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WITH THE 2010 PartyPoker.net World Pool Masters set to get underway at the Riviera Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas next Wednesday 12th May, Matchroom Sport can announce the first round matches and groups. 2010年的partypoker.net(線上的博奕公司,有興趣自己上一下)撞球大師賽將在 5月12日在拉斯維加斯裡及結合賭場和飯店的Riviera Hotel正式開幕,主辦單位也公布了 部份第一輪的名單。 The 64 player field is drawn into eight groups of eight players who compete in race to nine, double elimination play to separate the field down to 32. 比賽型式為1組8人共8組64人,在進到32強之前都是採用雙淘淘制。 Defending champion Darren Appleton has a potential banana skin to negotiate as he faces off against powerful young Korean girl Yu Ram Cha in his first match. At the same venue last year, Yu Ram sent Shane Van Boening packing from the Predator Ten Ball and she will be looking to dent Appleton ’s hopes. 衛冕冠軍Appleton要尬上在台人氣瞬間飆高的人氣美少女車游蘭,去年在同樣的 飯店辦的predator 十號球錦標賽(她師傅辦的那一場)大爆冷門的讓shane van boening 打包回家,車游蘭能否再創造奇蹟? In other men v women matches, WPBA legend Allison Fisher faces Taiwan ’s two-time World Junior champion Ko Pin-yi in what looks to be an intriguing encounter. ’05 Masters winner, India ’s UK-based Raj Hundal, faces another Korean girl in Ga Young Kim, while Jasmin Ouschan ( Austria ) has a tough opener against Indonesian Ricky Yang, the WPA No.8 ranked player. 至於英國超級老將Allison Fisher要對上臺灣新生代高手,兩度奪下世界青少年 冠軍的柯秉逸,上半生絕大部份時間都耗在英國的印度選手Hundal要面對的是極可能下半 生都耗在臺灣的韓國選手金佳映,但Jasmin Ouschan 就沒這麼好運,她將面對排名高居世界第 8的印尼選手楊漢中 Another marquee match-up is Earl Strickland, a Masters winner in 1997, against 2007 WPC runner-up Roberto Gomez ( Philippines ) and the incomparable Efren Reyes has a tough proposition in Spain ’s David Alcaide. 三度拿下世界冠軍的史翠南對老菲Gomez,撞壇長青樹Efren Reyes對決西班牙 名將David Alcaide。 Three top American stars face qualifiers in their opening games. Shane Van Boening goes in against unknown Ukrainian Evegeni Novosad while Johnny Archer faces the dangerous Vietnamese player Luong Chi Dung. Elsewhere Rodney Morris faces young Scot, Jayson Shaw. 三位美國大將第一場的對手都是利用從16人擴編到64人的機會來比賽的人。Van Boening要碰上聽都沒聽過的烏克蘭選手Evegeni Novosad,Johnny Archer對決具有潛在危險 性的梁志東。Morris第一場的對手則是英國新秀 Jayson Shaw。 Groups 1 to 4 play their games on eight tables on Wednesday 12th may, while the remaining four groups complete their matches on Thursday 13th. After that the Masters moves to single elimination with the round of 32 taking place on Friday 14th and then the event goes to the TV stages on Friday evening and the weekend. 32強之後的比賽電視公司幾乎都會錄起來賣給世界各地的電視台。 After 17 years as a 16-player invitational competition, the Masters, one of the longest established televised tournaments in pool, will now feature 64 players and take place over five days instead of three. 比賽人數從之前的16增加到64人,比賽時間也比之前長了2天。 Working in conjunction with Cuesports International, the Masters takes place during the annual BCA National 8-Ball Championships, which sees thousands of players and fans flock to the Riviera for a lengthy festival of pool. 這段不重要 Seven previous winners - Ralf Souquet, Daryl Peach, Francisco Bustamante, Tony Drago, Raj Hundal, Alex Pagulayan and defending champion Darren Appleton - are among the players invited. 7位之前拿過大師賽冠軍的箇中高手都被邀請參賽。 No American player has won the Masters since Earl Strickland triumphed in 1997 but a large contingent from the USA - Johnny Archer, Corey Deuel, Oscar Dominguez, Dennis Hatch, Rodney Morris, John Schmidt, Shane Van Boening, Charlie Williams, Earl Strickland, Ernesto Dominguez and David Grau - will be hoping to change that statistic. 除了史翠南之外美國還沒半個人有拿過大師賽冠軍,這次精銳盡出希望能再下一城。 There has been a multitude of qualifying events around the world, with the final one in the ‘The Race to Vegas’, taking place at Pool Sharks in Vegas on Tuesday 11th May. Four spots in the main event will be up for grabs. 最後一場有4個名額的資格賽將在比賽前一天舉行 Television is produced by Matchroom Sport and will be seen as 15 x one hour programmes in 14 countries around the world with more to be added to the list. 電視台會把錄下來的比賽剪裁成15個1小時的節目,藉時包含緯來在內的 14個國家 以上的電視臺都會播出這場比賽的精華內容。 The prize fund is set at a guaranteed $100,000 with $20,000 going to the eventual champion. 總獎金10萬美金,冠軍一人包2萬 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: a49061854 來自: (05/08 09:35) ※ 編輯: a49061854 來自: (05/08 09:46) ※ 編輯: a49061854 來自: (05/08 09:47)
gcgaryyoyo:David Alcaide怎麼會沒名氣...翻譯的話請照原文翻 05/08 09:50
※ 編輯: a49061854 來自: (05/08 09:56) ※ 編輯: a49061854 來自: (05/08 10:46) ※ 編輯: a49061854 來自: (05/08 10:47) ※ 編輯: a49061854 來自: (05/08 10:48) ※ 編輯: a49061854 來自: (05/08 10:48) ※ 編輯: a49061854 來自: (05/08 10:50)