看板 Blur 關於我們 聯絡資訊
53. "We're quite strict about being musically correct , using the right chords." (musically obsessed) 54. "We can't resist being silly." (男人到死都是少年) 55. "I've always been hideously noisy on stage,that's where I get my own back." (所以說off-stage 都是很安靜的嗎!!騙人~~) 56. "On the Japanese version of the Parklife CD, the dog's eyes light and when you open it...it BARKS!" (高科技啊!!!) 57. "Japanese audiences dye their hair blond, dress in Adidas zip-ups and Fred Perry tops - and then they put on ties as well. It's very strange." (我們要以台灣粉絲為傲啊!!! 這就是所謂的an authentic oriental touch! 三劍客hurray!!!) 58. "I'm single and I'm going to ask Madonna to marry me. I really am. If she says yes, I'm going to do something that will make headlines. I'm going to buy a gun and threaten to turn her into a premature rock widow by putting it to my head ! But I probably won't go through with it." (又在胡謅啦!!這應該也是至少5~10年前說的話) 59. (after a long US tour) "I'm feeling emotional, I'm homesick !" (葛拉拉說這話的時候一定很可愛!!!*灑花* 就交給牧羊人來收復這隻迷途羔羊吧!!! 遣返回台灣如何???) 60. "Most of America don't even listen to music probably. They just go raccoon hunting or something." (canadian fans go raccoon hunting too.) 61. "I lose a lot of weight when I come off tour, cos I don't know how to look after myself anymore and I don't eat. You're just pampered and looked after, aren't you?" (他該不是在揶揄採訪的記者營養太好身材很差吧XD 如果是的話是在太毒了啦) 62. "I like it when girls go "Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." (.................) 63. "I only eat beef when I'm in Texas." (不是只吃牛肉就會變牛仔好嗎) 64. "Letters are good. You can say a lot without being embarrassed because you're not there when they read it." (cannot agree more!) 65. "I suppose as we get older we find it possible to apologise. Young people find it quite difficult to apologise. I certainly did. And the not-being-able-to-apologise embarrassment got me into these strung-out moods. It's good to learn to say sorry." (這是個好個性!!) 66. "PJ harvey is nothing very complicated ! All she talks about is she wishes she was a man and she talks about her monthlies, and she talks about some dress she can't fit into and that's about it really !" (a few days later) "She's very good PJ Harvey, i don't want any of that other nonsense being put. I want that destroyed, cos i've changed my mind ! Shhuuush !" (dun believe anything i say~haha) 67. (on Oasis) "Yeah I like the odd song. I think "Live Forever" is really nice, and I think their big anthems like "Don't Look Back In Anger" and "Wonderwall" \ are pretty good, and I like "Supersonic". (我還蠻好奇葛拉拉說這些話的動機&場合是???) 68. "Making new music with ourselves is the most rewarding thing, the most fun thing, and the most difficult." (cannot agree more!) 69. "We made a lot of unlistanable music when we were very poor." (好想聽聽看喔~~) 70. (on his school days, with Damon) "We used to hang around the music block, mainly because that was where the lads never went. They'd be off on the field playing football and beating people up. I suppose we were the school freaks in a way but never had long hair, nothing like that." (短髮比較可愛啊~喝喝) 71. (on "Modern life is rubbish") "It was horrible trying to cram the tracks on....It could have been an 18-track album." (XDDDDDDDDDD 樂見18-track version) 72. (on "The Great Escape") "It's not a concept album, but our last two albums have had common thread. All the songs have been about some condition, some society, weather it be paranoia or....anything. This one seems to be about corruption and prozac." (1995) (我愛TGE 特別是stereotype/arnold same/yuko&hiro/查母是人) 73. (on "The Great Escape") "It's quite a doom-laden album in areas. But it's like, we're serious about the humour. Serious about being funny. I don't blame them for it, but people do listen pretty straight faced to our music when they first hear it. There's a kind of sinister-ness to it, which is meant to be funny, a lot of it. " (1995) (同上,我就愛TGE的批判性!!!無可取代) 74. (on "Country House") "You think it's a bit Madness and a bit Beatles? Maybe you're right. There's certainly something in it that pulls you in. There's two things going on at the same time. It sounds really simple, but it's not the sort of thing that anyone could do. Blur songs aren't as straighfroward as everyone thinks." (1995) (that's why you are called BLUR!!!) 75. (on "Blur") "It's a lot rawer, it may shock some people, but a lot of people will really love it. It's a lot to do with our 'world'."(1997) (過著冰島人的生活嗎!!開玩笑的我也很愛同名) 76. (on "Blur")"I think people would be really stupid to call it a cop-out. I think it's the most important album we've made...I just think this album is an affirmation of how different we are" (uh, how different u r!!) 77. (on "Song 2") "The American army wanted to use it as the theme music for video packages when they unveiled the brand new Stealth bomber. They were offering phenomenal amounts of cash. We couldn’t agree to it, of course, but it was quite cool. So we put it on FIFA 98 which was OK cos The Guardian had said football's OK." (忠黨愛國的一面) 78. (on "You're so great") "It's me filling in some time on an afternoon. I wrote this song quickly. I'd never written a song before. I suppose it's about an alcholic state of mind and a caffeine-ic state of mind. It could be dedicated to anything. A radiator or my mother" (媽寶媽寶!!!) 79. (on "You're so great") "It's quite hopeful but sad. It's got an expression on it, like a scolded puppy." (OH HOW SENSITIVELY EMOTIONAL!!!) 80. (on "13") "We've found God with this record. This is the Higher Power album. Music is the Higher Power. Man." (cannot agree more!!) 81. (on recording his album) "I'm not the greatest drummer in the world, but I didn't want great drumming, so that was kind of lucky, really." (may god bless ya) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cherified 來自: (09/10 00:15)
TofuPanny:查母是人 XD 媽寶 XDDD 板主用語很妙! 09/10 01:23
Moronica:我喜歡關於寫信那句,想到我寫的信裡也有寫相同的話 XDD 09/10 04:59
footballitis:版主喜愛的TGE歌曲跟我大不同哪XD(查母是人除外XD) 09/10 12:21
yijuan:同樓上 XD 09/10 12:39
cherified:我知道你們不喜歡stereotype 哈哈~~ 09/10 13:19