看板 CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
嘛......adm又拋了好大一塊餅出來 原文 http://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=62494 The following features are planned to be introduced at certain point in the future. 無責任(?)遊戲更新預告 1.矮人、部落(遊牧民族)、元素使等新種族 2.第二種升級兵 3.種族平衡調整 4.魔法學院5 5.等級上限提高 6.新職業工會(巡警隊、煉金術師等) 7. Detailed quest-adventure map with Lords moving around it. 10. Ability to cultivate and train one personified creature. Options to preset combat behaviour for the creature and use in combat without player control. 7.新地圖...? 8.個人村莊(模擬村莊) 9.攻城器(投石機、醫護帳篷、彈藥車) 10.AI自動戰鬥...?(內掛?) 11. Warehouses as private property. 11.......? 12.工廠私有化(可集資) 13.公會戰 14.攻城戰 15.團體錦標賽(2X2 & 3X3) 16. 戰鬥中隊頻 ATB行動順序預覽 17. Creating the Detention Block as an isolated game environment with special gaming conditions for rulebreakers. 18. Introducing a "National committee" clan, official clan for members elected by the players and designed for serving as link between the community and administration, appealing against certain decisions, etc. 17.隔離島...?? 18.議會...? 19. Optimizing the game for PocketPC (480*640) [only possible after Flash v8 and further versions is made compatible] 20. Increase server power and acquiring new servers. Recruiting professional artists and designers. 19.遊戲畫面優化 20.伺服升級 The innovations listed are not sorted chronologically. 更新內容未照時序排列 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: smart0eddie 來自: (12/15 12:38)
god145145:要到2020了 12/15 17:49
Moritz:玩兩年半了 真是個好webgame 12/15 23:09
scannol:這支票開的比政客還大 12/15 23:21