看板 BridgeClub 關於我們 聯絡資訊
前面那篇古巴的橋賽與大家沒關係, 但這篇就有關係了。 : You can find further information about bridge in University on the site : http://www.unibridge.org/ 應該已經有很多人知道上述網址。 : May we take the opportunity of reminding you that we will be organising the : World Mind Sport Games in Beijing from 3 – 18 October 2008. : This great new event is to be held under the auspices of IMSA (The : International Mind Sports Association). 明年十月三日至十八日, 第一屆 "心智運動" 世界錦標賽於北京舉行。 : As a member country of the World Bridge Federation, we are asking you to : work immediately, during 2007, to select and train a National Youth Team to : compete in the Junior Teams, Pairs and Individual Championships to be held : during this fantastic event. 橋牌項目為青年隊制賽、雙人賽、和個人賽。 世界橋協要求各會員國, 從今年就開始選拔和訓練國家青年隊。 : The Inter-Nation World Bridge Teams Championships (formerly the World Teams : Olympiad), for one team per WBF member country in the Open, Women’s and : Seniors categories will be played at the same time, and we hope that you : will all send teams to this challenging and exciting event. 該項比賽與 "Inter-Nation" 世界橋藝錦標賽同時舉行, 後者的前身是四年一度的 World Teams Olympiad (台灣曾經於 1996 年打進準決賽)。 題外話: World Teams Olympiad 名稱用了半個世紀, 現在因為商業因素和政治因素 被迫改名, 實在讓人覺得遺憾。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: jmc 來自: (09/05 13:34)