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護持大乘法脈聯合會 2013年中文秋季佛學營-柯槃寺,額滿即截止報名,名額限定40人 http://www.fpmt.tw/e_news.php?id=2687 Venue: Kopan Monastery, Kathmandu, Nepal Date: 20-30th October 2013 Teaching by: Khenrinpoche Geshe Chonyi Translator: Geshe Kangyur Assist. Teacher: Ven.Dechen Ven.Phuntsok (to be confirmed) Coordinator: Jinsiu Farlin, Taipei, Taiwan Registration deadlines: until full Email:[email protected] Total participants: 40 only 地 點: 柯槃寺,加德滿都,尼泊爾 日 期: 2013年 10 月20日至30日 教導法師: 柯槃寺住持 堪仁波切 確意格西 翻 譯: 持稱格西 輔導/助教:德欽法師、彭措法師 聯辦單位: 經續法林 臺北市松山區八德路3段81號12樓之1 截止日期: 額滿爲止 電子郵件: [email protected] 名 額: 40位 Description:佛學營簡介 A basic course designed for chinese speaking people who has interest to find out more about buddhism. The course consist of teaching, meditation, group discussion, observing silence, team work, attending prayer session and pilgrimage to Buddhist holy sites in Kathmandu. The abbot of Kopan Monastery, Khenrinpoche Geshe Chonyi, will be the main teacher for the course, assisted by Ven.Dechen and Ven.Phuntsok during the meditation and discussion sessions. To observe silence (10/20 – 27) upon waking up until after lunch is a means for us to reflect on ourselves, to meditate on dharma, and to enhance our understanding on dharma to everyday life. There will be daily routine for course participants to make water offerings and simple cleaning in the hall. A prayer session attended by over hundreds of monks will be arranged for you to participate to pray for your welfare as well as your family, friends, and all beings. At the end of the course, two days pilgrimage to the Buddhism holy site will be arranged. Boudha Stupa is a wish fulfilling stupa where many people’s wishes get fulfilled by circumambulating the stupa and making prayer at the stupa. There is also a holy place where a self-manifested crystal stupa located. Pilgrimage to the holy sites is for us to take the blessing from the holy beings in order to help us progress in our dharma practice. A total 10 days course will give you a glimpse of Buddhism and an introduction to the path of enlightenment. 2013年秋季佛學營是特別爲了對佛法有興趣且通中文的人所策劃的基礎課程。此課程内容 包括: 佛法教授、禪修、研討、禁語、出坡、法會以及朝聖。 佛學營的主要導師是柯槃寺住持堪仁波切確意格西,同時有兩位助教 - 德欽法師及彭措 法師將協助禪修及佛學研討。 10/20 - 27 日早晨直至午餐后將是禁語時段。禁語有助於反觀/收攝内心、思惟教理, 因而將所禪修的佛法融入日常生活當中。每日出坡工作包括輪流供水,以及一些簡單的清 掃大殿工作。佛學營當中有安排百位僧衆為您及所有的家人朋友們祈福。在課程結束的前 兩天將帶領大家到佛教的聖地朝拜。其中有滿願的布達大塔,許多到此地繞塔及朝拜的人 ,他們所許的願望都一一實現;還有自現水晶佛塔的聖地。朝拜聖地是爲了求取聖人在此 聖地遺留下的殊勝能量/力量,進而加強我們修道上的資糧。這十天的佛學營將介紹給您 成佛之道的初級階段,也是讓您對於深廣的佛法獲得初步的認識。 Khenrinpoche’s biography: 堪仁波切簡介: Khen Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Chonyi has been the resident teacher of Amitabha Buddhist Centre in Singapore since 1999. He was appointed as the Abbot of Kopan Monastery and Nunnery in Nepal on 14 July 2011 Born in Nepal in 1962, Khen Rinpoche joined Kopan Monastery after being ordained by Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 1974. After 18 years of intensive study and debate in Sera Je Monastery in south India, Khen Rinpoche was awarded the title of Geshe Lharampa, the highest Tibetan Buddhist doctorate conferred in the Gelug monastic tradition. After completing his education at Sera Je, Khen Rinpoche joined Gyudmed Tantric College for one year where he furthered his studies on tantra. The Gyudmed monastery is one of the two key monastic colleges in the Gelug tradition that specialises in the teachings of Buddhist tantra. Khen Rinpoche again excelled in his studies there and was awarded first position in his class. Khen Rinpoche is also renowned for his ability to develop the students' analytical skills through discussion, debate and written assignments. Khen Rinpoche is held in great esteem for his illustrious conduct, vast learning, great kindness and gentle humour. 