看板 Blur 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這篇文章也是從上面那個古老的網站中抓來的!! 資訊還是一樣跟現在有點落差喔,有請三劍客幫忙更新補完啊!!! (拜) 原本想要一次貼完的,但是批踢踢好容易當機喔,我的批幣都飛了 T T 所以還是分個兩三次貼好了 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not only can Graham play the guitar and shitloads of other instruments, sing, write and paint, he also HAS LOTS TO SAY ! 1. "I bought Cinnamon and Golden Grahams and these indie kids in the shop laughed at me. It was funny but embarrassing." (綿羊何不用你的大牙反咬回去呢!!! 噢不年少時期可是很以和為貴的, 可能是難搞的綿羊基因尚未突變,也有可能後來才進入擬態模式??????) 2. (If you had a superpower what would it be ?) "The US. I'd make it small enough to fit in my spare room. Then George Bush would be ant sized and I'd put him in a matchbox so he couldn't come out." (葛拉拉是個美國小孩,具體點說應該是德裔美國小孩 他除了穿衣風格稍稍英國以外,還是比較像德國人跟美國人!!!) 3. "Being a dad is amazing, yeah. That's where I'm learning more about me than anywhere else, from this little girl who doesn't really know what is happening in the world. Doesn't know anything. She's helped me become the emperor of myself really." (潛在的 control freak!!) 4. (What do you think of the Gorillaz stuff?) "That's a tough question. (long pause) And now I'll leave it at that! No, it's cool, Damon's doing his thing, and he needs to do his thing. We all do. You know, I don't expect anybody to particularly like my stuff. And I think that's the healthiest way you can make music really, not expecting people to like it." (這應該是有點年紀以後說的話了,標準的後期訪問風格 不過gorillaz也是要到葛拉拉三十歲以後才比較上軌道不是嗎:P) 5. (Are you pissed off with Gorillaz becoming more popular than Blur?) "No i'm not, although i'd like to know who's buying Gorillaz. But it's good because it's Damon's. He's doing what he wants to do. I think it's obviously going to be more popular than Blur stuff because it's of a substandard nature to Blur stuff. The music is pretty good but the more popular a thing is in this country, the more rubbish it is. It'd be best if people listened to simpler music, stuff that resonates more soulfully." (同上,但他也間接承認大門猴是blur的主導人) 6, "I'm squeamish about seafood. I can't pull the heads off shrimps and things like that ; get me fingers all mucky in their eggs and peel the armour off. I dont like that." (蝦很好吃耶@@ 可惜了葛拉拉) 7. (Do you have any phobias ?) "I used to not be able to walk up Parkway (busy Camden thoroughfare). I'd completely avoid it because I thought people would be making comments about me. I suppose that's what comes with being a slightly recognisable figure around here, you wonder what people are gonna be saying. " (戴口罩跟帽子不就好了!!即使很怪,那就太陽眼鏡吧,好像也挺怪的齁!) 8, (If you were Prime Minister, what would you do ?) "Change the national anthem to nothing. I don't like nationality." (很不英國的一面) 9. (Are you good in bed ?) "Absolutely. Not. I'm very good at sleeping. I go to sleep very quick. I don't know about shagging. I can be good, i can be awful. I think i'm quite selfless." (葛拉拉有一個傾向:回答不想回答的問題都會spaced out!! 亂講一通) 10. "Graham's fans seem to be really fucking mad. Alex fans just seem to be mad. The classic fanbase of people that like Damon are completely fine. I just seem to attract complete nutters." (讓我想到大門猴曾經說"葛拉拉的fans都會想吃了他" 烤羊肉真的不錯啊~~羊肉爐也很好吃~~) 11. "The obsessive psychos that are our original fanbase, you know, they're the ones I like... Our original audiences, they're the people I'm the most fond of, not the people who just do what the TV tells them to do." (fashion is doing the things you're told, innit? by吉他手06四月號) 12. "I think it's better if blokes can admit that they can have crushes on other blokes. I've probably had crushes but never really sexual crushes on men." (葛拉拉對男人沒有幻想!!!