看板 CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《soaringfish (翔魚)》之銘言: : A SECRET NO LONGER : Future pitching ace blossoms for Yankees 揭開小王的神秘面紗 未來的ACE級投手在洋基隊綻放他的光采 : New York : So many times Bubba Crosby had walked by Chien-Ming Wang on the bench and : sensed something bubbling inside that his teammate would never allow to seep : to the surface. 當Crosby多次走過坐在板凳上的小王身邊時,他都感受到小王身體裡充滿著一股氣息,而那 股神秘的氣息是小王不會讓它輕易洩漏出來的. : So many times Crosby found himself all but studying Wang's face for the : slightest wince or wrinkle or pulse, a poker player searching for a tell from : a player who didn't have one. Crosby也多次發現他自己全心注意著小王最細微的一舉一動,就像是一個撲克玩家一般試著 嗅出一些蛛絲馬跡,但是卻是一無所獲. : Still, Crosby had started learning so much more from Wang during their dinners : on the road, their attempts to communicate, though his teammate from Taiwan : spoke little English. 依然的,Crosby在去客場征戰時享用晚餐時,也已經開始從小王身上學到了很多.他們不斷試 著溝通,儘管他從台灣來的這位隊友並不會說多少英文. : Soon, they had started to understand each other, even if every little word : didn't always make sense. Soon, they were battling each other in video golf : games, Crosby seeing more and more competitiveness as Wang would "kick my : butt" then offer his own version of trash talk by using what little English : he had learned. 很快的,他們倆個開始熟悉彼此,即使他們說的簡短語句有時會詞不達意.接下來,他們就開 始在電動高爾夫遊戲裡對決,而Crosby感受到彼此越來越有競爭感--當小王開始把他打的落 花流水之後用用他所學不多的英文說著他自己那套的垃圾話. : "You (stink)," Crosby remembered Wang telling him time and again as the : teammates would laugh. "你(這個臭小子)."Crosby記得小王一次又一次的說著這段(省略的很有自己的風格的)話, 惹的他每次都開懷大笑. : So Crosby had started to see a glimpse of the personality Wang would never : show on the field, where he had trained himself to keep everything inside, to : hide the few bouts of nerves he battled so that no one could sense a : weakness. 所以Crosby就開始看到了小王性格中那個隱藏著,在場上不會表現出來的部分.而這個部分 是小王自己訓練自己去把自己所有的心情吞進肚子裡,以來隱藏那些心中偶爾出現的小波動 ,使得其他人沒有辦法感受到他一絲的脆弱. : There was no point in being nervous, anyway - Wang had learned this long ago : when he first started feeling the tidal waves in his stomach as he was about : to pitch for the Taiwan junior national team. 緊張是沒有用的--小王很早就學到了這點,當他以台灣青年國家隊成員的身分站在投手丘上 ,第一次感受到肚子裡在翻攪的那種感覺時. : That's when his coach pulled him aside and told him just why he needed to : take the tournament in stride as he had any other game he pitched. 那時他的教練把他拖到一邊並且告訴他說他只需要把這場比賽當成他其他投過的普通比賽 一樣就好了. : "It's the same game," Wang remembered his coach telling him and he followed : that advice even when he reached the big leagues. "都只是一樣的一場比賽而已."