看板 Blur 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Bow Bells say goodbye to the last train Over the river they all go again Out into leafy nowhere Hope someone's waiting out there For them 昏黃的燈光...照著這位日落西山的昔日巨星.. 回想自己的一生... 他依然回想著那些排行榜... 他依然回想著自己當年不過靠著前人的音樂東拼西湊居然還可以走紅而得意不已 他依然希望自己在到達車站後 還是有那麼多人圍繞著等他...等著跟他要簽名 Cabbie has his mind on a fare to the sun He works nights but it's not much fun Picks up the London yo-yo's All on their own down Soho Take me home 回到現實 他現在不過是個靠著開計程車過活的小市民... 一句 帶我回家 就指使著他前進 Other people wouldn't like to hear you If you said "That these are the best days Of our lives " Other people turn around and laugh at you If you said "That these are the best days Of our lives " 你不斷說著 我過去的日子是多麼好...... 不會有人裡你 人們只會轉過身去 嘲笑你 Trellick Tower's been calling I know she'll leave me in the morning In hotel cells listening to dial tones Remote controls and cable moans In his drink he's talking Gets disconnected sleepwalking back home 連女朋友都走了....只能夠將自己灌醉 踏著不穩的步伐回家... And other people turn around and laugh at you If you said "That these are the best days " Of our lives Of our lives 人們轉過身去 嘲笑著你 而你也只能夠 告訴大家 過去的光榮歲月.... 那是我們過去的光榮歲月啊................ ---- 以此獻給某些日落西山又不知改進的樂團 Best Days 收錄在blur 第四張專輯 The Great Escape 中 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: