看板 Braves 關於我們 聯絡資訊
從BP看來的消息 http://www.baseballprospectus.com/article.php?articleid=6508 Texas first baseman Mark Teixeira remains the most intriguing player who could be moved before the deadline, and Atlanta continues to look like the frontrunner. The Braves are reportedly willing to offer a package of right-hander Kyle Davies, rookie catcher/first baseman Jarrod Saltalamacchia, and infield prospect Elvis Andrus. The Dodgers are also very much in the running, and could likely entice the Rangers to make a deal if they would include pitching prospect Clayton Kershaw in a package with first baseman James Loney and outfielder Andre Ethier in exchange for Teixeiera and reliever Joaquin Benoit. The Angels' chances of landing Teixeira have diminished now that they need right-hander Ervin Santana to come back up from Salt Lake to take the rotation spot of Bartolo Colon; Colon is likely to miss the rest of the season with his elbow injury. There had been talk of Santana leading an Angels' package that would also include first baseman Casey Kotchman, and outfield prospect Terry Evans. The Angels have now turned their attention to Chicago White Sox first baseman Paul Konerko, who they nearly signed as a free agent after the 2005 season. They and the Dodgers have also asked about Toronto's third baseman, Troy Glaus. 大意差不多是,猴子在鐵爺爭奪戰上幾乎宣告出局了,由於ㄎ隆掛點,凸同學被叫回大 聯盟,猴子提出的條件條子看不上眼。道奇的農場我不熟,有沒有人可以指點一下提出 來的這幾隻水準如何?另外如果Harrison換成真貨,那這交易就很OK,不過應該是不太 可能 orz 另外有人提到,在鐵爺爭奪戰破局之後,洋基轉將目標轉向Gagne。條子希望能夠從洋基 那邊拿到不錯的package,來令他們在跟勇士二換三之前先送出一位RP到洋基那邊去, 而這可能會阻礙交易的進行。另外條子剛從笑臉人那邊交易來Max Ramirez,Ramirez去 年除了練捕手之外,也花了相當的時間在DH上。以一個power較差的Ryan Garko的觀點來 看,這個交易也許會影響到三換一的交易,但機會有限。但同時條子也在向雙城等隊兜 售Sammy Sosa,少掉Sosa之後,將來直接讓Ramirez專心練DH放棄補手的位置,那麼條子 就會很需要Salty,畢竟Salty的防守功夫要比Ramirez好上不少,條子現在的捕手...XD 話說回來,如果高層早有意思交易鐵爺來勇士,那之前簽下老胡的意義是?近幾場比賽 不管對方是左投或是右投先發,幾乎都是老胡先發一壘,Thorman幾乎完全被邊緣化。鐵 爺來了之後,要把Thorman下放?還是丟回左外野?(不可能)交易的話交易價值應該也是 低到不行。如果鐵爺全職先發的話,讓老胡當代打+一壘替補?那我還寧願賭Thorman髒 個一支。老胡是很便宜沒錯,簽下他賭錯了也無妨,不過如果只是要當代打+替補, Thorman做的會比他差很多嗎?還是高層之前在勇士將近三成的代打打擊率,會再次出現 在一個年近五十的人身上? 總之,之前簽下老胡的動作,跟現在這個rumor放在一起看,實在有點詭異,JS實在令人 摸不透啊 =.= -- W L ERA G SV SVO IP H R ER HR HBP BB SO WHIP AVG K/9 H/9 1 3 2.13 47 2 --- 38.0 22 10 9 4 3 22 42 1.16 .172 9.95 5.21 4 5 2.49 74 38 45 72.1 47 24 20 5 1 37 104 1.16 .180 12.94 5.85 1 2 2.89 59 24 27 53.0 42 25 17 5 2 48 77 1.70 .210 13.08 7.13 2 2 3.09 30 19 23 32.0 25 13 11 2 2 16 36 1.28 .216 10.13 7.03 Atlanta Braves 49 John Rocker -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Homura 來自: (07/28 03:44)
Rodriguez:簽下老胡應該只是備份...反正便宜且或許多少有票房 07/28 06:02
Rodriguez:畢竟是人瑞級人物.有話題性. 07/28 06:03
synchron:James Loney好像已經被當成沒有長打的一壘手了 07/28 06:17
synchron:之前有看到人家說他會有不少二壘打,但是HR就..... 07/28 06:18
synchron:Andre Ethier我對他不熟,一年多前運動家在高點賣給道奇 07/28 06:18
synchron:所謂高點就是他剛在小聯盟打出成績就立刻被換到道奇 07/28 06:19
synchron:他們的package核心在於Kershaw,在去道奇版找資料 07/28 06:21
synchron:Kershaw簡單的說,19歲的左投,今年在A很殺 07/28 06:31
synchron:91局的投球出現127次三振,不過相對的也投出45次BB 07/28 06:32
synchron:不過依照之前devine的經驗在低階這個保送率太高了點 07/28 06:35
synchron:又不過...人家才19歲阿 07/28 06:36
gonzalez0528:簽老胡不可能是為了要讓他當先發一壘吧... 07/28 10:08
gonzalez0528:那使是傷害球隊而已...@@ 07/28 10:08
T9:Loney的contact和選球是真的,長打就是一團謎 07/28 12:00