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1. 這篇文章大概描述(中文30字).... 氧化壓力於腫瘤細胞的角色眾說紛紜,不可否定的是腫瘤細胞具有較高的 自由基/ROS耐受度。然而,近年在許多研究中也將氧化壓力的調控納入腫 瘤治療的方法之一。其中,對於微核醣核酸(microRNA)在細胞凋亡及細胞 命運(cell fate)中所扮演的角色,仍有許多機制與爭議。 This article majorly described that microRNA-183/96/182 cluster could enhance the chemosensitivity of glioma thru a ROS-mediated manner. Three target genes were estimated to be regulated by the shared transcript (the cluster), including FGF9, CPEB1, and FOXO1. Once the targets got released by the cluster/individual KD, p53- dependent apoptotic pathway would be triggered; hence, the cancer went down. [期刊名稱 與 標題卷號年份等資訊] The miR-183/96/182 Cluster Regulates Oxidative Apoptosis and Sensitizes Cells to Chemotherapy in Gliomas Curr Cancer Drug Targets. 2013 Feb;13(2):221-31 [期刊網址/ 太長的話 請到http://tinyurl.com縮網址] http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23252827 [我的e-mail] [email protected] I'm very interested in ROS/microRNA regulation, if any of you have the similar interests, it is glad to have any kind of discussion with you guys at all times, appreciate!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: