看板 BLAZERS 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 PHX-Suns 看板] 作者: kerrys (台北不是我的家) 看板: PHX-Suns 標題: [外電] Why Phoenix made the deal for Shaq (下) 時間: Wed Feb 13 00:14:25 2008 Here are five reasons why the Suns had to make this move for Shaquille O’Neal: 下面是五個我認為為什麼太陽必須把大歐納入麾下的原因: Steve Nash’s window of opportunity is closing Steve Nash的機會之窗已經快要闔上了 As each year passes, the Suns cannot expect Nash to continue to create offensively for everyone. Pushing the ball on the fast break is one thing, but having to run the two-man game 40 possessions every night against physical defenses will eventually take its toll. Nash deserves a chance to add a title to his two MVP trophies. 一年一年過去,太陽無法期待Nash持續為每個人創造進攻的機會。在快攻時負責推進 是一回事,不過每晚都得在激烈肢體碰撞之下發動40次以上兩人小組配合進攻,就算是鐵 打的身體遲早也會出問題的。 Spurs have never won back-to-back championships 馬刺不曾連續兩年贏得總冠軍 The last time this scenario came to bear, the Dallas Mavericks used a physical combination of Erick Dampier and DeSagana Diop to wear down the Amare-less Suns to move on to the Finals against Shaq and the Heat. The Spurs have showed signs of wear and tear and the Suns do not want to miss out again on this opportunity. 上一次同樣劇本上演時,達拉斯小牛用肌肉兄弟Erick Dampier和DeSagana Diop硬是 擠下了小史缺陣的太陽,挺進總冠軍賽和大歐及邁阿密熱火交手。馬刺已經顯露了疲態, 而太陽不希望再一次錯過這千載難逢的良機。 Lakers add Pau Gasol factor 湖人和砲枷鎖的緣故 The Lakers could have said we traded for Pau Gasol on Halloween because it scared everyone in the Western Conference. I don’t even play anymore and it scared me. Imagine the frontline of Lamar Odom, Andrew Bynum and Gasol. Then combine it with the athleticism and shooting of Kobe Bryant and it’s obvious how every team is saying, “Why is Phil Jackson so darn lucky and why can’t he suffer for long?” 湖人可以說我們在萬聖節交易砲枷鎖是因為得到他的挹注後,湖人的實力將足以撼動 西區任何一支球隊。不用真的動手,光是把陣容一字排開就夠嚇人了。想像一下前場有 Lamar Odom、Andrew Bynum和砲枷鎖坐鎮,再搭配上活動力和投射能力出色的Kobe Bryant ,很明顯地每一隊都會說,"為什麼天殺的Phil Jackson這麼幸運,為什麼他倒楣的時間總 是比風光的時間短?" Throw in Trevor Ariza, Jordan Farmar, Derek Fisher and Ronny Turiaf. The Lakers look like a championship team this year. 陣中還有Trevor Ariza、Jordan Farmar、Derek Fisher、Ronny Turiaf等人。不管怎 麼看,今年湖人都很有機會問鼎總冠軍。 Suns are 2-6 against the top teams in the West 太陽對上西區頂尖球隊的戰績是慘澹的2勝6敗 The Suns have beaten the Lakers without Bynum and they beat the Spurs early in the season. They are 0-2 against the Hornets, lost twice to the Lakers with Bynum and got beaten by the Mavericks. The major reason for the losses has been an inability to defend the paint and the lack of defensive rebounding. Proof lays in the stats of the teams interior players when they play the Suns. Bynum averages 21 and 12. Duncan averages 27 and 17. Chandler averages 15 and 15. All above their season averages. And if you want to look further, Al Jefferson, who plays on arguably the worst team in the league, averages 32 and 16 in two Timberwolves wins this season against the Suns. 太陽在Bynum缺陣後曾經擊敗湖人一次,另外在季初他們曾打倒死敵馬刺一次。不過他 們對上黃蜂0勝2敗,輸給Bynum在陣的湖人兩次,另外到小牛家踢館那一次也是敗興而歸。 吞下這些敗仗的主要原因是因為禁區幾乎等同不設防以及防守籃板失守。不相信的話我們 可以檢視一下那些球隊的內線球員對上太陽時的統計數據。Bynum平均得到21分、12籃板, Duncan平均得到27分、17籃板,Chandler平均得到15分、15籃板。全部都在他們本季平均 之上。而且如果你希望更進一步看,在本季全聯盟戰績最差的球隊中力爭上游的新狼王Al Jefferson,他在灰狼本季兩度對戰太陽時平均數據是驚人的32分外帶16籃板。 Combine this with the foul trouble of the Suns best offensive player, Amare Stoudemire, and we see why the Suns chose to pursue Shaq. 這些人都會讓太陽陣中最有進攻效率的球員小史陷入犯規麻煩之中,而我們也得以看 出為什麼會選擇大歐作為交易對象。 The Portland Trail Blazers and the Greg Oden factor 波特蘭拓荒者和Greg Oden的緣故 The Blazers are the team of the future. If Greg Oden lives up to his promise and LaMarcus Aldridge and All-Star Brandon Roy continue to grow, the Suns will have another couple of big bodies to deal with over the next few years. 未來是屬於拓荒者的。如果Greg Oden真能實現他的諾言,而今年成績翻了不止一翻的 榜眼LaMarcus Aldridge還有已經入選明星賽的Brandon Roy能夠持續成長,太陽在未來幾 年將必須面對另一組雙塔的強力挑戰。 So now that I have given you why the Suns made the move, here are five reasons why it could work: 所以現在我已經告訴你為什麼太陽會做這筆交易了,下面則是五個為什麼它會奏效的 原因: First let me say this… I have heard the comment about Shaq is a shell of himself so on and so forth. Give me a break. I predicted the Heat would struggle this year and it was not because of Shaq. It was because of the players Pat Riley surrounded him with. Riley basically signed and drafted players that can’t throw the ball into the post and most importantly did not strike fear in teams with their jump shooting ability. This can ruin any big man that is a threat to post up and be productive in this league, including one of the most dominant ever. 首先我要說...我已經聽過大歐已經是虛有其表,實力已經大不如前之類的言論。讓我 喘口氣。我早就預測熱火今年會打得非常辛苦,而那並不是大歐造成的。而是油頭教練找 來搭配他的球員的緣故。基本上油頭所簽所選的球員都沒辦法把球搞進禁區,而最重要的 是因為他們跳投能力不佳,無法讓對手有不能輕易放投的恐懼感。這可以毀掉聯盟中任何 一個能以背框單打有效對敵手造成威脅的大個子,當然,也包括這位曾經在禁區內最有宰 制能力的MDE。 So it’s absurd to judge Shaq on what he has done this year. He deserves to be judged on what he can bring to the Suns. 所以用大歐本季至今的統計數據去論斷他不是很公平的一件事。以他過去的表現,他 值得我們等待,看看他到底可以帶給太陽什麼貢獻再做評論不遲。 