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※ [本文轉錄自 NBA 看板 #1HpwhiqS ] 作者: chanon (好啦 可以叫卡儂) 看板: NBA 標題: [外絮] 今夏十大自由球員-SF篇 時間: Sun Jun 30 11:50:00 2013 1.Andre Iguodala, 29歲, 球員選項, 上一份合約:80M/6y Iguodala非常大膽地放棄下一年的大筆薪資,投入自由市場尋求更大的合約,不過當你如 果是聯盟當中最棒的防守球員,或許你也可以有這樣的自信,當Karl離開金塊之後,他還 會想要留下來嗎? 2.Andrei kirilenko, 32歲, 球員選項, 上一份合約:20M/2y 不管Kirilenko是否跳出合約(今早證實已跳出),他已經證明了他還是非常有價值的功能性 球員,接下來的這兩年,他還是任何球隊不錯的選擇3.Mike Dunleavy Jr., 32歲, 自由球員, 上一份合約:7.5M/2y Dunleavy有點回春的跡象,他是這幾年公鹿很重要的武器,同時也是一個很棒的射手,能 夠大小戰場中提供很棒的支援。 4.Corey Brewer, 27歲, 自由球員, 上一份合約:7.5M/3y Brewer近年來不斷進步,但他那奇怪的攻擊方式會抑制他成為明星球員的機會嗎?他是一個 很棒的球員,特別是轉換攻擊的時刻,除了速度他也能提供不錯的防守,但他的三分球離 "穩定"這兩個字還有很長的路要走5.Kyle Korver, 32歲, 自由球員, 上一份合約:15M/3y 到底誰是聯盟當中最棒的射手呢? 當大家討論到這點時,名單上絕對有Korver。他應該有 辦法拿到一紙不錯的合約,或許數字大小會跟Redick差不多。 6.Chase Budinger, 25歲, 自由球員, 上一份合約:3.2M/4y Bundinger這個賽季並沒有一個很好的機會來證明自己的身價,因為傷勢的關係他甚至缺席 了幾個月,但他高度的運動力及投射能力,會成為缺少投射能力球隊的重要資產,灰狼將 會試著留住他。 7.Al-Farouq Aminu, 22歲, 自由球員, 上一份合約:菜鳥合約 Aminu在跟Vasquez搭配時,他是一個絕佳的不用大量持球的得分好手,他的防守及突破能 力會幫他吸引不少球隊的注意力,而他這麼年輕的情況下,你也可以保持著希望將他培養 成一個射手。 8.Dorell Wright, 27歲, 自由球員, 上一份合約:11.4M/3y Wright是一個擁有高度運動能力的射手,他應該有辦法拿到跟三年前差不多的合約內容, 而他是否值得球隊提供中產特例條款呢? 9.Matt Barnes, 33歲, 自由球員, 上一份合約:1.2M/1y Barnes今年在尋求人家"真的"付錢給他,過去他簽了太多一年合約了,但誰會願意給他這 種保障呢?他並不是一個能夠在外圍貢獻火力的球員,但他的防守能力絕對是不錯的。 10.Martell Webster, 26歲, 自由球員, 上一份合約:1.75M/1y 感覺起來他好像已經35歲了,因為他總是在這個地方徘徊,在經過幾年的掙扎之後,今年 他在巫師隊有不錯的表現,今年他的三分球命中率是生涯新高的42.2%。 其他選項: Carlos Delfino, Francisco Garcia, Wes Johnson 原文縮址:http://ppt.cc/ncF3 不負責任翻譯+編輯Chanon 如有錯誤請不吝指正 感謝 -- ◢██ ◢██ ◢██ ███ ███ ███ ████▆█ ███ ███ ███ █◥█ ████◥█ 順便補一下C 1. Dwight Howard, unrestricted, 27 yrs old, 5yr $83.2m: Grab your Affliction T-shirts and fire up the old TMZ website. It's Dwightmare 2.0! 2. Andrew Bynum, unrestricted, 25 yrs old, 4yr $57.2m: With the Philadelphia 76ers trading for Nerlens Noel and looking ready to tank for Andrew Wiggins or one of the top players in the 2014 draft class, it looks unlikely they'll feel pressured to re-sign Andrew Bynum. Do you want a really good center with a scary knee history? 3. Al Jefferson, unrestricted, 28 yrs old, 5yr $65m: Al Jefferson is one of the best post scorers and rebounders in the NBA. It would make sense for the Utah Jazz to retain him and let Millsap go because of his size advantage, but can you keep making up for inconsistent defense? 4.Nikola Pekovic, restricted, 27 yrs old, 3yr $11.8m: Nikola Pekovic could be one of the most sought-after free agents on the market because of his ability to score and rebound, but it will take overpaying him to pry him from the Timberwolves. How close to the max deal zone are teams willing to go for a guy that misses a fair number of games? 5. Tiago Splitter, restricted, 28 yrs old, 3yr $11m: Tiago Splitter looked prime for a big payday before the Miami Heat turned him into Andris Biedrins out there. But he still is a very active, mobile big man who has good touch around the basket. Will it take much to get the San Antonio Spurs not to match an offer sheet? 