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新聞出處(必填):redsarmy http://tinyurl.com/BBDisback 作者:Posted by BigMck on August 09, 2009 at 08:39 AM Glen Davis Gets 2 Year, $6.3 Million Via the Boston Herald: Glen Davis could sign a new contract with the Celtics as early as today or tomorrow, according to a source close to negotiations between the restricted free agent and the team. Davis agreed to a two-year contract worth approximately $6.3 million, including a starting point of approximately $3 million next season, during talks Friday and yesterday. He was in town and expected to take a physical today before officially signing the deal. Great work Danny. This is a steal of a deal for a player of Glen Davis' caliber. If BBD continues to progress like he has the past two years, he will get his payday when the contract is up. Nothing new on Marquis Daniels. It still looks like he'll get the bi-annual money ($1.9 million). Rookie Lester Hudson is expected to resume full workouts in two weeks. His agent, Lance Young, tells the Globe that Hudson has impressed the C's so far: “Minicamp and Summer League were an eye-opener for the Celtics. They knew [Hudson] could score, but the leadership and defense he brought was a surprise. He didn’t talk junk, he just did his work and went about his business. Young says if the Celtics decide to go with a veteran, Hudson could end up in Europe. So much for Mark Jackson being a lock for the T-Wolves coaching job. Lakers assistant Kurt Rambis has that sewn up. Who will man the Lakers bench during those road games the ailing Phil Jackson can't coach? Brian Shaw? Hey Rajon Rondo - how about updating that blog of yours? We want to know what you are up to. And here are some words of wisdom from Ray Allen who seems to be enjoying his new Twitter page: Remember you were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be. -- ㄕㄜˋ 總筆畫10劃 者,也。 例:涉歷:經歷。初刻拍案驚奇˙卷四:「摩勒用形,但能涉歷險阻,試他矯捷手段。」 經涉:經過、經歷。北史˙卷四十二˙常爽傳:「景經涉山水,悵然懷古。」 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: gaiaesque 來自: (08/09 22:11)
Kirihara :禁區好滿 以後Scal不能上怎麼辦?? 08/09 22:15
gaiaesque :他打pp backup !! 08/09 22:17
Haskell :Scal就跟前年一樣 等垃圾時間再上就好... 08/09 22:21
Haskell :這價錢感覺不錯耶 蠻便宜又不會太虧待BBD! 08/09 22:22
david760615 :其實我覺得有點高耶 房子這麼有經驗也才2.5M左右 08/09 22:38
s19790824 :我也覺得有點貴,大家太看得起他了XD? 08/09 22:57
piercepaul :房子的問題在很難用 08/09 22:59
archzxc :老大都說話了XD 那就2.5M吧XD 08/09 23:07
rainingdayz :Scal本來就是啦啦隊隊長阿 08/09 23:26
rainingdayz :反正多總比不夠好 滿開心的:) 08/09 23:26
woaine520 :強大的前場 08/09 23:29
rayensighner:吉祥物上來表示應該是垃圾時間XD 08/09 23:57
rainingdayz :要不然就表示我們有人受傷了= = 08/10 00:01
feelike :人家很佛心了,現在外面的市場能有的價錢很少囉!!!!! 08/10 00:07
feelike :Scal本來就是吉祥物,只要上場就表示我們能贏XD 08/10 00:11
ihx00 :很不錯的價錢吧~~~House很好但畢竟能開發的東西少了 08/10 00:25
permoon :之前看到吉祥物平均上場10分up才是不正常 08/10 00:44
NLchu :沒提詳細的合約內容,兩年我嫌短了 08/10 01:23
NLchu :oh對了,新人說C's不簽就去歐洲靠化緣過活 08/10 01:25
ihx00 :不知道Hudson行不行,頂個替補控球也好... 08/10 02:54
geeky :很便宜了吧 這麼年輕的禁區球員.... 08/10 12:58
rainingdayz :新人真的沒空間... 08/10 14:40
feelike :如果把PP.Ray跟Rondo時間壓縮到30分左右,新人應該有 08/10 15:18
feelike :十分鐘內的時間,勉強有機會上場....... 08/10 15:19
gapcel :划算啦!!!能在季後賽威的年輕人OK啦! 08/10 17:50