大叔fans要哭哭囉) 13. "I crapped on my jumper. I wanted to poo and I forgot it was tied around my waist. I had to throw it into someone's garden." (好噁心XDDDDDDDDDD) 14. "Being run over is quite scary,actually - You have that split second when you say 'ooh, crikey!' shut your eyes, grit your teeth and bounce off the bonnet. I had to ask a copper if I was dead." (這個在訪問葛拉拉代言cordings那篇報導裡面有!! 其實想起來那場景應該還頗無腦的...年少輕狂啊) 15. "I'm trying to learn skateboard at the moment. I tried to skate in bare feet, bad idea. I completely cut up my toes." (好吧我相信你曾經是滑板男孩,但老了別再做這種事情啦免得骨頭散掉!!) 16. "Spiders are cool but I'm still scared of them . But I don't kill them." (可以想像他看到蜘蛛尖叫的畫面嗎!!!! 或是他可以跟蜘蛛說: oochy woochy XDDDD) 17. "My old flat is covered with carcasses of mosquitos all over the walls because I never bothered to clean up , as a warning." (the god of mess-ups again) 18. "I'm a Christian without God. I'm an agnostic erection boy. Whatever that means... Barman! Barman!" (他只相信酒神dionysus吧!!) 19. "I'm perfectly charming and then at the point where I start forgetting what's happening I get drunk and that's when I turn into a horrible bastard." (在喝醉以外的時刻我都是很迷人的唷~啾咪!!!) 20. "You have to learn to keep your mouth shut when you have to get any drinks in." (有加菲貓的感覺) 21. (about alcohol) "Chocolate does the same thing to your happy centres. But you can't have ten Mars Bars and be rolling around on the floor insulting people and shouting and crying for no reason. Which is a shame. Heheheh." (巧克力比起酒來還是略遜一籌因為他不會使你醉orz) 22. "If I was one of my friends, Graham Coxon would be the person I most likely saw stopped drinking." (一度曾經是不可能的任務啊) 23. "When I started to swear at furniture, I knew it was time to stop drinking" (XDDD 家具跟人傻傻分不清楚) 24. "Cynicism is something I really dislike, and the thing about becoming soberer and clearer is that a lot of cynicism disappears. I don't want to be a bloke who shies away from emotion." (這段話有很怪的矛盾) 25. (on being asked whether he'd quit drinking for good) "I still drink non-alchoolic drinks" (比方說紅牛提神飲料啊) 26. "When you drink and smoke you kind of float around. That's why these straight-edge bands are so uptight. I couldn't imagine being teetotal forever. I like to be a bit of everything. Yeah, I am drinking at the moment, but not too much." (葛拉拉應該會很嚮往中國式的神遊太虛幻境,oh such an oriental touch!!) 27. "Me giving up drinking was like a miracle." (i cannot agree more!) 28. "We used to drink so much. I'd have a bottle of wine under the chair my amp was sat on and I'd swig my way trough that." (感覺很像捷運上偷吃檳榔的大叔!!!!) 29. "Jack Daniels makes us all puke." (哈哈哈) 30. "I don't like drugs - never liked drugs. I'm not a very good creature for things like that, I haven't got enough confidence." (其實是怕吸毒人會變醜吧!! 葛拉拉這麼愛漂亮!!!) 31. "Words I use for 'excellent' are brilliant, smart, decent, ace. And we use 'blinking' instead of a real swear word, like when you're with your grandmother." (很基本的綿羊用語!!) 32. "Of course I'm an hedonist, what else worth living for? The rest is just killing time really.. " (這一看也知道至少是五~十年前說的話!!) 33. "I'm attracted to trauma. I like things like that.I'm a born martyr." (真的是天生要葬在忠烈祠的那種...下面還有一段說他為了女朋友冷戰而撞衣櫃!!!) 34. "After Blur , I'll get married." (你現在也還沒結婚啊不是嗎XD) 35. "We're very dissatisfied with anything that isn't slightly...twisted. I like people like John Lennon who are stars in a totally anti-star way." (說得好) 37. "I hate the video for "Country House". I love the song, but the association with it has become Page Three and Benny hill instead of Blur." (這MV的確還蠻糟的XD) 38. "If I’d done what I was supposed to do in the "Country House" video I would have had a lobotomy by now. I was supposed to do all sorts of nasty things – getting bottoms in my face and chasing girls." (這MV一定多半是alex出的主意... 