看板 CMWang 關於我們 聯絡資訊
簡略翻譯一下,重點放在王的表現部分 Wang yields three runs in four innings as P-Nats lose http://0rz.tw/Amzdv By: Hugh Rist | For the News & Messenger | Published: July 19, 2012 Normally for a minor league team, the appearance of a major leaguer making an injury rehabilitation assignment produces great dividends on the field. However, for the Potomac Nationals, which have had 11 different Washington Nationals players make rehabilitation assignments this season, having a major leaguer in the lineup has not necessarily been a blessing. 上面兩段說道,即使對小聯盟球隊一般而言,有 MLB 復建球員參賽時, 都會在場上造成很大的雙方差距;但對於今年已有 11 位 MLB 球員在此復健的國民 1A Potomac Nationals 而言,卻常常不是這樣的優勢。 Alas, that trend continued Wednesday night as Washington Nationals righthander Chien-Ming Wang made his second rehabilitation start for the P-Nats this season and struggled early, just as Potomac’s offense struggled virtually throughout as the Lynchburg Hillcats took a 6-2 victory before 1,611 fans at Pfitzner Stadium. 不幸地這個趨勢在周三晚間的比賽持續,小王開賽時的亂流加上 Potomac 進攻掙扎, 使對手 Lynchburg Hillcats(勇士高階1A) 以 6-2 勝出。 Eight ofLynchburg’s ten hits went for extra bases—six doubles, a triple, and a solo homer by Adam Milligan in the seventh.Lynchburg(14-12 in the second half, 52-43 overall) remained in first place in the Northern Division of the Carolina League. Meanwhile,Potomac(12-14, 43-53) managed just one hit before the ninth, during which they avoided being shut out for the tenth time this season. 本場 Lynchburg Hillcats 的十支安打有八支是長打 (6*2B, 1*3B, 1*HR), 而 Potomac 在九局攻下兩分免於被完封以前,只有一支安打。 Wang yielded three runs on three hits, walking two and striking out one, which turned out to be the final batter he faced. Wang made 66 pitches, including 36 for strikes. 小王投出 3H 2BB 丟掉三分,1K 解決了最後一位他面對的打者。66球中有36球好球。 Including Wang’s totals, rehabbing pitchers have an earned run average of 5.82 in 21 2/3 innings, while the hitters are batting .193 (16 for 83) with just one homer and eight runs batted in. 加入小王的內容,在 Potomac 復健的投手共投了 21 2/3 局,ERA 為 5.82; 復健的打者則打出 .193 (16/83) 的打擊率,只有 1 HR & 8 RBI。 Given the lack of highlights for the P-Nats on the night, the pitching of Wang —as well as his status going forward—was probably the main storyline coming out of the game. 今天 Potomac Nationals 乏善可陳的表現,使得本場唯一的焦點聚在小王的表現與 復建進度上。 Wang, speaking through interpreter John Soo, said he does not know when or where his next start will be, but stated he felt fine physically, including the hip flexor that put him on the 15-day disabled list in the first place. “I was trying to locate my sinker, keep it down, and make sure they [the Lynchburg hitters] had a lot of ground balls today,” Wang said. “ Physically, I feel good. I feel fine. They [Washington Nationals officials] haven’t told me yet [what I am doing next]. I just follow their direction. Hopefully they will let me know soon and we will go from there.” 王透過翻譯 John Soo 表示,他不清楚下場先發在何時何地,但說他的身體感覺良好, 包含 15-DL 的理由──臀部。 王說:"我今天嘗試定位我的伸卡、投低一點、確保對方打者打出很多滾地。 身體上我感覺很好,國民還沒告訴我下一步要去哪,我只是跟隨他們的方向。 