看板 CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/treasure-maps-1296017/1/20 Dear citizens, Today we are going to present you a new concept, called “treasure maps”. Treasure maps will become one of the most loved things in the eRepublik world, as they are the ones offering you the chance to find free GOLD. We said “find”? A better term would be “discover” because you will, literally, discover hidden treasures! 新的更新項目-藏寶圖。 藏寶圖將提供一個獲得免費Gold的機會(發現寶藏)。 Treasure maps are replacing the simple Achievements Rewards system that we have now. So, instead of a basic alert announcing that you've just received a GOLD reward when you reach an achievement or one of the citizens you invited reaches level 6, you will be offered a cool treasure map with many possibilities. You are not forced to explore the map immediately, but you have a limit of 30 days in which you can use the map. This because after 30 days the map becomes unreadable thus unusable! Each map has three paths, each ending with a marked “X”, and each revealing a treasure of a specific value in GOLD. 藏寶圖取代了成就獎勵系統(包含連續工作30天、被邀請的新人等級達到6級)。 獎勵由原本的5G改為一張藏寶圖。 藏寶圖有時間限制,30天內要用掉,過期變廢紙。 每張藏寶圖上都有三處顯示"X"的地方,各放有不同數量的Gold。 It must be said that the average treasures value will vary, but here comes your luck and inspiration: the path you choose will lead you to a treasure that might contain an average, slightly smaller or slightly larger amount of Gold. Of course, the difference between them will not be that big. But you are a lucky citizen, aren't you? :) Remember you can only choose one path. 每張藏寶圖只能由三處中擇一探勘挖掘。 出土的寶藏價值差異很大,這取決於你的運氣和人品。 (官方顯示的圖有5.xxG和48.xxG) Speaking of luck, you will surely hear some citizens shout what would seem to be legends about some poor citizens turning into pretty rich men overnight. Who knows, maybe it will be YOU they'll talk about, one of the Treasure of Kings discoverers! If you'll get your hands on such a legendary treasure, you may easily quit your job and live your e-life with style, at least for a while :D We know, you're thinking: “Seriously admin? One in a million winner, right?” but this is not the case. The Treasure of Kings discoveries will be pretty frequent, the old kings from before the New World had untold riches, so expect several tens of daily discoveries of such legendary treasures! So, all you have to do is to choose your path, dig and believe in your luck. 當你挖到國王寶藏(48.xxG),就可以辭去工作入住帝寶(誤)。 官方說國王寶藏保證不難挖,不過要拿到傳奇性的寶藏,還是得取決你的人品。 (官方說不會是百萬分之一的機率,不過可能是1/999999) But, once again, let's have the pictures talk: 看圖說故事 http://wiki.erepublik.com/images/6/60/Treasures1.jpg
May your chosen path lead you to untold riches and change your destiny or why not that of your nation! In order to implement the Treasure Maps, tomorrow (day 873 of the New World) we will take the eRepublik servers offline for about an hour, starting with 02 AM, eRepublik time. 今天下午五點要維修約一小時,之後"藏寶圖"實裝上線。 Also, we kindly ask you to avoid spamming of the Insiders. Each eRepublik Insider has a topic so please debate that specific topic. Comments like "first", "second", "add that language" or "remove x thing" are spam unrelated to Insider's subject. The eRepublik team -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
f1207bill:.................. 會不會有1G的 (誤) 04/11 16:50
neosu:打開寶箱 銘謝惠顧 04/11 17:01
blur13:推一個 ^^ 04/11 17:19
blur13:以後可以聽到某人一夜致富嗎XD 04/11 17:21
kimwaynexyz:再過8天就有連續30天的獎勵了 期待 XD 04/11 19:06
radishare:結果三個選項期望值還是5G.苦到帶衰的新手XD 04/11 19:22
blur13:期望值還是5G =.=+ 04/11 19:58
mark0722:只是多了一點小小的趣味,對整體沒啥影響 04/11 20:35
kimwaynexyz:期望值5G 怎麼這麼少呀 QQ 04/11 21:28
allyusd:真的有比5G小的選項是嗎? 04/11 21:41
neosu:藏寶圖今天維修後上線了 點右上角的"Gold and Extras"會看到 04/12 21:36
f1207bill:如果期望值沒有5G 會通貨膨脹吧 04/12 21:45
josesun:我抽到5.37G...還不是一樣XD 04/12 22:00
josesun:更正一下,原來>5G算是不錯了XD 04/12 22:08
neosu:一般抽到的範圍是4~6G之間 已經有人抽到國王寶藏了 04/12 22:24
neosu:http://i42.tinypic.com/esizck.png 04/12 22:24
neosu:http://ppt.cc/vg1s 04/12 22:24
neosu:應該不是4~6 看到有人只抽到3.07G (嘖嘖) 04/12 22:30
blur13:冏 有人用我連結到6Lv 可是我只有抽到4.02G :( 04/13 16:35
blur13:以後不能反5G了 我運氣很差... 04/13 16:35
blur13:我寫信去問無頭雞了 看藏寶圖能送人嗎 直接返給下線 04/13 16:37
peadon:樓上推文 我笑了XD 04/13 16:53
VDer:他說我力量五拿到一張藏寶圖 可是我去看結果沒有欸 04/13 17:03
blur13:點右上角的"Gold and Extras"會看到 04/13 17:42
VDer:恩 就是在那邊他說我沒有藏寶圖 04/13 18:18
blur13:疑 你是何時拿到的 只有昨天五點後開始取消獎5G變藏寶圖 04/13 19:12
VDer:昨天訓練完力量變五 但他有寄訊息跟我說有藏寶圖 但實際沒有 04/13 21:54
VDer:不過我忘記我之前金多少了XD 說不定有+5? 04/13 21:56
blur13:用send 訊息給Admin 看看他有漏給了嗎 04/13 22:34