看板 Braves 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 MLB 看板 #1EWPDRkj ] 作者: searoar (暗坑大豆) 站內: MLB 標題: [閒聊] Chipper likely to undergo MRI exam 時間: Tue Sep 27 17:11:52 2011 http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/chipper-jones-atlanta-braves-third-baseman-says-he-is-likely-to-undergo-mri-exam-on-right-knee-092611 “I feel like I’m 50,” “It’s the first night I felt it burning,” “The last time I had this burning, it was both times I blew out my knee.” “They took an X-ray — I don’t have any loose bodies,” “But I have fluid in my knee for some reason. And I don’t know why. The pain is in the same spot as it was pre-surgery (in July).” How would Jones react if doctors told him not to play? “I’m going to be upset,” “But I’ll probably do it anyway, until I just can’t do it anymore.” “I probably should have come out tonight (Monday). But I can’t not play. I’ve been preaching to the boys: ‘I don’t want to hear you’re tired. I don’t want to hear how you’re hurting. All men on deck.’ “How is it going to look if I take myself out of games?” -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
robinkidd:今天還開轟..... 09/27 17:14
chsh320:can't not play 09/27 17:14
EVEREVEn:所以今天那一支HR是怎樣XD 09/27 17:15
immortalqq:老大是帶傷打達人 真勇者 09/27 17:19
wtt168:淚推老大~~~~~~~~~~~永遠的精神領袖~~~~~~~ 09/27 17:19
KAKU29:原來不只NBA有老大 09/27 17:19
wtt168:Win one for Chipper~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`` 09/27 17:19
wtt168:借轉亟需精神領袖版 09/27 17:24
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
bigmowang :老大你果真是老大阿@@ 09/27 17:33
ShintWei :看到這樣有點害怕他要走的那一天 09/27 18:06
chuckjr :這應該是說賽後吧?似乎是在比賽中受的傷.. 09/27 18:39
c0422kimo :不知道是不是那個DP的關係 09/27 19:23
chuckjr :我看好像之前就一跛一跛了.... 09/27 21:32
Gerrard1004 :老大今年還是有18hr 0.28...太威了 09/27 22:54
vf3 :猛到不行!! 尤其是下半季 隊上的火力來源啊~~ 09/27 22:56
vf3 :對了那個小麥肯...亞特蘭大站到了 麻煩醒醒好嗎? 09/27 22:56
immortalqq :黑娃表示: 09/27 23:30
leesteven :加油啊!!! 09/28 00:41
yieh :前兩天打王建民那支安打跑壘就怪怪的 還以為是錯覺 09/28 01:20
wuchianlin :老大今年還真是稍微用力一下就準備DL... 09/28 03:34
Gerrard1004 :唉 老大如果無傷無痛多好 老大成績跟我猜測不遠 09/28 09:28
Gerrard1004 :我猜19HR 0.285 XD 09/28 09:28