希望他們盡快讓我知道,然後我們就會繼續出發。" Wang yielded a ringing double to Mycal Jones to lead off the game before Nick Ahmed squirted a double just inside the right field line to bring in a run. Ahmed advanced to third on a fielder’s choice grounder to third by Edward Salcedo and Adam Milligan’s run-scoring grounder made it 2-0. 王一開場就被 Mycal Jones 打出二壘安打,接著 Nick Ahmed 的右外野車布邊2B送回 第一分,並利用接下來兩支內野滾地,到達三壘進而回來得分。比數 2-0。 Potomac missed a scoring opportunity in the first as Adrian Sanchez laced a single to right, stole second, and took third on an errant throw by catcher Shawn McGill. However, center fielder Mycal Jones made a fine running catch in center field to rob Hague of an RBI, and Sanchez was nailed at the plate on a fielder’s choice grounder by the rehabilitating Xavier Nady. David Freitas flied out to end the inning. Potomac 在第一局失去無人出局、三壘有人的得分機會。 Wang’s sinker appeared to be working as all of the outs recorded in the first three innings were recorded on the infield and all but one, a pop fly to second by Jones, was recorded on the ground. The third inning ended when the P-Nats converted a 6-4-3 double play after Nick Ahmed walked. 王的伸卡看來很有效,使得前三局除了一個內野高飛外,其他出局數全是內野滾地。 三局時 Potomac 完成 6-4-3 的雙殺解決了該局以及王保送的跑者。 Milligan led off the fourth with a triple that somewhat victimized Wang as right fielder Kevin Keyes gambled on making a diving catch and missed. After McGill drew the second walk Wang yielded, Braeden Schlehuber drove in a run with a grounder to short, giving Lynchburg a 3-0 lead. 四局時首先上場的 Milligan 打出右外野飛球,Potomac 右外野手 Kevin Keyes 做了失敗的賭博性撲接,使得打者跑上三壘。接著在小王投出本日第二個保送後, Braeden Schlehuber 以游擊滾地送回三壘跑者,比數 3-0。 In terms of results, it was the worst of Wang’s three rehabilitation appearances withPotomac. He threw four scoreless one-hit innings last July, then allowed a run in four innings against Myrtle Beach this past April. 結果論上而言,這是小王歷史上在 Potomac 的三場復健賽中最糟的一場。 去年七月他四局一安無失分;今年四月他投四局丟掉一分。 Meanwhile, after the first inning, Potomac struggled against Lynchburg starter Gus Schlosser (10-4), who threw a one-hitter against Potomac on opening night inLynchburg. He retired 21 in a row after another major league rehabber, Xavier Nady, reached on a fielder’s choice in the first inning. Schlosser yielded just the one hit in eight scoreless innings, making 87 pitches, including 62 for strikes. Nady, batting .151 on his own rehabilitation assignment, hit three soft ground balls in Wednesday’s game. 在第一局後,Potomac 面對先發投手 Gus Schlosser 幾無建樹。Schlosser 在本季 開幕賽便對 Potomac 投出一安打完封。在第一局 Xavier Nady 以野選上到一壘後, Schlosser 連續解決了接下來的 21 位打者,以 87-62 的用球數投完八局無失分。 Potomac mounted a slight murmur of protest in the ninth as Keyes led off with a double down the right field line, before Sanchez singled and took second as Keyes scored after an errant throw by Matt Weaver. Rick Hague then lined a single down the left field line, but he was cut down trying to stretch the hit into a double. Before faltering a bit in the ninth,Potomac reliever Robbie Ray, who was originally scheduled to start, pitched fairly well. He surrendered seven hits and three earned runs in five innings, but struck out six and allowed only Milligan’s solo homer before the ninth. Potomac 在九局做了些許抗議般的反攻,以一支2B、兩支1B和一次失誤傳球搶回兩分。 Potomac 的原定先發 Robbie Ray 後援五局,被打 7H 3ER,但投出 6K。 -- t a ╮ ╭═◢███◣theanswer3 t a h n ◢◣█╰═════════╯◢██ █◤█ ω h n e s ████▌◢██◣ ◢█ █◤█ █ █ ▲e s w theanswer3 ◢█ ███ █◢█ █▄█▄ █ █ ο w e ◤◥◤ ◥◤◥ ◥▌◤ ◥◤█ ▄▄ █◢█ Λ e r 3╰═════════════▆◤══██ ██◤▅▇▇▅▃▁ r 3 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: soaringfish 來自: (07/19 21:34)