我承認我對他有偏見) 39. "Damon ?? sexy ?? He's about as sexy as a stuffed fish , pal!" (嬉皮式的死魚XDDDD) 40. "Damon wasn't liked (at school) and I thought he was a vain wanker." (wanker這字用得很精確!!!) 41. (on Damon) "I used to come around and see him and he'd play this weird stuff that was endless piano, with no singing in it at all. It was just nuts." (綿羊大砲) 42. "Damon will always have extremes. When we were at school together, he would always be duffed up in the toilets. We used to go out on the town and he'd get beaten up by the New Model Army crew. We used to go to a pub called The Cups, and every time I went there with Damon he'd go to the bog and he'd have his beating up. And he'd go: 'Graham, Graham, I've just been beaten up.' And I'd go: 'Oh my God.' So he'd go: 'I'm going'. And I'd say: 'No, stay, have another drink.' And then he'd go, and I'd stay behind and get drunk with the people who beat him up." (兩個人都是爛嘴如泥的酒鬼,下面還有一段說葛拉拉是人型腳踏墊更好笑!!) 43. "Damon is a self-centred fucker sometimes." (牡羊座的人好像都這樣XD 哈哈我跟大門同星座) 44. "If Damon goes on about football and Page Three girls, that means we all get associated with it. I hate football and I hate Page Three Girls, but people always want to hear Damon's opinion." (沒辦法誰叫大門比較三八啊) 45. "It seems that Damon and I are going to be in each other's lives musically forever, in some way or other. Whether it's with Blur or without Blur or sort of like the Old Gits, probably. Which is quite an amusing thought. We just get on very well, especially musically." (你們一定是生命共同體的啊^^ 兩人上輩子說不定是夫妻) 46. The first thing Damon ever said to me was that his shoes were more expensive than mine. Eventually, he went off to work in drama school in London." (大門猴小小年紀就掉入物欲的火坑啊...阿彌陀佛) 47. (on "The Great Escape" period)"Damon and I were becoming like Business Associates, whenever we'd see each other we had to dress up in suits and clean our teeth." (那你們其他時間都在幹麻) 48. "I hate a lot of things that Alex stands for. I don't want people to think it's what this band is about. All that Groucho Club bollocks and him going on about birds and boozing all the time, I hate that." (綿羊對把妹痛飲的活動不感興趣...只喜歡彈吉他) 49. "It's nothing bad between me and Alex. It's just to do with sense of humour. We're very similar. If he wants to try and be in The Average White Band then I'm going to be in the Gang Of Four. I'm cutting against him all the time, because he's, like, a sexy musician and I feel... shy and clumsy. So I try and fuck up his funk. It's basically teenage party jealousy." (dun every say that!! 綿羊類型的男人會越老越帥!!) 50. "Alex's idea of glamour is my idea of death, really." (XD 可想而知) 51. "You become totally aware of your every action. It's a very weird thing not to be able to walk to the shops without thinking of yourself as the guitarist in Blur walking to the shops." (嗯嗯) 52. "I don't feel famous at all. I've noticed it, and I suppose it's become an effort to be unfamous. It's crude, but the idea I have of myself is of someone who's getting pints of milk on the corner in the morning." (incentive!! 若你有在牛奶公司上班的話, 我一定會訂購你們的牛奶,而且每天早上都會站在家門口等你送過來XDDD) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 先貼這樣,不免哀悼一下我的批幣,批踢踢越來越脆弱了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cherified 來自: (09/09 17:03)