小王記得他的教練這樣跟他講,而他也履行著這句建議--當 他上了大聯盟之後. : It's you and the catcher. Just throw the ball. That's it. 就只是你把球丟給捕手而已.就這麼簡單. : And that's the attitude that had allowed Wang to thrive on the New York : stage, command the spotlight by keeping it from ever illuminating him to : reveal anything more than the pitches with which he would so often induce : outs. 而這個態度讓小王能在洋基隊的舞台上,吸引著鎂光燈,並不讓它展露出小王那顆不斷製造 出局數的球以外的事情. : But now as Crosby passed by Wang on the bench after the pitcher gave up a : game-ending home run to Washington this May, all his surging suspicions were : confirmed. 但是當Crosby從小王身邊經過--在五月那場小王被轟出再見全壘打的比賽之後--所有他原 先那些不斷增長的懷疑終於得到了確認. : Now the placid pitcher who could remain utterly still whether he was pitching : in a playoff game or listening to a raucous hip-hop song through his : headphones finally gave way and revealed the passion that fueled him. 就算在季後賽投球或者是當他用耳機在聽著震耳欲聾的嘻哈樂時都一樣的穩重,這位冷靜的 投手還是讓他滿腹的情緒發洩出來了. : Wang flung his glove in frustration, the ferocity of the act stunning Crosby : as much as the pitcher's 96 mph fastball jolts hitters suckered into settling : in due to his smooth, breezy windup. 挫敗的小王把他的手套甩在一邊,而這個動作對Crosby的衝擊力就和小王投出的那顆能讓打 者臣服於它的尾勁,而把它敲到地上的96mph速球一樣. : "All of us were kind of like, '(Whoa),'" Crosby said. "We were all surprised : in a good way. Obviously it showed that he cared. He was battling for us : because we had a beat-up bullpen. "我們大家在心裡都有一點'哇~'的感覺."Crosby說."我們都很驚訝--但是感到很高興.很明 顯的這個動作告訴我們他(小王)很在乎.他是為我們奮鬥著--由於我們那個疲累不堪的牛 棚." : "It was nice to see him get a little aggressive. I can see him sitting at the : end of the dugout. He keeps to himself. I know he's quiet, but he's (ticked) : off inside. But that day, a walk-off homer, he couldn't keep it inside." "能夠看到他有那股侵略性是很棒的.我可以每次都看到他每次都坐在休息區的一角.我知道 他雖然很安靜,但是他心裡還是確認著他的信念.但是那天,那支再見全壘打讓他不再能夠隱 藏著他的心情." : Maybe it's just as well. Wang no longer has to hide anything anymore. 或許這就是這樣.小王再也不需要隱藏些什麼了. : The 26-year-old who sneaked up on the Yankees and the rest of the American : League as suddenly as his fastball does on hitters can no longer keep himself : a secret no matter how rigid a poker face he owns. 這位26歲,從洋基和大聯盟中竄起的速度就和他那顆速球給打者的反應一樣的投手再也不需 要把自己當成一個秘密一般,儘管他有一張堅定不變的撲克臉. : He is no longer the little rookie who could, but the potential ace that must : keep the Yankees alive through this second-half battle for their playoff : lives. Wang followed his solid surprise debut last season by posting a 9-4 : record with a 4.00 ERA by the All-Star break this season, but that's not : even what most excites the Yankees. 