看板 Blur 關於我們 聯絡資訊
82. "Everyone, wherever in the world, knows what 'lalala'means". (LALALALALA~* holding on for tomorrow~~) 83. "Do I scare people? Perhaps a bit. Alex does too, although in a different way... He's just so laidback. I'm not. The other week, my current girlfriend was giving me a hard time, and I sat against the wardrobe, and I just started bashing my head against it till i started getting fuzzy vision." (@O@@O@ 好令人震驚啊!!!! 可是很可愛,innit! 他現在應該不會這樣了吧...感覺也是年輕時才會做的事情!!!) 84. "I play Gibson Les Paul guitar live because it's reliable, powerful, strong enough, and heavy enough to work really well and survive." (同個網站裡面還有他的list of gears 包括guitars跟amps) 85. "Oh, the guys, they do have this one obsession. I have to draw the logo on so many boys' bums, on their jeans pockets. It's outrageous." (該不會到某些風景區也在樹幹上留名吧 = =) 86. "I THINK CHRIS EVANS IS THE BIGGEST WANKER THAT EVER LIVED. Print that in capitals, please." (好好笑喔還刻意要用大寫...這麼想讓CE知道他的憤怒嗎?? 而且這也是葛拉拉要努力健身的原因之一嗎???) 87. "I used to have a cat called Bastard. He ran away." (可憐的貓...) 88. "It's embarrassing singing in front of people." (不會啦>//<) 89. (you could learn to play an instrument only if you had the money to buy one, cos...) "If you're lucky, you could get a cheap plastic clarinet. That's another reason why I could never be a music teacher. Listening to 30 kids honking and squeaking like geese with salmonella would drive me round the bend." (這段話...好好笑XDD) 90. "I think you learn more about the world from The Simpsons than you do from reading the news." (wut an american kid like ya!) 91. "We did a photo shoot one time with monkeys, and we were warned that we had to go into the cage one at a time, or else they would rip our heads off." (沒看過這張照片~~~呼叫三劍客!!!) 92. "What if you could go back and erase some of the things you regret, like a video, and then take the time you've erased and add it on to the end of your life? I'd be about twenty-four....Yeah, if you could put your life-player on random. Although it might be a bit of a shock waking up in the morning. You wake up and you've shat yourself and wet yourself, and you realize you're two months old." (這段話也好好笑XD 我非常買進綿羊大砲式的幽默啊!!) 93. I like Meatloaf. hahahahahahaha (你都不吃蔬菜嗎?????) ***What do other people think and say about Graham ? Damon Albarn 1. "Graham has obsessions. At the moment it's American hardcore. They last from 6 to 8 months, and it's very hard for him to see anything else." (綿羊的obsession最高!!!) 2. "Graham saves us in a way because people can actually handle Graham. Graham's got that classic indie kind of quality about him. If we didn't have Graham in the band, we'd probably end up being Queen or something ridiculous like that." (又在揶揄queen了...難道那支MV還不夠嗎) 3. "The trick with Graham, is to give him the illusion that he's making a racket." (綿羊還是有人來瘋的一面的!) 4. "He's very complex, Graham. There's about five different sides to Graham and it depends on which side on that particular day is the most dominant as to whether he agrees or disagrees with something." (haha he really is!) 5. "I used to go to loads of parties and whenever I got there, Graham would be lying on the ground like a human doormat." (人型腳踏墊出現了...........XD) 6. "Graham is very good at what he does, and it's very difficult to sort of hold him down and keep him." (everybody knows ya perfectionist!) 7. "Graham's exactly the same now as when I first met him. He looks the same and cares about the same things." (就是這點才可愛!!!) 8. We say "nothing" in different ways ; Graham says "nothing" in a very negative way." (所以就是所謂的"沒事情就是有事情" "沒關係就是有關係" 嗎???? 