堪仁波切確意格西從1999年開始擔任新加坡阿彌陀佛中心的常住師長。在2011年七月十四 日,他被委任為尼泊爾柯槃寺的方丈住持。 堪仁波切在1962年出生於尼泊爾。1974年在喇嘛梭巴仁波切座下出家後於柯槃寺學習。經 過18年在南印度色拉寺的深入學習,堪仁波切獲取西藏佛教格魯派當中最高的佛學博士學 位 – 拉禳巴格西學位, 在色拉寺完成學業後,堪仁波切進入上密院做深度學習一年。上密院是格魯派兩所主要密 續學院當中的其中一所。密續學院特別教授藏傳佛教中密續法門。堪仁波切在密續學院的 學習過程中是位傑出及特別優秀的學生。 堪仁波切的佛學常識淵博、品格高尚,是衆人所景仰的對象。當他對待他人時,總是慈悲 為懷、溫和幽默。堪仁波切也善於以研討、辯論、及作業方式提升學生對佛法的分析能力 。 Schedule: 佛學營作息表 10/19 Saturday 星期六 (Arrival at Kopan 抵達柯槃寺) 4pm briefing and orientation 集合說明 10/20 – 27 Sunday – Sunday 星期日 6:30am – 7:30am Meditation/ Prostration 禪坐/ 禮拜 7:30am – 9:00am Breakfast 早餐 9:00am – 11:00am Teaching 佛法課程 11:00am – 2:30pm Lunch & Discussion & Rest 午餐、午休、佛學研討 2:30pm – 4:30pm Teaching 佛法課程 4:30pm – 5:00pm Tea Break 下午茶 5:00pm – 6:00pm Meditation禪坐 6:30pm Dinner 晚餐 10/28 Monday 星期一 8:00am To swayambunath 朝聖 – 斯瓦揚布 12:30pm Lunch at Yak and Yeti Hotel 旅館自助式午餐 2:30pm Boudanath 朝聖 - 布達大塔 6:30pm Dinner at Kopan 晚餐 10/29 Tuesday 星期二 8:00am To Namo Buddha or Parphing 朝聖 – 南摩布達 或 拍平 Lunch at Haatibaan or outside? 自助式午餐 Dinner at Kopan 晚餐 Guru Puja at gompa 上師薈供 10/30 Wednesday 星期三 Departure 回家 Rule & Regulations/ 注意事項 : · All food are Indian vegetarian which will be cooked with onion and little garlic 一律提供印度素食,大部分含蛋奶素及蔥蒜 · All participants will placed in duty roster i.e. to clean up gompa & set up water bowls offering 參加者請務必協助出坡工作,例如大殿供水及清掃 · To observe silence upon waking up in the morning until after lunch 請在起床後至午餐後保持禁語 · No pets, no kids, 請勿攜帶寵物及小孩 · No exposed dress, short or tight skirt, please bring your own toiletaries, in-house and bathroom slipper, medication, torch light, insect repellent. 請攜帶衛生用品、室内及浴室拖鞋、手電筒、驅蚊蟲油、個人使用藥物或維他命、禦寒外 套,足夠的輕便寬鬆衣褲。最好攜帶棉布質的衣物,以不發出太多摩擦聲。 · Organizer will not responsible for any accident or loss of belonging. 主辦單位不需對參加者負責一切意外的發生及虧損。 · Attendance at all sessions is required. If you fall sick, or cannot attend for any other reasons, please inform your group leader. 請務必全勤參加課程,若生病無法出席,請向組長/班長請假。 · You are requested to stay in the monastery ground throughout the course. Please complete all errands such as visa extension, flight confirmation/booking and writing letters before the start of the course. 課程期間所有活動僅限於柯槃寺範圍内。請將所有必要處理的事情在課程開始前處理完畢 ,例如:機票訂位、聯絡家人、申請延簽等等。 · No visitors will be allowed during the course. 課程期間婉謝參訪。 · Please respect the monks and their vows. Do not distract them from their studies. To visit the monks' rooms and invite them into your room is asking the monks to break them from their studies. To visit the monks' rooms and invite them into your room is asking the monks to break the house rules in the monastery. 請尊重柯槃寺的僧衆作息。請勿干擾他們的學習。請勿邀請他們到您的 寮房聊天,也請勿擅自進入僧衆寮房。 · Keep the five precepts: no killing, stealing, lying, sexual conduct, no tobacco, alcohol or other mind altering substances 請遵守在家五戒:不殺生、不 偷盜、不淫慾、不妄語、不飲酒,此乃包括不抽煙及食用任何影響精神恍惚之藥物。 附件下載: 報名表-2.doc 報名表.pdf -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: cool810 來自: (06/13 08:02)
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