他再也不是一個菜鳥,而是一顆必須讓洋基繼續在下半季繼續撐下去的有潛力的新星.小王 繼續他上季的驚艷表現,今年直到明星賽前已經繳出了9勝4敗,防禦率4.00的成績,但是那甚 至不是最讓洋基隊驚喜的. : What sends a surge through people such as pitching coach Ron Guidry is not : what Wang has done, but what he can do. 給諸如投手教練Ron Guidry的眾人一般驚喜的不是小王已經做了什麼--而是他可以做什麼. : "Oh, he can be good," pitching coach Ron Guidry said. "I mean, he is good. : He's as good as anyone else we've seen. We have a couple of good ones on our : staff but he's just as good. He can be as good as he wants to be." "喔,他可以做的很好."Guidry說."我指的是,他有很不錯的資質.他可以做的和我們見過的 任何人一樣好.我們陣中已經有許多好手,但是他還是一樣的好.只要他想要做的如何,他就 可以做到那麼好." : GUIDRY SEES it now in the way Wang warms up. The way he walks to the mound. : The way he simply nods "OK" when his teammates turn to him and apply the kind : of pressure once reserved solely for veterans. Guidry已經在現在小王熱身.走上投手丘.點點頭表示"OK"--當他的隊友轉向他並且以只用 來對待自己人的方式對待他時--看到了這樣子的小王. : "Hey," they'll tell Wang, "we need a big game from you today." "嘿,"他們會這樣告訴小王,"我們今天需要你給我們一場漂亮的比賽." : "OK," Guidry recalls Wang saying. "That's all he says, 'OK.'" "OK啊."Guidry回憶著小王這樣的說."他就只說了這句'OK啊.'" : "His presence on the mound (is impressive)," Guidry added. "How much he's : grown." "他在場上(精采的)表現"Guidry補充道"展現出了他成長了多少," : "How far he's come. When he goes out there, he knows what he's supposed to be : doing. He knows what he means to this team when before he was just a young : pitcher last year. Now, as good as he's been pitching, he's the guy everyone : looks to every five days to get you deep in a game." "以及他走了多長遠的一段路.每次他出場的時候,他總是知道他該做些什麼.他知道他對這 個隊伍的意義是如何的,並且是在去年他還是個年輕菜鳥投手之前." : That's fine. Bring it on. Pile on as much pressure as you want. While Wang : offered that one snap by flinging his glove, he did so because he felt he let : his teammates down. More importantly, he was able to let loose only because : the game was over. 好,我們回到正題.在小王身上加上很多壓力--你想要多少就多少.當小王把他的手套摔出轟 然巨響時,他是因為他覺得他讓他的隊友失望了.更重要的是,他可以因為比賽結束了而放鬆 ." : During the game? 那在比賽過程中呢? : "I just don't think about it," Wang said. "I just throw the ball. ... Just : think of the catcher and don't think of anything else." "我什麼都不想,"小王說."我只是投著球...只想著捕手的手套,並且不去想其他的事情." : That calmly deceptive demeanor has done everything from impress his team's : captain, Derek Jeter, to eventually depress opposing batters. 