看板 Catholic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
To many, Father Murphy appeared to be a saint: a hearing man gifted at communicating in American Sign Language and an effective fund-raiser for deaf causes. A priest of the Milwaukee Archdiocese, he started as a teacher at St. John’s School for the Deaf, in St. Francis, in 1950. He was promoted to run the school in 1963 even though students had disclosed to church officials in the 1950s that he was a predator. 對於很多人,墨菲神父似乎是一個好人:因為他在籌備聾童學校的資金上的貢獻 但是在1950年還被給予籌備的工作,就算他早就被爆出他是個掠食者 Victims give similar accounts of Father Murphy’s pulling down their pants and touching them in his office, his car, his mother’s country house, on class excursions and fund-raising trips and in their dormitory beds at night. Arthur Budzinski said he was first molested when he went to Father Murphy for confession when he was about 12, in 1960. “If he was a real mean guy, I would have stayed away,” said Mr. Budzinski, now 61, who worked for years as a journeyman printer. “But he was so friendly, and so nice and understanding. I knew he was wrong, but I couldn’t really believe it.” 被害者的供詞,和性侵的簡述 Mr. Budzinski and a group of other deaf former students spent more than 30 years trying to raise the alarm, including passing out leaflets outside the Milwaukee cathedral. Mr. Budzinski’s friend Gary Smith said in an interview that Father Murphy molested him 50 or 60 times, starting at age 12. By the time he graduated from high school at St. John’s, Mr. Smith said, “I was a very, very angry man.” 被害團體在多年來藉由散布傳單的方式警告大家 還有一名被害人表示:我生氣啦 In 1993, with complaints about Father Murphy landing on his desk, Archbishop Weakland hired a social worker specializing in treating sexual offenders to evaluate him. After four days of interviews, the social worker said that Father Murphy had admitted his acts, had probably molested about 200 boys and felt no remorse. 1993年時主教曾讓一名與性犯罪相關的心理醫生去檢視莫非 醫生表示莫非他已承認對200男孩的行為和對此悔意不足 However, it was not until 1996 that Archbishop Weakland tried to have Father Murphy defrocked. The reason, he wrote to Cardinal Ratzinger, was to defuse the anger among the deaf and restore their trust in the church. He wrote that since he had become aware that “solicitation in the confessional might be part of the situation,” the case belonged at the doctrinal office. 當時主教寫信要求處置本來就是希望藉由開除莫非而挽回被害者的憤怒和教會的信任 With no response from Cardinal Ratzinger, Archbishop Weakland wrote a different Vatican office in March 1997 saying the matter was urgent because a lawyer was preparing to sue, the case could become public and “true scandal in the future seems very possible.” 尚未有文件說明當時西斯的回答 後來因為一名律師將作的指控 使得他再度寫信 Recently some bishops have argued that the 1962 norms dictating secret disciplinary procedures have long fallen out of use. But it is clear from these documents that in 1997, they were still in force. 最近,有些主教們認為,祕密審判制度早在1962就結束已被淘汰使用。但很明顯,從 這些文件看來,在1997年,他們仍然有效。 But the effort to dismiss Father Murphy came to a sudden halt after the priest appealed to Cardinal Ratzinger for leniency. In an interview, Archbishop Weakland said that he recalled a final meeting at the Vatican in May 1998 in which he failed to persuade Cardinal Bertone and other doctrinal officials to grant a canonical trial to defrock Father Murphy. (In 2002, Archbishop Weakland resigned after it became public that he had an affair with a man and used church money to pay him a settlement.) 但因為那封求情信 導致主教無法說服信義部給於莫非開除處罰 Archbishop Weakland said this week in an interview, “The evidence was so complete, and so extensive that I thought he should be reduced to the lay state, and also that that would bring a certain amount of peace in the deaf community.” 主教在接受採訪時的發言 Father Murphy died four months later at age 72 and was buried in his priestly vestments. Archbishop Weakland wrote a last letter to Cardinal Bertone explaining his regret that Father Murphy’s family had disobeyed the archbishop’s instructions that the funeral be small and private, and the coffin kept closed. 莫非在四個月後維持著神父身分而死 而且在主教給Bertone樞機的信中提到他很遺憾的看到 莫非的親友選擇以私人的方式處理喪禮 “In spite of these difficulties,” Archbishop Weakland wrote, “we are still hoping we can avoid undue publicity that would be negative toward the church. ” 主教表示希望就算有這些困難 教會還能盡量避免負面宣傳 --       「有些真相會被暗中埋葬  接下來所要描寫的  就屬於這種會讓每個當事人都三緘其口         決不透漏絲毫口風的事件    」                          ── 9S <nine S?> SS ── -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Pietro 來自: (03/31 20:09)
Pietro:就算是第二頁也找不到中廣的獨家... 03/31 20:10
Viviak:老實說我覺得光死忠護航卻不檢討的作法是很stupid的事 03/31 23:07
Viviak:這不會讓這事變更光彩 此外這只是你沒找到那報導 不是沒有 03/31 23:11
Viviak:NYTimes26日報導不少還有殺傷力更大的 聰明點就自己修/刪文 03/31 23:15
Pietro:幹嘛阿,我只是翻譯眾媒體引用的那篇紐時新聞阿,中廣宣稱Y 03/31 23:19
Viviak:事實是NYTimes確有文章報導該說法 中時這種大報不會無端去 03/31 23:45
Viviak:打錯..是中廣不會無端去編造這種新聞 抄外電報導是最省事的 03/31 23:49
Pietro:SORRY我找到了,謝謝你提供的文~最近噗浪被亂掰害我對媒體.. 04/01 13:05
Pietro:這樣來說,台灣媒體唯一的疏漏是沒有提到西斯任職於信義部時 04/01 13:11
和墨菲被法律訴訟時差了20年 http://tw.news.yahoo.com/article/url/d/a/100401/1/23462.html 如這篇 "紐約時報報導,1950到1960年間,在美國一間聽障學校服務的墨菲神父,性侵兩百名聽障 男童,當時是樞機主教的(拉辛格)知道這件事,不過卻沒有處理。拉辛格樞機就是現在 的本篤十六。" 不過就紐時的報導 其實是說這個發生在1950到1960間的事件 直到1990年代上訴到信義部卻未處置 根據維基的年表 西斯大帝是到1977年升為樞機(而且是慕尼黑 到1981才擔任信義部部長 好吧... 我承認我對媒體有成見XD ※ 編輯: Pietro 來自: (04/01 13:18)
forty1001:我對媒體也很有成見 XD 身邊好幾件事都被媒體抹黑報導過 04/01 13:23
ardanus:年代不對、教區或修會司鐸的事務管理也非信理部的職掌 04/01 21:14
Pietro:但是上訴後卻因為他的年紀而不處置,鄉愿 04/01 21:25
sopher1990:我可以問教皇為什麼要叫做西斯嗎? 04/01 22:15