看板 Britney 關於我們 聯絡資訊
在I Wanna Go裡頭演警察的Adrien Galo聊了他跟Brit工作時的狀況 他說Brit很害羞 然後是個很認真工作的女人 也講到Brit跳舞的狀況 他說Brit是個dancer 也真的會跳舞 (看來大家也都滿知道外頭質疑什麼) 然後他說 但在跳舞的那個幹勁上 過了十年 很難跟十年前一模一樣 所以在tour來說 不會安排很難的舞蹈 但卻是Brit會覺得有趣的舞蹈~~ One of Britney’s backup dancers on the Femme Fatale Tour (also the cop in the “I Wanna Go” video), Adrien Galo, opened up about working with her in a new French interview. In it he says Britney is very shy. One Exhaler translated: “In the morning she’s got training with her coach. After she continues to dance with us for 4-5 hours because she is a hardworking woman. But behind her there is always her dad Jamie, or Larry or Adam, but I can say one thing: she works a lot.” “Personally I know that she is a dancer. I saw her; she can really dance, but there is one thing missing: it’s her motivation. It’s the same fucking person, it’s just that ten years after you don’t have the same motivation as ten years earlier, but she’s a dancer and for the tour, Jamie King decided to do something which is not very hard, but something in what she had fun to do.” Unfortunately some of this may be lost in translation. Britney recently revealed in an interview she has nothing to prove and does this for fun. 我想團隊也都知道外界在質疑、或期待的是些什麼 但真的就如不少人說過的 你真的很難一直拿十年前 那個20出頭的青少女來比 現在漸入佳境 當然我們還是都希望能夠一直走在佳境裡頭的~~ 最後 工商服務一下 Adrien Galo的FB專頁: http://www.facebook.com/theadriengalo?sk=app_106878476015645 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Rfed:她的團隊跟周邊的人,感覺也不敢 push她,所以 Brit現在作的 10/20 11:03
Rfed:應該是真的自己想做、快樂的事...希望她可以在這樣的狀態下 10/20 11:03
Rfed:繼續找回熱情~! 10/20 11:03
hankxtina:所以以前的舞功真的就只是妮不時再展現而己,現在的她只 10/20 11:03
hankxtina:希望能快樂,不想太累! 10/20 11:03
hankxtina:              想   10/20 11:04
※ 編輯: vitzou 來自: (10/20 11:07)
san122:身體動不了可以加強手部動作,像妮妮這次MV的手部動作就很棒 10/20 16:49
san122:,不需要太大的肢體動作,卻可以給人「很會跳」的感覺 10/20 16:49
Rfed:所以他現在手很強阿,從巡迴就看得出來~ 10/20 17:08
badbad:現在真的幾乎都手部動作為主 有些超碎的都做得很好 10/20 20:00
Rfed:說到手不得不推巡迴的 Boys, 0:52開那邊真的超強~~~ 10/20 20:11
a65626780:但我希望不要再找Jamie King... 10/23 10:28