這個冷靜的表現達成了所有的效果--從讓他隊伍的隊長Jeter感到印象深刻,到讓對方的打 者感到挫敗. : "Nothing fazes him," Jeter said. "沒有事情能夠影響他."Jeter說. : Which helps him throw batters off. 這就是幫助他把打者趕回休息區的方法. : Think of your typical pitchers who can throw in the mid-to-high 90s and : you'll picture a pulsating, swearing, sweating combustible combination that : heaves the ball to the plate in a violent flurry. 想著你心中對那些可以投出150kmh以上球速的投手的典型印象,而你可以描繪出一個搖搖晃 晃的.口中碎碎念的.並且全身滴著汗,就像是在燃燒自己一般,然後在一瞬間把球丟向本壘 板的投手. : Now take a look at Wang, who delivers the ball with a butler's elegance, but : a fireballer's fury. 現在我們來看看小王--他把球投的就像是個管家一般優雅,但是卻有著火球王的猛勁. : "What impresses me is having as smooth a delivery as he does and hitting 96," : Crosby said. "As a hitter you're expecting someone grunting like Billy Wagner : ." "讓我最印象深刻的就是他可以丟的這麼輕鬆但是卻能催到96mph,"Crosby說."以一個打者 而言,你會覺得這種球速應該是個像是Billy Wagner一般的人投的." : "But he's so smooth when it comes out of his hand, you're not expecting it." "但是從他手中投出來時就是這麼的輕盈,使你不會預期到這樣." : But the signs are sneaking out here and there around the clubhouse, even if : Wang won't let them out on the field if there's still a game to be won. Crosby : smiles as he says Wang "has a personality." 不過很多(小王的)舉止已經在隊友間悄悄傳開了,儘管小王不會在場上讓它們表現出來--只 要他還有一場比賽要贏.Crosby笑著說小王"有一種獨特的個性". : Jeter offers his traditional mischievous grin when he admitted Wang "knows : more English than you guys think." Jeter則是掛著他的招牌笑容說小王"懂得比你們以為的還要多的英文". : So, OK, Wang still has a few secrets left. But his success as a pitcher and : the expectation that goes with that is no longer one of them. 好,小王還是有一些秘密沒有被揭露出來.不過他身為投手的成功以及那些伴隨而來的期望 已經不再是這些秘密當中的了. 翻的好累... 希望有錯的地方還是請各位強者多指教啦~ 賺完P幣走人~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kevev:有看有推 07/16 21:11
twinkle8420:推 07/16 21:12
cwy0317:推 07/16 21:14
rresonance:推推推 這篇實在很長 很難翻... 07/16 21:15
spupa:推 07/16 21:16
patzoom:推 07/16 21:16
leewavewater:推啊...這一篇的表達就通順多了 07/16 21:16
wohaha1300:推 07/16 21:19
yamino:推 07/16 21:19
michael1616:推推 07/16 21:20
threefoot:有看有推:) 07/16 21:19
erichito19:其實悶騷的個性在華人社會是很常見的吧... 07/16 21:20
beast1969:翻譯得很不賴 該給五顆星 07/16 21:20
Simakui:大推 原來小王喜歡嘻哈樂啊 07/16 21:20
erichito19:跑到美國去就變成了獨特的個性... 07/16 21:21
abnegator:不錯啦... 07/16 21:23
AndrewHuang:on the road應該是"客場征戰"吧....辛苦囉~ 07/16 21:24
soaringfish:謝謝樓上...我等下改(不想修到推文啊~) 07/16 21:26
※ 編輯: soaringfish 來自: (07/16 21:27)
devilhell:辛苦啦 07/16 21:28
jethro1122:大推 小王真是崛起中的巨星 受矚目到連個性都專文探討 07/16 21:29
comst:翻的好 推 07/16 21:31
Rutine:好高興!Crosby和小民是好朋友! 07/16 21:31
tomo1026:原來小王是個大悶騷包XD 07/16 21:32
ashkenazy:推!!!! 07/16 21:35