口嫌體正直><) 9. "A really profoundly ugly drunk." (可想而知但感覺也是好久以前的事情了) Alex James 1. "I would have thought I would have shagged Graham by now, or at least got a hand job off him or something, but there always seems to be something better to do." (我實在無法欣賞你用的比喻) 2. "Me and Graham used to get drunk together, that's all we did, take acid and go on the radio and just blow raspberries because it's funny." (two teenager maniacs) 3. "Graham thinks he can fly." (when there's lucy in the sky??? XD) (so adorable!!) 4. (on 'The Golden D') "Graham's record is great. The bastard's done it all himself, he's played everything on it, and he's done it really quickly. One of the songs, 'Oochy Woochy' sounds like a hit and he's touring too. It's quite heavy metal in places. Graham's record collection is the reason I got an aeroplane. No, seriously, his taste is impeccable. Admittedly, the Slint years were a little hard to bear, but I think he's over that now." (不是很了解slint是怎樣的一個團...但應該跟葛拉拉的 american hardocre有關吧) 5. QUESTION : Do you ever suggest anything to Graham ? ANSWER : "Absolutely not. Oh dear no. He'd shoot me." (當然是羊咩咩啊!!!) 6. "Graham's always been the person in the band that I've felt the closest to. It's funny all the stuff in the papers about us hating each other. We certainly do, sometimes. They just start focusing on all the nasty stuff which is inevitable really." (HA!!!) 7. "Damon's probably quite grown up, but Graham and I have probably got a long, long way to go before we're grown up." (我為什麼覺得你跟他還是差很多...我真的被偏見蒙蔽雙眼了嗎) 8. "Dave's the dad, Damon's the mum. And me and Graham, we're the kids." (看看TGE的那張四人合照吧!!! 再看看there's no other way... hehe!!) 9. "I still think of Graham as probably my best mate." (ur so lucky!) Dave Rowntree 1. "Graham lives and breathes music, really." (paintings & clothes as well, 噢別忘了機車!!) 2. "If there's a technical problem with the band I usually get the first phone call. If it's about going to a party then Alex will get the first call, if it's a TV show in Milan then Damon will get the first call and... I can't really think what Graham would get the first call about. I suppose it would be, 'Will you get out of bed, you're late'. That's when Graham would get the first call." (cannot agree more!) Stephen Street *"Working with Graham Coxon it began to dawn that I had met the best guitarist I'd worked with since Johnny Marr. I rate him as the best guitarist around. He plays things Johnny wouldn't even think of." (技巧最高!!!) Jonny Greenwood from Radiohead *"Anything that has more of Graham's guitar playing, I'm bound to like." (it's irresistible) NME (1997) *"You remember Graham. The one who got wildly, ridiculously drunk in interviews and appeared to harbour barely suppressed homicidal urges towards his bandmates - and chiefly towards his foppish antithesis, Alex James. Then tried to smash the interviewer's tape recorder... The one who got sick of Britpop fastest, who spent all his time watching the most underground, anti-establishment groups, searching for the kind of passion and candour so conspicuously lacking in the glib little tales of suburbia that his band had instigated. The one who, for most of 'The Great Escape' campaign, looked like he'd rather be in any band but Blur." (蠻糟糕的結論,尤其還是在97年寫的,不過他們現在又在一起了不是嗎!) Q magazine *"Graham Coxon is an astonishing musician. His restless playing style, all chord slides, rapid pull-offs, mini-arpeggios and fractured runs seems to owe more to his saxophone training than any conventional guitar tuition." (有底子果然不一樣 diversified, versatile yet balanced!!) William Orbit "This man can really cry and he's one of the most complicated people I've encountered." (相較於steven street 的中規中矩評語我還是偏好威廉歐比特的!) rock stArs Are not cool 2000-2003 - all rights reserved --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 結束了 YA!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: cherified 來自: (09/10 15:47)
TofuPanny:板主辛苦了。我得工作,晚點再回這幾篇。 XD 09/10 16:25
cherified:謹候賜覆 我來個拋磚引到豆腐玉罷了!! haha 09/10 16:33