看板 Celtics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞出處(必填):http://goo.gl/NFClwj 作者:Jeff Clark Courtney Lee is gone and Jerryd Bayless is here. In a world of fantasy style trades and financial transactions, it is easy to miss the human element. Courtney Lee's tenure didn't go according to plan, but he was a well liked member of the team and he performed well after a slow start to his Boston career. In steps Mr. Bayless, who's no stranger to stepping into new situations. 經歷小李跟貝勒爺的交易,在這個充斥夢幻風格或是商業考量交易的世界裡,容易讓人 懷念充滿人味的過去,李子沒有照預期的留隊,但他在波士頓的生涯中表現良好並廣受 喜愛,而說到貝勒先生──則是已經對換新環境的狀況不再陌生。 "I have bounced around a lot, and I am looking for a home where I can settle in," the 25-year-old guard said at yesterday morning’s shootaround. "It’s not a negative thing, because at the end of the day someone else wants you. That’s the way I try to look at it. Hopefully this can be one of my last stops." "我已經跳了許多隊伍,但仍在尋找一個能安定下來的家" 這個25歲的流浪漢說道 "這也不見得一定是負面的,我試著去詮釋交易的發生代表仍有著另外一個人想要我, 希望這可以是最後一站" He's been traded 4 times and played for 5 teams. Plus his contract is expiring and he's playing on a team with two other guys that have similar reputations for being streaky scorer types (Jordan Crawford and MarShon Brooks). I appreciate his desire to want to stick around, and he may very well be here long term (Danny Ainge has apparently had his eye on him for a while now). With all that said, my advice to him is to rent, not buy for the time being. 經歷了五支隊伍,加上他的到期合約以及在位置上跟JC與MB同為多樣化的得分手,我很 感謝他依然想要留在這兒,也許他真會長久留在這裡(安公子顯然盯他很久了),但總歸 來講我給他的建議還是租個房子就好了。 He'll also need to find his place in the rotation. Right now he's backing up Crawford at the point and playing some off guard as well. Once Rondo returns, there will be a lot less point guard minutes to go around, so he'll be splitting time with Avery Bradley and Crawford. 未來他需要在輪替中找到他的位置,現階段是在JC下場時幫忙控球,一但豆子回來他就 得跟JC還有AB搶所剩不多的時間了。 One thing he has going for him is the memories we all have of him torching us on multiple occasions. His 22-point, 9-for-11 performance against the Celts on Nov. 27 in Memphis was Bayless' only 20-plus game this season. His 30-point performance last March 23 in Memphis was also a season high. Hopefully it was a fondness for the color green and not our defense (or lack thereof) that caused him to perform so well those nights. 至少有件事是他會被記得的──過去他在灰熊折磨我們的那幾場比賽。 希望這不是他的癖好,也不是因為我們的防守(或是沒有這種東西)造成那幾晚的神奇表現 Regardless, it is time to get to know Jerryd the Celtic. His reputation is that he's fearless and confident. He's not always "on" but when he is, it can be a sight to behold. Also, much like Lee before him, he appears to be a well liked individual. See this from the Grizzly Bear Blues blog. 無論如何,是時候去了解這位新綠綠;他以無懼以及自信著稱,雖然不是隨時,可一但進 入狀況,就是值得去注目的(作者好像想不出什麼稱讚的話....) 同樣地,就跟之前小李一樣,他顯然也是個備受喜愛的球員。 Readers of this site may recall that I am a fervent Jerryd Bayless fan. It was disappointing to see him struggle this season after he picked up the player option that no one thought he'd pick up - specifically because he liked it here in Memphis. His fancy for Memphis was exemplified in how he treated those with which he interacted around town, and you'll be hard-pressed to find a waiter or waitress that didn't [enjoy] serving JB. 在灰熊相關部落格有著這段:在這邊的讀者也許想起我是個狂熱的滿清貴族學者; 在他出人意料的執行的球員選項後看著他這季的掙扎是令人失望的──特別是因為 他被孟菲斯這個地方所喜愛,證明就是他與這個城市的互動中,你很難找到有哪個 服務生不喜歡去接待他的。 Hopefully he'll be as well liked in Boston and finds himself a home here. He's got a lot of talent and might be a nice (if somewhat minor) piece of the puzzle going forward. 希望他在波士頓一樣能備受喜愛並在這找到自己的家,貝勒爺擁有許多才華而且也許 在未來能成為一片不錯的拼圖。 心得:當初在拓荒者人才濟濟的陣營中備受期待,雖然是因為當初整隊沒在防守= = 而他的防守能力又比當時先發的Black好上一大截,打球又很積極在切入,所以 那時滿喜歡他的,講真的現在看起來後衛群除了RR我看沒一個真的篤定會留的 ,以控球跟防守能力來說就讓他一直當豆子的候補其實不錯,你拿3M再去市場 上找還不是差不多這樣....。 最近很冷清,所以我隨便找了篇來PO,我是不太清楚哪邊有比較多更有內涵的 外電拉,推薦我一下不然都是這些五四三的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: NLchu 來自: (01/11 04:38)
gaiaesque :25歲-.- 01/11 06:57
gaiaesque :rondo回來bayless不知道還有沒有上場時間.. 01/11 06:58
calbert :謝分享 01/11 08:51