Suns rise immediately to one of the most physical teams 太陽會立即變身為最能打近身肉搏戰的球隊之一 Shaquille O’Neal is a wall. The most overhyped stat is blocked shot. What about deterrence and altering decisions with the ball? The Suns are at the top of the league in blocked shots, but are viewed as a weak defensive team. The reason they blocked shots is because they got a ton of opportunities. Now that statistic will go down, but the opposition’s in-the-paint scoring will too. That means teams will take more jump shots and the Suns are better at that game than anyone in the league and now they also have the interior scoring of Amare and Shaq to boot. 大歐是一堵厚實的牆。最為普遍渲染的統計數據是火鍋數。他們有出色的威懾能力能 使對手改變主意將球傳往別處啊?太陽的團隊火鍋數在聯盟中名列首位沒錯,但他們被視 為一支防守能力疲弱的球隊。原因是因為他們有成千上萬的機會可以試圖封阻對手出手。 現在這項數據會下降,但對手在禁區內的得分也會下降。那意味著對手跳投的進攻比例將 會提高,如果要比跳投的話,太陽可說是投遍聯盟無敵手,但別忘了,現在他們還有小史 和大歐可以負責在內線搶分。 The Suns are the worst defensive rebounding team in the league because they could not command space. Shaq will allow Amare, Grant Hill, Raja Bell, Boris Diaw, etcetera, to be better rebounders because he will eat up space and punish offensive rebounders with long outlet passes – thus allowing Nash and Leandro Barbosa to leak out. 太陽防守籃板的鞏固排行聯盟倒數第二,因為他們沒辦法做好卡位的工作。大歐可以 讓小史、完美先生、辣椒標、屌爺等人可以化身為更好的籃板手,因為他會佔掉很多空間 還會用抓下籃板長傳前場讓隊友輕鬆得分的大絕招讓企圖拼搶進攻籃板的對手後悔莫及 - 這樣飄髮哥和小巴就能提早偷跑。 Finally, Shaq will protect Steve Nash and Amare Stoudemire from physical play. Players are physically afraid of him and he will punish you if you take shots at his teammates. I would love to see Robert Horry throw Nash to the floor with Shaq around to punish Parker or Duncan. 最後,大歐能保護飄髮哥和小史與對手肢體碰撞的機會。對手都害怕和他短兵相接, 而且如果你對他隊友不利,他一定以牙還牙。我會相當樂意看到在Robert Horry把飄髮哥 甩出去時有大歐在一旁處理小跑車或石佛。 Three players that command serious defensive attention 有三個善於進攻的球員會讓對手顧此失彼 Shaq, Steve Nash and Amare Stoudemire will cause teams to change their defensive philosophy during the course of the game, which is extremely difficult to do. 大歐、飄髮哥和小史會改變對手在球賽中的防守策略,而想同時守住他們三人幾乎是 不可能的任務。 Case in point. How will teams defend the Suns when they run the high pick-and-roll with Amare? Normally teams will rotate the weak side big defender over to challenge him. Well, if that occurs you have Shaq on the weak block flashing in for a pass from Nash or a guard trying to block him out. If teams get silly enough to rotate a small player to Amare, then they allow Raja Bell or Leandro Barbosa to have wide open three-point shots on the weak side. 舉個例子。對手是如何防守太陽在高位由小史發動的擋切戰術呢?一般來說對手會讓 弱邊的大個子輪替過來防守他。嗯,如果這樣你會讓大歐獲得飄髮哥妙傳後在沒有被蓋鍋 壓力的情況下輕鬆得分還是你要指派後衛去當炮灰?如果有球隊斗膽讓小前鋒去防守小史 ,那他們就會讓在弱邊待命的辣椒標或小巴擁有三分出手的超大空檔。 Mike D’Antoni can use his full playbook now with the back-to-the-basket dominance of Shaq. 