM。這一位新GM是不是想改造拓荒者? 如果想的話,拓荒者的陣容會有多大的變化?密切注意後續發展。 -- Go! Go! Scottie ! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: