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每次調用構造函數後,count的數值都是0?? 感覺好像每一次while迴圈就呼叫解構子一次,所以才會一直為0 所以試著將解構子的--count;註解掉 果然就就沒事了,開始累加了 為何會這樣呢? #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <windows.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; const int OK = 1; const int Error = 0; class ACountList; class ACount{ private: static float rate; char name[20]; int password; int balance; public: static int count; ACount() {} ACount(char [],int); ~ACount() {--count;} void openAcount(ACount user[]); void deleteAcount(); int save(ACount &x, int money); int take(ACount &x, int money); void display(ACount &x); void Print(int n); static int getCount(){return count;} friend class ACountList; }; int ACount::count=0; ACount::ACount(char nm[20],int pw) //構造函數,開戶後count加1 { strcpy(name,nm); password=pw; ++count; balance=0; } void ACount::openAcount(ACount user[])//開戶 { char Name[20]; int Password; cout<<"please input your name:"<<endl; cin>>Name; cout<<"please input your password:"<<endl; cin>>Password; user[ACount::count]=ACount(Name,Password); cout<<"success!"<<endl; cout<<count; system("pause"); } void ACount::deleteAcount()//刪除 { int n; cout<<"Input the number of the acount you want to delete:"; cin>>n; if(count==n) --count; else if(0<count&&count<n) {--count;} else cout<<"Input error\n"; } int ACount::save(ACount &x, int money)//存錢 { if(money>0) { x.balance+=money; return OK; } return Error; } int ACount::take(ACount &x, int money) {//取錢 if(money>0&&x.balance-money>=0) { x.balance-=money; return OK; } return Error; } void ACount::display(ACount &x) {//列印 cout<<endl<<x.name<<"\t"; cout<<x.balance<<endl; } void ACount::Print(int n) {//查詢 cout<<"No."<<n<<"\t"<<name<<"\t\t"<<balance<<endl; } inline void topmenu()//一級菜單 { cout<<"\n****************************************************"; cout<<"\n*Option of the Program *"; cout<<"\n* *"; cout<<"\n* 1. Register *"; cout<<"\n* 2. Delete *"; cout<<"\n* 3. Oprate *"; cout<<"\n* 0. Exit *"; cout<<"\n* *"; cout<<"\n****************************************************"; } void main() { ACount *user; user=new ACount[10]; int op; while (1) { system("cls"); topmenu(); cout<<"\n please enter selection:"; cin>>op; switch(op) { case 1: user[ACount::count].openAcount(user); break; case 2: user[ACount::getCount()].deleteAcount(); break; case 3: break; case 0: exit(0); default: cout<<"\n Selection error!"; break; } } } -- 你知道每年全球有多少人死於飢餓嗎?美國的「The Hunger site http://www.thehungersite.com/clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=1 網站上只要網友 每天上網按一次,他們就會聯合世界企業家,捐給世界各地饑民一碗食物, 光是去年一整年,「The Hunger site」就送出了4,800萬碗食物給世界各地需要的 饑民.只要連上網路,動動你的滑鼠,加入首頁,每天擊點一次就可以幫助一個人, -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: hateexam 來自: (05/27 00:16)
legnaleurc:縮排會比標色還有幫助 05/27 01:19
※ 編輯: hateexam 來自: (05/27 01:29)
akasan:ACount() {} <--問題點 陣列會呼叫這個建構子 05/27 01:25
akasan:而這個傢伙沒更新count 05/27 01:25
akasan:另外user[ACount::count].openAcount(user); 會有問題 05/27 01:26
akasan:陣列能用的indxe 只有0~9而已 05/27 01:27
akasan:還有預設建構子的地方記得初始化name 至少在name[0]塞'\0' 05/27 01:28
hateexam:不好意思 可以在請問一下嗎 就是ACount() {}這裡沒變 05/27 01:33
hateexam:但將~ACount() {}裡的count--註解掉就能累加了耶 05/27 01:34
hateexam:為啥會這樣 不是主程式結束掉才會呼叫解構子嗎 05/27 01:34
hateexam:另外其他部份的錯誤 感謝提醒^^ 05/27 01:37
hateexam:還真沒注意到.... 05/27 01:37
VictorTom:不是主程式結束才呼叫解構子, 是這個obj大限到了該掛了 05/27 09:00
VictorTom:就會呼叫; ex1: delete obj; ex2: { OBJ obj; ... } 05/27 09:01