擁有在攻守兩端都極具宰制力的大歐後,Mike D'Antoni可以盡情運用他一整本戰術書 中的所有戰術了。 Improve the running game 比賽可以有更多跑動 The biggest fallacy about the Suns and their running game is that Shaq will slow them down. I believe it will speed them up and give them more opportunities to run. I have already talked about possessions and the physicality Shaq brings to the Suns. 太陽以跑轟為主的比賽風格將會因為大歐加入而受到拖累,這是最大的誤解。我相信 那只會讓他們跑得更快並讓他們有更多機會可以跑轟。前面我已經提過大歐在掌握球權和 肢體碰撞方面能帶給太陽的貢獻了。 Now couple that with better confidence with your defensive rebounding – thus allowing Nash, Barbosa, Hill and Bell to run out earlier. The Suns could be even more potent. Also throw in Amare running more because of not having to fight and box out big centers. 另外加上對防守籃板更有信心這點 - 如此一來飄髮哥、小巴、完美先生和辣椒標就可 以提前開跑。太陽的跑轟能夠發揮得更淋漓盡致。同時也可以讓小史有更多機會擔任拖車 的角色,而不必和那些體型壯碩的中鋒卡位、奮戰。 I never saw Kareem Abdul-Jabbar running the lanes for the Lakers, but I did see him igniting it with rebounding and long outlet passes, and then coming down on the block with commanding presence. 我從不曾看過賈霸為湖人跑快攻,但我確實看過他用防守籃板和長傳作為快攻的序曲 ,然後再用一種威風凜凜的王者風範慢慢跑到另一端的禁區內。 Amare will become more dominant 小史將會變得更有宰制力 Because of the matchup nightmare Shaq would bring, Amare Stoudemire will benefit the most. 因為大歐對敵手是如夢魘般的存在,小史將會從中獲益最多。 Foul trouble should decrease and scoring and rebounding should go up. Also watch for his weak side defense to produce more blocked shots and steals. We have never seen what Shaq could do with a young dominant power forward beside him and he has one of the best in Stoudemire, who should be ecstatic at the chance to stop battling centers every night. 犯規麻煩應該會減少而得分和籃板應該會增加。再看他在的弱邊防守應該可以增加更 多的阻攻和抄截。我們從未看過大歐和一位年輕且有宰制力的大前鋒合作過,而現在他有 一位聯盟最佳大前鋒之一的小史當隊友,他應該會很興奮,因為他有機會停止每個晚上和 各隊中鋒們奮戰了。 Nash can play without dominating ball 控球的工作不必再交由飄髮哥一手包辦 This might be the most important cause of the Shaq trade and here is why. 這可能是最重要的一點,而下面是原因。 D’Antoni would love to keep Nash on the floor and use him off the ball, but he knows the offense would stall. The addition of Shaq and his great passing out of the post will allow the NBA’s best three-point shooter to spot up for periods during the game and punish defenses for doubling. D'Antoni會非常樂意讓Nash留在場上,不過不是負責控球的工作,但他知道這樣進攻 會整個停頓下來。大歐加入後,他從禁區內將球往外傳的出色能力將可以讓NBA最佳三分射 手在比賽中展現他百步穿楊的功力,讓那些嘗試包夾大歐的對手苦嚐惡果。 Case in point. Grant Hill throws it in to Shaq with Nash and either Barbosa or Bell on the weak side and Amare on the elbow waiting for the short jumpshot or the run to the basket if they double off of him. 舉個例子。完美先生把球傳給大歐,Nash和小巴或辣椒標站在弱邊,小史則在罰球線 附近等待近距離跳投或在對手包夾大歐時直奔籃下取分的機會。 This will destroy any defense and if Shaq stays healthy the Suns will be the team to beat come playoff time. 這將摧毀任何的防守陣勢,而且如果大歐能保持健康,太陽將在季後賽時成為像這樣 難以對付的準冠軍隊。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
