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http://www.comparecarrentals.co.uk/news/265027639.html Sixt and BMW Team up in New Car Hire Scheme by Andrew Drew March 28th, 2011 In the world of cars, no company is better known for making quality cars than BMW. On that same note, there are very few car hire companies that are as well-known as Sixt. Thus, it seems only right for these two companies to join up and offer the general public a great car hire sharing scheme. First of all, this scheme is scheduled to launch next month in Munich. The system itself is going to be called DriveNow. Pretty much, it will allow users a chance to hire BMW and MINI cars at competitive rates. People can rent these cars for €0.29 a minute or €14.90 an hour. This new scheme is nothing more than a way for BMW to raise its profile in some very well-known European cities. In a lot of these cities, car ownership is actually being pushed to the side in favor of actually renting a car. The scheme actually works out well for a number of people. For example, for someone who only drives a car a few times a week or less, owning a car may not be something they are interested in. However, being able to rent a car for a few minutes or hours on the days that they need one is perfect. So how does the scheme work? Well once a person agrees to become a member and pays their €29 joining fee, they are registered. Then members can rent cars via the phone or online. Members should keep in mind that there are no rental centers. The phone and online site is used to find the nearest car to the user ’s location. From there the user is able to open and use the car with a chip in their license. Thus, no key is ever required. ---- 租BMW不稀奇,但我對最後一段很好奇,怎麼找車跟開車? 而且取車跟還車都是自助式? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: EuropeTravel的板友解說
Holger:網路上會指示定的那台車位子,一般是某個停車場03/31 14:43
Holger:有車牌號碼所以就在停車場搜尋,一般有幾個是專用車位03/31 14:43
Holger:加入會員會有一張卡,有定車用那張卡感應可以開門 03/31 14:43
Holger:有的地方會有鑰匙櫃,插卡感應輸入密碼可以取鑰匙03/31 14:44
Holger:把車開回還車地點,用卡片感應鎖車兼還車 03/31 14:45
Holger:一般鑰匙都在車裡了,輸入密碼就可以拿起來用03/31 14:45
Holger:普通時候關門就用車鑰匙就可以了03/31 14:45
※ 編輯: AxelRubiPell 來自: (04/01 22:02)