看板 Celtics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞出處(必填):http://goo.gl/7EpQln 作者: Chris Forsberg Boston Celtics president of basketball operations Danny Ainge downplayed the notion that his team is on the cusp of making a trade, but admitted the front office staff is having discussions with teams about what is available. 安吉承認管理層的確與許多球隊談論可行的交易方案 Appearing on Boston sports radio 98.5 the Sports Hub on Thursday morning, Ainge was asked about if any deal was imminent. "I have no indication of that, other than the rumors,” said Ainge. “I have no indication, in my dealings with and calls with other teams, that we're close to doing a deal.” Later Ainge added, “We’re just opportunistic. When you read our name out there, sometimes it’s true, sometimes it’s not. The reports are embellished for sure right now, but we are having discussions and seeing what opportunities there are out there." 當被問到是否有任何即將定案的交易,Ainge說 "在近來與其他球隊的談論中,並沒有任何一個有即將成交的跡象" "我們只是抱持著機會主義,你們聽到的傳言有些是真,有些不是,當然記者幫忙 了加油添醋,但我們的確在尋找市場上有無任何的機會" Asked in general about the value of a defensive-minded big man, Ainge admitted it’s hard to find quality centers. “I think it’s valuable,” he said. “I think that everybody is looking for big guys that can defend. You’re also looking for big guys that can score in the post, big guys that can shoot and pass, versatile players. There are no perfect players out there, but there are good pieces on all teams. The NBA is loaded with quality players. Big guys are much harder to find than small guys. ” As for parting with a draft pick, Ainge offered, “They are valuable. They are valuable in trades, as we’ve done before. We’ve thrown draft picks into deals to acquire players, and [we’ve used them] to draft. We just try to value each player and each opportunity and stay opportunistic.” 長人難尋,Ainge也表明只要球員身價符合,也會使用選秀權去做交易(廢話) Ainge was asked at the end of the interview about Rajon Rondo’s progress. After being cleared for full-contact practice last week, Rondo engaged in a pair of weekend practices with the team, but Ainge noted that Boston’s game schedule has limited his chances for live action during those off-day workouts. The team is not scheduled to practice on Thursday. “We’re taking this week-by-week,” said Ainge. “Last week he was cleared to play, and we’ll see how much progress he makes over the next week. But he still needs a little bit of strengthening in his right quad. He’s getting close, I don’t see anything happening this month for sure. And we’ll see how next month goes, week by week.” 豆子最近的狀況呢? "我們每週都會討論這件事" "上禮拜他明顯的可以打球,我們會繼續觀察下個禮拜的進展 他正接近復原了,但仍需要對右膝作一些加強 我看不到這個月會發生什麼明確發展,但我們仍會持續注意,看看下個月會怎樣" 心得:其實將Bass跟Lee交易出去,我想球隊幾乎沒有籌碼去再處理G蛙的約 除了巫師,我看不到任何球隊有可能去吃下小前鋒的合約 要搞只能丟選秀權去貼;也許現況來看以不變應萬變是更好的選擇 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gaiaesque :反正就不會說死 12/20 00:33
piercepaul :其實跟火箭的交易可以完成真的頗棒,先把同位置球員 12/20 00:38
piercepaul :清掉不講,憨佛的到期約還在,之後還有TE可以用...爽 12/20 00:39
jackysuyu :聽說5點好像就會完成交易了 12/20 00:53
Dragonborn :p大說的TE是…? 12/20 00:59
rubyyl0701 :Trade Exception交易特例 12/20 01:00
如果換回來的球員價值低於丟出去的,其中的差額就可以拿來獨立運作 A隊丟1000萬換回500萬的球員,就多了500萬的TE,可以在一年內直接拿去交易球員
piercepaul :恩恩,同上所述,可以參考ㄈㄖㄉ在13792的文 12/20 01:02
Dragonborn :謝謝說明@@!! 12/20 01:11
auron4041 :聽聽就好 12/20 01:20
※ 編輯: NLchu 來自: (12/20 01:25)