看板 Bucks 關於我們 聯絡資訊
"Shooting guard John Salmons will miss a fourth consecutive game due to a strained right hip as the Bucks play the Bulls at the United Center on Monday night. 在星期一晚上對公牛的比賽,將是Salmons因右臀拉傷而錯過的第四場比賽 Salmons indicated before the game he has been having pain in the hip for several weeks but finally had to sit out in Houston one week ago. He said he was not sure when he would be able to return. 鮭魚在賽前表示,他幾個禮拜前屁股就一直在痛 最後不得不在一個禮拜前做客休士頓的時候休息 他說他不知道什麼時候會回來 Drew Gooden missed the Bucks' 94-81 loss to Memphis on Saturday due to the plantar fasciitis in his left foot. Gooden was hoping he could play about an hour before the game but was a late scratch. Gooden因為左腳足底筋膜炎而錯過上禮拜六輸給灰熊的那場比賽 他本來希望至少上去打個一小時,但是在賽前狀況不佳 It is the 17th game the 6-foot-10 veteran has missed with the injury. 這位6呎10吋的老將因傷錯過第17場比賽 Gooden pulled out his left shoe while sitting at his locker and showed this reporter some foam padding he wears in the heel of the shoe. Gooden坐在他的衣櫃前跟記者秀了一下他的鞋子 A hole was cut in the padding and Gooden said he did it himself in "arts and crafts." 鞋子被開個洞然後塞了泡棉。Gooden說這是他DIY做出來的藝術品 In his pre-game remarks, Bucks coach Scott Skiles said point guard Brandon Jennings would be evaulated by doctors in Milwaukee on Tuesday and is getting closer to returning to practice." 教練Skiles賽前表示,建寧將在禮拜二讓醫生檢查,而他很快就可以回來練習 ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://0rz.tw/vUzoa -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
frankmaki:Salmons不是說下一場回來?? 01/26 02:34
derwy:鮭魚說不知道什麼時候能夠回來...連結:http://ppt.cc/uXYO 01/26 14:41
XBUCKXMR:鮭魚就說not sure 歸隊時間不確定 01/26 16:24
sousmart:傷兵一籮筐... 01/26 23:15