看板 Catholic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
以下是一篇教廷可能傾向於適度開放保險套使用,以對抗愛滋病傳播的報導。 前言: Comments by one of the Church's most influential cardinals coupled with news of a Pontifical Council for Health Care report have fuel- led speculation that the Vatican may be changing its view on the u- se of condoms in the fight against Aids (by Robert Mickens,29/04/2006, the Table) 全文:http://www.thetablet.co.uk/cgi-bin/register.cgi/tablet-01181 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
falstaff:一般說來 馬蒂尼樞機是去年教宗選舉的第二熱門人選 05/06 14:58
falstaff:那時的拉辛格樞機是保守派的代表 05/06 14:59
falstaff:馬蒂尼樞機是自由派的代表 結果是拉辛格樞機當選教宗 05/06 14:59
praymid:這個連結已經失效了 09/04 17:32