看板 CGI-Game 關於我們 聯絡資訊
The people with high inventory counts are hoarding large amounts of weapons and gear. Because weapons and gear are unique and not stackable, there's no easy way for us to build a "recycle" all tool. The recycling is the way it is for a very distinct purpose and that is to slow the process of people getting resources quickly and easily. If it was easy / free, people could effectively horde large amounts of junk and use it as a secondary and unlootable store for base resources, hence breaking the game. This new limit won't affect 95% of users. 這邊有說為何要限制500格空格與為何不做回收全部按鈕的理由 簡單來說就是如果做了"回收全部"的這個按扭 會被有心人士用來做為能夠快速獲取大量資源並當成是一種無法被掠奪資源的方式 這樣對於遊戲有毀滅性的影響 (就是資源如果太好取得與屯積 那就沒有人會花點數買資源了) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wkwtb:lv 18區,打hardware store,運氣好三種資源可以各拿 03/20 20:59
wkwtb:1500 03/20 20:59
wkwtb:打個兩間就爆倉了(左上右上),打完再打lv16(右下) 03/20 21:00
wkwtb:然後換打warehouse... 接下來隨便打,等明天再來一次 03/20 21:01
wkwtb:除了拆螺絲,懶得做資源回收 03/20 21:02
loveiscrazy:付費玩家也不會想呆著 爆倉沒法刷裝 垃圾難清玩家走光 03/20 23:45
dakkon:這裡由蠻蠢的,弄個按鍵精靈還不是可以大量回收, 03/21 00:26
dakkon:不讓一般玩家方便就說嘛 03/21 00:27
roder:這遊戲也還在測試期間 等正式版出了再說 03/21 01:44
wwj0608:已經沒玩了 更新有點慢XD 03/21 01:55
wwj0608:等在更新點東西在回去看Q wQ 03/21 01:56
minowsky:可是玩到現在建物都快升滿了,資源似乎也沒啥用了? 03/22 00:08
※ 編輯: categg 來自: (03/22 00:28)
categg:現在只是BETA 什麼時候會提高建築物等級誰也不知道 03/22 00:28
xxx83221:一直提升建物等級不會變成模擬城市嗎XD(亂入) 03/24 00:35