h0304126:推啊 07/16 21:35
KyoDragon:推! 07/16 21:40
pIvy:講到王就開心心心心~ 07/16 21:42
ignorant7:推推~~~~~~~~~~ 07/16 21:43
squallwc:推推推=============================================== 07/16 21:45
sharon1225:謝謝您,辛苦了 07/16 21:48
carolann:推~~~ 07/16 21:50
djw:推啊 翻譯辛苦了 07/16 21:55
heacoun: 07/16 21:56
shaqyang:有看有推 07/16 21:56
zephyrmartin:感謝大大辛苦的翻譯 很通順 07/16 21:58
Beetlew:推推推!! 07/16 21:59
kun3185:推!!!! 07/16 22:04
bigsun0709:悶燒的小王...電動高爾夫不知是那一款(全民高爾夫嗎?) 07/16 22:06
chtupy:推啊 翻譯辛苦了 07/16 22:08
ykd:推 07/16 22:12
weitingyeh:我決定以後我的推文都是 "OK"了 XD 07/16 22:15
soaringfish:那樓上碰到推齊怎麼辦XD 07/16 22:21
gossamer:推推 07/16 22:23
getup:嗯..翻得很好阿...雖然我先看英文的部分 07/16 22:23
JackeyChen:推阿 不過 很好奇 小王懂得英文 會不會是大家想的那些? 07/16 22:24
harrywu0620:推翻譯 07/16 22:25
FFMM1:推~辛苦了!! 看報導還可以邊學英文耶 07/16 22:29
soaringfish:翻報導學英文啊~(茶) 07/16 22:30
powerair:到底是什麼祕密 春訓時Torre也說小王學了不少拉丁語髒話 07/16 22:35
OLDdaughter:推阿 王板需要這種文章 推推推 07/16 22:39
weinine32:多謝分享 07/16 22:40
alen3321:推 07/16 22:41
KYSR:謝謝^_^ 07/16 22:43
Alexboo:感謝了 07/16 22:46
sh828:很棒耶,謝謝! 07/16 22:46
poiuiop:推一個,不推就對不住了~~~ 07/16 22:52
AndrewHuang:有看有推啊 07/16 22:52
RTY1026:好騷阿~ 07/16 22:53
yepi:推 07/16 22:55
jamesppi:剛開始跟小卡布的互動形容有斷背的感覺XDDDD 07/16 22:59
gn01370926:推 辛苦了 ^^ 07/16 23:04
Alexboo:Crosby不是小卡布吧 07/16 23:04
realG:推 07/16 23:05
wjc:小卡布???不是小卡布啦!!不過形容得還真有點斷背...XDDDDD 07/16 23:04
forever2624:推 07/16 23:11
kyodouglas:推的啦! 07/16 23:13
longbow2:要推一下,感覺翻得很棒! 王版需要原PO這種優質版友!!! 07/16 23:14
easoncho:辛苦了....好文要推!! 07/16 23:15
hanksun:推 07/16 23:17
wangazi:teammates:We need a big game from you today. Wang:OK! 07/16 23:18
litthe:推!!:) 07/16 23:22
sweaters:專業的來了 07/16 23:24
ooooooo:推好文,推優質版友,推小王! 07/16 23:27
axyl:PUSH 07/16 23:40
crazyforu:推 ... 辛苦了 m(_ _)m 07/16 23:42
nomar5:推~翻的好! 07/16 23:45
HowManOh:有看有推 07/16 23:49
Angoboy:推啊!! 太感謝你了!! 07/16 23:51
twoaxes:感謝阿~推~ 07/16 23:55
soaringfish:謝謝大家的支持...小小奢求這篇可以推到爆..因為之前 07/16 23:55
soaringfish:翻譯都沒有被m... 07/16 23:56
zxcv123123:小王~真是有點悶騷!!愛死他了 07/16 23:58
Xand:推!! 07/17 00:03
b0850:推推推 07/17 00:05
wayin:感謝好文 07/17 00:05
willy0711:推 07/17 00:06
Yushiang:翻的很棒 07/17 00:06
chenfong:讚耶 07/17 00:07
qqjeff3000:大推....翻的很好阿 07/17 00:08
bonkidd:推~~~~~~~~~真好看!!! 07/17 00:10
jethro1122:爆吧~ 07/17 00:10
packie:專業的~推! 07/17 00:12
sunlulu:推!! 07/17 00:13
hardball3031:來賓請掌聲鼓勵鼓勵~~ 07/17 00:14
rebot:推 07/17 00:15
taikonkimo:翻的好棒....給你各推 07/17 00:15
nail486:應原po的要求 推給你爆... 07/17 00:15
galilei:爆啦爆啦 07/17 00:18
malay:push 07/17 00:23
jethro1122:爆吧~爆吧~爆吧~爆吧~爆吧~爆吧~爆吧~爆吧~爆吧~爆吧~ 07/17 00:22
