看板 Braves 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1CQ-lq7j ] 作者: pistonJW ( ) 看板: MLB 標題: [情報] Derrek Lee to Atlanta? 時間: Wed Aug 18 22:19:29 2010 http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/david-kaplan-chicago-sports/ **Breaking News** The Cubs are close to trading first baseman Derrek Lee to the Atlanta Braves, I have learned exclusively. The trade was first discussed on Sunday evening when the Braves called Cubs GM Jim Hendry and expressed interest after learning that one of their best offensive players, Chipper Jones was lost for the season with a knee injury. As a 10-5 man (10 years in the major leagues and the last five with the same team) Lee has the right to reject a trade as he did when the Los Angeles Angeles of Anaheim tried to acquire him in late July. However, sources close to Lee tell us that he will approve a deal to Atlanta because the Braves are leading their division thus giving him a shot at winning another World Series ring. Lee was a member of the 2003 World Champion Florida Marlins who beat the New York Yankees in the Fall Classic. The deal that would send Lee to the Braves has not yet been finalized but MLB sources characterize the trade as nearly done. One holdup has been Lee's balky back which has kept him sidelined the past couple of days. The trade is not expected to land the Cubs much in the way of talent because of Lee's subpar 2010 season but it will provide some salary relief as Lee makes 13 million dollars and the Braves are expected to assume most if not all of his remaining money. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
robinkidd:COOL!!!!!! 08/18 22:28
robinkidd:借轉斧頭版 謝謝!!! 08/18 22:29
dodo6:真的? 08/18 22:29
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ahung21:太酷了 希望不會動到好的農作物 08/18 22:31
bounds:換1B來,那葛老師去守3B?還有是要拿誰去換啊 08/18 22:32
TravisKent:OPS掉得超嚴重....0.972--->0.751 明年是FA 可是我覺得 08/18 22:33
TravisKent:應該至少也要12M吧 年紀也35了....我寧願抓Freeman上 08/18 22:34
TravisKent:來練... 08/18 22:34
MizunoTako:明年不會留他的...真的抓他來好處就在於他明年是FA 08/18 22:34
TravisKent:Freeman本來就守一壘 08/18 22:34
Homura:打工仔 賭他能回復身手 08/18 22:35
dodo6:要拼季後賽吧...不過位子要怎麼擺?? 08/18 22:35
MizunoTako:現在是爭冠時間,把季後賽壓力放在期望新秀九月不實際 08/18 22:35
TravisKent:打工仔就是了 可是我覺得他OPS掉得超嚴重...很囧 08/18 22:35
ahung21:不要動到大黑輪和自由人都可以考慮 08/18 22:36
Braves95:只打工2個月,賭一把沒差啦 08/18 22:36
Braves95:而且好像是TypeB耶 08/18 22:39
MizunoTako:敢給仲裁嗎...13M耶... 08/18 22:40
mat394626:就打工仔啦 08/18 22:42
Braves95:對喔,而且他的NTC會不會帶過來? 08/18 22:42
Homura:還有Lowe跟老大的合約在 要簽也是簽短約吧 08/18 22:44
TravisKent:囧...慢慢看 要簽就簽吧 XD 心裡的OS是:幹嘛找他 XD 08/18 22:47
Braves95:真來了,Glaus比較冏.... 08/18 22:50
vf3:如果可以提供個10HR 30RBI 可以喲 ^_< 08/18 23:05
vf3:Lee+Infante+A-Gon+Prado 外野 黑娃+奶弟or安哥+Diaz 這樣? 08/18 23:11
vf3:葛老師+新司機+康雷組代打三人組嗎? XD 08/18 23:13
TravisKent:還有Hinske工具人 XD LF 1B都守過 08/18 23:14
dodo6:本隊內野陣容比外野強多了.... 08/18 23:16
Rodriguez:拜託別傻了給D.Lee仲裁....他老兄一定會接受的 08/18 23:24
vf3:如果來了以後持續現在的表現那還ok 不然只是加強我們板凳深度 08/18 23:26
Rodriguez:Lee這幾年表現並不是很穩定.持續在退化.就算他最後這 08/18 23:30
Rodriguez:一兩個月打得很好.我還是不想去賭他明年回春的機率. 08/18 23:30
Rodriguez:回春的機率應該不會很高 08/18 23:31
vf3:如果是要賭一把的話 有沒有CF炮可以賭的? 08/18 23:32
silentk:有人知道當初為什麼簽Glaus沒有找Thome的原因嗎? 08/18 23:35
eruchil:Thome幾乎沒法守備了吧... 08/18 23:35
Rodriguez:Thome價碼比較高一點的樣子.且好像連一壘都不太能守了 08/18 23:36
silentk:Thome是左打?還是只能站DH?價錢差不多啊 表現就… 08/18 23:36
Rodriguez:不然幾百年前就超想把Thome弄來變成當家一壘手的!!!! 08/18 23:36
Rodriguez:Thome這種等級的球員.左右手已經沒差了.呵呵 08/18 23:37
Braves95:小熊減薪資、勇士搏一把、Lee拼季後賽, 來吧來吧 08/18 23:38
silentk:我猜是防守問題,Glaus 600PA就拿到5M,比Thome貴 08/18 23:38
vf3:其實以葛老師的pay 我們已經賺了 不然就是Lee+Glaus platoon? 08/18 23:39
silentk:Lee之前打槍天使,現在願意過來,所以我們還算有吸引力囉 08/18 23:40
Braves95:季後賽的魅力啊 08/18 23:41
mat394626:platoon也好 至少保持有一個人在場上 現在費城追這麼緊 08/19 00:16
mat394626:一場都不能放鬆 08/19 00:16
RubenGotay:我們有誰可以放棄..XD..但還不錯的 08/19 00:25
c0422kimo:剛好禮拜六要去小熊做客三連戰 08/19 00:29
vf3:安哥一直打不好 讓人擔心 新司機的低潮也有點久 反而是奶弟 08/19 00:33
vf3:表現漸入佳境 Diaz+硬方鐵更是驚喜連連 08/19 00:34
Rodriguez:屌哥本來就應該是一直很猛的.只有傷勢才會讓他有些時間 08/19 00:48
Rodriguez:很慘烈....當然.限定左投就是了^^ 08/19 00:48