看板 Celtics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞出處(必填):http://goo.gl/6oPY3r 作者:Mike Saver Jared Sullinger has been acting pretty strangely on the court recently. Arguably the Celtics best player, the second year forward out of Ohio State famously called out all of the doubters around a month ago. 莎琳婕最近在場上怪怪的喔。 或許可說他是現在C's最好的球員,這個從哦嗨喲州大出來的二年級生在一個月前公開地 把酸民們都叫出來打臉。 Oh, how times have changed. Back then, the Celtics were still only 9-12 but they were leading the Atlantic Division. Sully had playoffs on the mind and was ready to rub it all in the faces of fans that wanted to tank. Today, he's the one having those statements rubbed in his face. 喔呵呵呵。 當時C's雖然僅有九勝十二敗,但已經是破爛的大西洋之王,心懷季後賽之夢的他準備讓 所有說要坦克的人去親他屁屁。 今天換他被洗臉了。 Since the day Sully called out the "bandwagoners" the C's are 5-11. 每日一字: Bandwagoners (n.) 意譯:一日球迷、大腿迷、寄生球迷 例句─All Lakers fans are bandwagoners, ALL OF THEM, except maybe Jack Nicholson. 出自Urbandictionary Currently, the Celtics are on a six game losing streak, and have lost nine of their last 10. The sky's the limit in this also terrible Eastern Conference, but right now, it's looking like playoffs are off the table. The problem is, it seems like Sullinger has not been handling losing well. 六連敗,加上過去十場中輸了九場,就算在這糟糕的東區看來也打不了季後賽了。 問題是,看來大屁屁不太能面對不斷輸球的窘境。 “I’m just out there trying to protect my teammates, make sure we’re in the best possible position to win the basketball game,” he said. “Instead of just giving them 2 points, I decided to take the foul. I’ve just got be more careful. I’ve just got to wrap them up, maybe. Or be not so aggressive with them, maybe. I don’t know.” "我只是試著去保護我的隊友,確保我們處在能夠贏球的狀況中" 他說 "儘管這樣只能得到 兩分,我還是決定送他一拐──事後看來是要更加小心;我只是得去清開空間,呃,也許 不該這麼積極對待他們,唉喲恩災啦" Sullinger had two flagrant fouls in 24 seconds and was ejected that night in Denver, an embarrassing 31 point loss. One of the flagrants was later rescinded but that didn't mean that the Celtics coaching staff was happy with Sullinger's behavior. In last night's game against the Clippers, Sullinger started the game on the bench being replaced by Kris Humphries (though maybe he should be thankful for that). Still, Sully's frustrations continued to shine through, with another flagrant foul, this time on Blake Griffin. 對丹佛的那晚在二十四秒內作了兩個惡意犯規並被驅逐出場,最後尷尬的輸了三十一分; 儘管後來聯盟取消了一次惡意犯規,這也不代表教練團會對這樣的行為表示:開心:) 上場對快艇的比賽金·卡戴珊的前夫取代了他作為先發(也許他該感謝這樣),莎莉的沮喪 依然表露無疑──用對葛莉芬的另一次惡意犯規。 Sullinger is not used to losing. He was not on the court when the Celtics had an early playoff exit last year. His Ohio State teams were also always in contention to win it all. Now, he's on a team that's honestly not very good, and furthermore not meant to be very good. Sully is all about winning, which is what you love about him. However, as Danny Ainge and Brad Stevens have said themselves, this year is more about improving that winning games. For awhile it seemed like Sullinger had higher hopes than that, and now that reality might be finally settling in, he isn't handling that well. 胖子他其實很不習慣輸球;去年一輪出局的時候他無法上場,他在俄亥俄州大時球隊總是 力求贏下所有的比賽,現在的球隊實話說不太好,而且短期內也沒有說要變得非-常-好。 沙粒做的一切都是為了勝利,這也是你愛他的原因;但不論如何就像安吉跟帥哥教練所說 ,今年更多的是去改進這支球隊。 看來薩林傑是懷抱著比這更高的期望,面對終於降臨的現實,他並沒有處理得很好。 “And when you lose by so much, that’s one reason,” Sullinger said. “And when you’re in a losing streak you try to play as hard as you can to put your team in a position to win. You get real frustrated, and my problem is that I wore my emotions on my sleeve.” "輸得這麼多,那只是其中一個理由" 這個牛脾氣的小子說 "當處在連敗之中,而你是如 此拼命地去試著讓球隊贏球,這讓人面臨到真正的沮喪;而我的問題是情緒化為了拐子" It's something Sully will have to keep in check this year, or his playing time could continue to be affected. Still, if he's around when the Celtics ever do get back to contention, that's the type of attitude you love to see. 這是今年他該謹記於心的,否則他的表現會繼續受影響;儘管如此,一但C's重回競爭行 列,那種態度便會是你所樂見的。 心得:不只是大學,Sullinger在高中時就是常勝軍了;對一個會願意多待一年校隊的 漢子而言,鬧點脾氣正常啦,誰叫Green都在那邊╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭,雙衛又超獨的, 去年他可是RR的球接爽爽,最近的行為就當學費囉。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
gaiaesque :=.= 01/12 07:46
xdd1524 :推心態 01/12 07:46
Dragonborn :推翻譯xd 01/12 09:23
dixongossip :快給隊伍加一個中鋒,真的很怕Sully撐不住,背傷復發 01/12 10:03
lanver1220 :Faverani:缺中鋒? 有這種事? 01/12 10:40
Myosotis :翻譯推 01/12 11:48