hellohenry:您覺得這篇文章 1.值得推薦 07/17 00:23
aaronleo:第一段話那個英文到底是啥意思阿@_@? 07/17 00:23
aaronleo:that his teammate would never allow to seep 07/17 00:24
soaringfish:第一段話? 07/17 00:25
aaronleo:to the surface. @@? 07/17 00:25
jethro1122:那是說小王的查克拉滿到瀉出來 07/17 00:24
soaringfish:his teammate指的是Crosby的隊友--也就是小王 07/17 00:25
soaringfish:seep指的是滲透 所以指的是小王不讓那股氣息洩漏出來 07/17 00:26
soaringfish:這樣OK嗎? a版友 07/17 00:27
sunlulu:推又推~~ 07/17 00:28
Amophis:90s 是144km 不是150~~ 不過還是推阿 好通順~~~ 07/17 00:28
MHGau:99啦 07/17 00:31
jethro1122:破表啦 07/17 00:32
noonecan:good 07/17 00:33
chung:大推 07/17 00:34
aaronleo:這個網站是什麼性質的阿? 感覺好像電視節目專訪喔... 07/17 00:34
chung:耶 我推爆嚕 :P 07/17 00:34
chung:看樣子 不是我 :P 07/17 00:35
soaringfish:給樓上A版友 他裡面有說mid-to-high 90s 07/17 00:35
soaringfish:所以是150以上沒錯 07/17 00:36
softgirl:翻得好,推給他爆~ 07/17 00:38
soaringfish:謝謝大家支持了~以後我會繼續努力翻譯的~(第一篇爆文) 07/17 00:38
HansLee:推 07/17 00:40
k8543:GOOD! 07/17 00:41
dojob:爆~ 07/17 00:41
taebo:推 07/17 00:47
angel13:有看有推~~ 07/17 00:49
charmer153:一定要推 看的很感動 害我掉淚了 07/17 00:51
finaldragon:爆了~~錦上添個花~~~ 07/17 00:55
dreamywing:推! 07/17 00:56
finalx:推阿 07/17 00:56
XLA:有看有推~~太帥了 07/17 01:05
polar17:推! 07/17 01:14
harryrain:爽爽爽,王葛格太帥啦~~ 07/17 01:19
fannys:推~~~看得真感動... 07/17 01:20
arashikishu:我好愛這篇喔~~~~~ 真感動 07/17 01:28
mevi:大推阿..強者阿 07/17 01:36
flay:推,棒 07/17 02:09
tlw0709:有趣的一篇 07/17 02:10
Timk:推推強推!!!^_^ 07/17 02:14
brant:淚推~~~ 07/17 02:44
※ 編輯: soaringfish 來自: (07/17 03:40) ※ 編輯: soaringfish 來自: (07/17 03:49)
Ferrero0212:推~小王"懂得比你們以為的還要多的英文" XD 07/17 04:51
kaku216:很棒的翻譯.辛苦啦!!!!!!! 07/17 04:56
Seattle995:推一下! 07/17 07:32
DAVIDD0629:燃燒自己 翻譯出來賺P幣 才是王道呀~~~ 07/17 09:03
Dsalg:感謝感謝 07/17 09:06
aikobz:推 07/17 09:08
bigboss:感謝推 07/17 09:24
snatch929:好棒喔~~~推!!! 07/17 09:42
simply:推 翻得不錯~ 07/17 09:48
hacoolman:辛苦了 07/17 10:24
deIris:翻的還不賴啦 07/17 11:01
adrianx:本壘板的捕手...不是投手喔 07/17 12:22
noray:第二段 a poker player 不等於 poker face 07/17 13:00
noray:a poker player searching for a tell from a player who... 07/17 13:01
jemu:推 07/17 13:02
noray:此處是以一個比喻來呼應前一句, 應該是說 07/17 13:02
noray:就像玩撲克牌的人試圖從對手臉上找出蛛絲馬跡卻一無所獲 07/17 13:03
smolljohn:好長!辛苦了 07/17 13:39
metoo:推推 翻的很棒喲 辛苦了 07/17 14:02
apeter:有看有推..... 07/17 17:48
bingogobin:有看有推~~ 07/17 17:58
abc654:推 07/17 19:04
darkjuly:那應該是撲克牌玩家而不是撲克臉的人啦XD 07/17 19:13
soaringfish:謝謝幾位強者的指教~ 07/17 19:27
※ 編輯: soaringfish 來自: (07/17 19:29)
soaringfish:樓上有位在講本壘板的投手那句...你可以把整句看清楚 07/17 19:29
soaringfish:是"...(如何如何)把球投向本壘板"的投手 07/17 19:29
tommy910174:有看有推 真是感謝 07/17 23:44