holyfoo:頭推~ 02/13 00:15
kimo0211:歐肥加油!!太陽冠軍靠你了 02/13 00:24
chouyuu:大推~ 02/13 00:29
mea7211:推一個 02/13 00:31
tapil:大推 ~~ 太陽加油~~~ 02/13 00:31
smallclose:推推~~~~太陽拿冠軍 02/13 00:33
nacllin: 太陽總冠軍 & Nash MVP !!!!!!!!!! 02/13 00:34
highmimi:這篇外電我剛忍不住先看了原文.本來想先翻的 .. 02/13 00:43
highmimi:但我發現我看得懂,卻無法用中文解釋..您的表達能力真好. 02/13 00:44
mea7211:翻譯這種事是會愈做愈進步的^^ h大也可以來試試 02/13 00:48
rehon:推~~ 02/13 00:49
uniz:結論是要大歐保持健康並且有好勝心態!! 02/13 00:50
jim21528:推推~~太陽加油 向總軍之路邁進~~ 02/13 01:04
sixtene:太陽加油~邁向總冠軍 02/13 01:07
evonre:有大歐在一旁處理小跑車或石佛。 這段真好笑XD 02/13 01:10
ROGANJACK:PUSH 期待 02/13 01:16
takasi03:04年活塞交易來希蛙讓活塞奪得總冠軍 希望大歐也能是太陽 02/13 01:23
takasi03:奪冠的最後一塊拼圖 02/13 01:24
grown:Nash can play without dominating ball =>看這點時 有嚇到 02/13 01:25
mirialut:推啊~ 02/13 01:50
tim1112:雖然不是太陽迷 不過看了這篇分析覺得太陽變好殺~~(抖) 02/13 02:02
rahim1211:很生動的翻譯推 02/13 02:12
datasi:推 02/13 03:40
yomofok:其實在太陽大殺四方的那一年 阿罵常常偷跑 不太卡位 搶籃 02/13 03:58
yomofok:板 所以大歐根本不需要 用跑的來加入快攻 她只要能鞏固籃 02/13 04:01
yomofok:板 四線快攻已經很夠了啦 至於防守端 還是一樣 02/13 04:03
yomofok:鞏固籃板 不然對手命中率再低 蓋再多火鍋 人家投還是會 02/13 04:07
yomofok:進 02/13 04:10
jjoonnyy:這句好機車喔 好笑 太陽的團隊火鍋數在聯盟中名列首位 02/13 07:26
jjoonnyy:原因是因為他們有成千上萬的機會可以試圖封阻對手出手。 02/13 07:27
Jacobsen:推 後來翻成虛有其表阿 效果不錯呢 02/13 09:00
ILuvDumpling:在這個版講這個可以吧:我想看歐肥送拐子給 Bowen 02/13 09:11
※ 編輯: kerrys 來自: (02/13 09:16)
Attemborough:好文必推 02/13 09:43
Bluster:推歐肥!~ 02/13 09:45
jyunwei:天啊過完年看到那麼震驚的消息(大LAG)可是我之前不是 02/13 10:02
jyunwei:常常看到有人說對太陽而言真正的非賣品不是小史、NASH而是 02/13 10:02
jyunwei:Matrix嗎?(雖然我也不知道為什麼,我覺得NASH比較重要一 02/13 10:03
jyunwei:點) 02/13 10:03
foodfood:聽起來令人熱血沸騰阿!! 02/13 10:25
fjjkk:這是事實:太陽從最快的球隊變成了最能打肉搏戰的球隊了 02/13 11:58
fjjkk:季後賽哪場不是肉搏戰? 02/13 11:59
jackloutter:push 02/13 12:53
gohit:大歐加油!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!太陽加油!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 02/13 13:07
bardofzephyr:horry有膽再來啊 XD 02/13 13:10
jbsh:+1 02/13 14:34
stoudemire31:推! 02/13 15:59
ComicMan:Marion超讚,但是看他這幾年和球團一直有不和,早就有 02/13 17:08
ComicMan:他不再是非賣品,甚至會被交易的心理準備 個人不覺得震驚 02/13 17:09
ComicMan:這次交易真的是有想要對症下藥,但是藥選得好不好, 02/13 17:16
ComicMan:藥效合不合體質,真的都要使用後才知道...打了不好再噹吧 02/13 17:18
dakkk:借轉波特蘭 02/13 21:49
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
dakkk:看來太陽交易大歐來有一部分是為了防拓荒者 02/13 21:51
Rostow:拓荒者這5、6年來第一次被其他球隊那麼看得起 T-T 02/14 01:35
Rostow:而且還是太陽隊這種強隊! 02/14 01:37
jessieptb:XD不過等Oden強大起來的時候﹐O'neal還能打幾年啊﹖ 02/14 10:10