fbiking:有點看不慣了 每次記者問他 他都會說身體感覺 官方說法 07/19 21:37
fbiking:"身體感覺良好" 實際上成績並沒有達到教練的期待 07/19 21:38
ps20012001:帳面上來看 滾地的頻率 很讓人期待..壞球可以再減少些 07/19 21:39
fbiking:他自己的毛病 真的沒辦法察覺嗎? 07/19 21:39
fbiking:我懷疑會不會是投球失憶症 焦慮症 困擾他 07/19 21:40
soaringfish:教練看成績也不是只看失分 這場安打狀況好很多了 07/19 21:42
soaringfish:滾地比率也很高 比起上場而言 已經回歸正軌很多了 07/19 21:43
soaringfish:這場主要問題就壞球過多跟剛上場不穩 還得要再調整 07/19 21:43
fbiking:那教練團幹嘛把他下放1A投 原本2A→1A→? 接下來呢? 07/19 21:46
fbiking:你說成績也不是只看失分 但是這也可以看危機處理能力 07/19 21:47
fbiking:但壘上有人 還是避免不了失分 07/19 21:48
soaringfish:今天壘上有人還是接著滾地啊,又不像上一場成天被安.. 07/19 21:55
agentina:在幾A投是看投手復健時間配合小聯盟球隊主場比賽好嗎 07/19 21:55
soaringfish:還是你希望他連拼三振 但別忘了他現在只是在復健調整 07/19 21:55
soaringfish:很明顯他今天就是出來調伸卡的 這方面結果也很好不是 07/19 21:56
agentina:復健賽投球狀況才是重點,其它不重要 07/19 21:56
soaringfish:另外推agentina說的,今天2A 3A都在客場 07/19 21:57
soaringfish:最高的MiLB主場比賽就是高階1A的Potomac了 07/19 21:59
ps20012001:不過焦慮應該有吧 新球種壓制不了打者 再回去追求伸卡 07/19 22:02
ps20012001:之前傷好那幾場K多 但是壞球跟被安打.等於繞了一圈.=.= 07/19 22:03
soaringfish:我想王應該不會成為全面性的Ace了吧... 07/19 22:21
soaringfish:但至少找到穩定的生存之道,還是可以有很不錯成績的 07/19 22:22
enkidu0830:長期打擊不振的Ankiel也被DFA了 07/19 22:52
enkidu0830:建民下一場可能有機會再去2A或3A投球,都是主場比賽 07/19 22:57
enkidu0830:翻譯棒 07/19 22:58
fbiking:可惜 07/19 23:01
※ 編輯: soaringfish 來自: (07/19 23:13)
casper955033:我覺得心理狀態已經不那麼balance了... 07/19 23:48
pfory:建仔這一場有個數據很不錯,就是在4局裡,完成了12個出局數 07/20 00:01
pfory:加油,回到MLB的時間不遠了 07/20 00:01
soaringfish:lol 07/20 00:05
soaringfish:老實說,這場中的一些部分頂多稱得上"好徵兆" 07/20 00:06
soaringfish:但是看了這麼久王建民,也知道好徵兆在他的持續性不穩 07/20 00:07
soaringfish:(inconsistent)下很難說代表接下來就會比較順利... 07/20 00:08
ptttrk:pfory 好酸啊ˇ.ˇ 真是勇於挑戰版主 07/20 00:46
yoshiringo:推 07/20 05:19
yoshiringo:pfory很酸+1 07/20 06:45
newest:那麼酸有用嗎? 嘖嘖 酸民 07/20 08:32
Lion0713:特地跑來酸有趣嗎? 好玩嗎? 做點有意義的事吧! 07/20 12:18
BuzzStyle:酸民就是愛戰,戰男女,戰南北,戰薪資戰球員 07/20 12:38
BuzzStyle:不知道是不是現實生活不美滿只好酸別人爽自己 07/20 12:39
enkidu0830:生活中找到重心,應該就不會了 07/20 13:25
enkidu0830:但我覺得p大應該不是要酸建仔 07/20 13:26
fbiking:我覺得很奇怪 說這場投不好 你們說已經比上場 投好多了 07/20 18:17
fbiking:p大說回MLB時間不遠了 你們又說他在酸.. 07/20 18:18
fbiking:感覺怎麼說王 都會被人家說不是......... 07/20 18:18
qqqaz: 兄弟象 07/20 18:33
allenpatrick:拜託不要再跟隨人家的方向了...你不是小孩了,請自己 07/20 23:26
allenpatrick:找方向,自己學會修正,自己學會調適,沒人會再等你了.. 07/20 23:28
allenpatrick:再叫人家給你方向就回家吧,家還是比較溫暖的 07/20 23:31
stevenharry:樓上中肯 心態調不好 怎麼投就是遭 07/21 02:18
minghanwu:翻譯裡 "跟隨人家的方向", 英文的原意應該是指復健賽 07/21 04:13
minghanwu:的進度安排, 本來就是只能 "跟隨" 啊,看一下原文吧 07/21 04:14
soaringfish:那一段有些模稜兩可的地方啦...我是覺得不用認定就是 07/21 04:34
soaringfish:哪一種解法就是了 07/21 04:34
yoshiringo:allenpatrick是不是會錯意了= =?? 07/21 06:18
allenpatrick:沒有會錯意啊,阿民的個性和心態和腦袋做啥都一樣問題 07/21 11:35
allenpatrick:這英文很簡單吧,尤其是阿民說的句子 07/21 11:36
minghanwu:這英文是翻譯說的..... 07/22 12:17
allenpatrick:so? 07/22 19:52
minghanwu:我只是覺得, 不用在這種訪談的文字上, 過度解讀 07/22 21:41