6. Zaza Pachulia, unrestricted, 29 yrs old, 4yr $19m: When healthy, Zaza Pachulia might be the best backup center in the NBA. He's a good defender, massive around the hoop and a good rebounder. He could be a nice target for teams looking for interior depth. 7. Marreese Speights, player option, 25 yrs old, 2yr $8.7m: Marreese Speights can play the pick-and-pop and knock down spot-up jumpers. His rebounding is good, too. But is he someone you feel comfortable signing for depth on a contending team? 8. Timofey Mozgov, restricted, 26 yrs old, 3yr $9.9m: Yes, Blake Griffin dunked on him something awful, but Mozgov is actually a pretty decent defender and big body to have in your rotation. But he'll probably get dunked on again. 9. Chris Kaman, unrestricted, 31 yrs old, 1yr $8m: Chris Kaman can score but you never want him to make his first jumper because then he falls in love with it. He also is a terrible defender. If he wants anything close to his last yearly salary, run away. 10. Chris Andersen, unrestricted, 34 yrs old, 1yr $540k: Will the Birdman leave Miami? Does he want to just hang out and catch dump-off passes from LeBron James? It might be hard to pry him from Miami's grip. Others to consider: Byron Mullens (R), Samuel Dalembert (U), Greg Oden (U) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
discindon :80M/3Y? 06/30 11:51
Rover :AK已經跳出合約了 06/30 11:51
arrfu :小AI三年80M?? 06/30 11:52
sss1234 :第一個有錯吧 06/30 11:53
bigappleman :卡儂出糗!! 06/30 11:55
常常.. ※ 編輯: chanon 來自: (06/30 11:56)
Vincredible :第3也錯了 應是2年 06/30 11:58
應該是忘了改..冏 okb9532:轉錄至看板 SUN 06/30 11:58 okb9532:轉錄至看板 PHX-Suns 06/30 11:59 ※ 編輯: chanon 來自: (06/30 12:01)
szuta :合約年的回春都是地雷 06/30 12:02
ponkd :Aminu是自由球員? 06/30 12:02
Vincredible :呵 想說Dunleavy怎那麼便宜 才去查了一下 ^^ 06/30 12:03
a70651 :怎麼沒田壘? 06/30 12:15
XBUCKXMR :Dunleavy真的不錯,穩定輸出 06/30 12:17
nbafrancis :Webster不錯阿 06/30 12:22
peter331 :Webster的關鍵字應該是Rubio 06/30 13:08
bightf44962 :希望馬刺把barnes簽下來 06/30 13:15
weian :typo: Corey Brewer 06/30 13:18
final00095 :小AI! 06/30 13:18
※ 編輯: chanon 來自: (06/30 13:20)
goodman1985 : 推整理 06/30 13:23
allizon :我怎麼看一半以上都像SG 06/30 13:27
TllDA :布丁狗的上一份合約 不也是新秀合約嗎? 06/30 13:38
nick80441 :Aminu感覺跟Leonard有點像 06/30 13:45
rkbey :Webster的關鍵字是絕殺灌籃 06/30 13:56
RBC54321 :Aminu和Leonard差別在三分線上面吧 06/30 13:58
kalfan1 :Barnes不會投外線嗎? 06/30 14:14
ymcdc :Webster上個球季的三分跟防守都有很大進步,move on 06/30 14:15
ntusimmon :都已經27了 明星球員應該是不可能了 06/30 14:19
Qaszx :感覺可用之兵不少耶 06/30 14:25
RickyRubio :\囧/ 06/30 14:49
YamagiN :Matt Barnes生涯三分也有3成3 冷箭型 不會被稱為射手 06/30 14:51
twonia :AK這麼年輕阿0.0 06/30 16:27
odjason :推 一個 借轉 06/30 16:58
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 轉錄者: odjason (, 時間: 06/30/2013 16:58:55 ※ 編輯: odjason 來自: (06/30 17:02)
dakkk:2 4 8 9 不錯 06/30 17:17
reaper317:小AI 06/30 20:42
mat394626:我喜歡AK跟咩棒 06/30 21:27
ben5277:我們的重點應該是後半部的中鋒部分,防守型的優先~ 06/30 22:31
Pinoco:先補中鋒 替補PF跟替補SF沒錢擇一 06/30 23:55
RubenGotay:中鋒比較重要+1 06/30 23:57