看板 Celtics 關於我們 聯絡資訊
新聞出處(必填):celticsblog 作者: Jeff Clark It certainly has been an interesting few days. The trade is going to dominate talk for a while but I wanted to catch up on some items that seem notable. Specifically two vets who apparently aren't exactly happy at the moment. Kieth Bogans and Gerald Wallace to be exact. Bogans had expressed displeasure with his lack of playing time a few weeks back and recently was dismissed from the team for personal reasons. You never want to assume anything in those situations but it sounds like it isn't anything to do with his family. So exactly what he's sorting out is anyone's guess but this blogger is guessing that it has more to do with playing time than anything else. 交易頻繁的最近肯定讓日子變得更有趣了,但這裡有些事是值得注意的,特別是那兩個 最近不太開心的老兵;對啦就是G蛙跟博甘斯。 後者表達了最近幾個禮拜得不到上場時間的不滿,並以波森諾因素請了假,你不會想去 指責這樣的狀況;但這聽起來跟他的家庭一點因素都沒有(這可是有薪假喔,鬼島表示:) 誰也說不準他到底要幹麻,但筆者認為這一定有上場時間以外的原因。 "I don't want to get into too many specifics," Stevens said of Bogans. "He's obviously not here now. He's still under contract here. I like Keith. There's where I'll leave it right now." Asked "if" he expects Bogans to return to the Celtics, Stevens responded: "Undecided. Unknown." I mean, I get it to a point. He's a good guy by all accounts and he's got the kind of pride that comes with just about anyone who's made it to this level. He doesn't want to sit around like Andrew Bynum collecting checks. "我不想提起太多細節" 帥哥教練說 "他現在不在這裡,但他仍擁有合約在身,我喜歡他 ;我現在想講的就是這些。" 被問道他"是否"預期Bogans回到C's,Stevens回答: "沒決定、不知道" ㄟ逗,我想我知道重點,他是那種會付出一切的好人,並跟其他球員一樣擁有身處在這個 競技殿堂的驕傲,所以不希望像拜能一樣只是坐在那邊數鈔票。 On the other hand, he's had a nice, long career, and nobody forced him to sign a contract this summer that will pay him handsomely for being a walking, talking trade chip. I hoped that he could be a good locker room guy and maybe even start to pivot into an assistant coaching type of career after his playing days were over - but you can't do that from home. Ironically, he might have had a chance to start or at least play extended minutes last night with the short roster. 另一隻手上,他擁有一個良好漫長的生涯,可也沒人逼他在夏天簽下那張只需要走路跟 說話的大爽約;筆者希望他能成為休息室中良好的一員,更甚者以成為助理教練一軸的 形式來為自己的生涯末期做結──這些都是你在家裡做不到的。 很諷刺的,現在隊裡根本沒人了,也許他會因此開始得到更多的上場時間。 Another guy that seems perpetually unhappy this year is Gerald Wallace. Here's his quotes that ran in yesterday's Herald. "You’re sitting, only playing 17 or 18 minutes a game," Wallace said. "You’ re watching, you know you can still play, and you watch guys in front of you who don’t play with effort, don’t respect the game and don’t think team first. It kind of frustrates you and (ticks) you off. You have to deal with it." That's some serious anonymous calling out right there. It is also a head scratcher since just about every opposing coach and anonymous scout lauds this team for playing hard just about every game. 另一個不開心個就是G-Wallace啦。 "你只是坐著,一場比賽打個17分鍾左右" 他說 "你只能旁觀,心裡知道自己仍能上場, 但只能眼睜睜的看著其他沒有做出貢獻的傢伙打球(很不爽小綠喔哈哈我懂),不尊重比賽 也不把隊伍擺在優先,這讓人沮喪並憤怒;你必須去處理這些" 這可是個嚴正的指控,但也讓人摸不著頭緒,這不是從上到下誰都罵了嘛? It sounds like he might have a specific player in mind and I'll go ahead and wildly speculate that he's talking about Jeff Green (ahead of him in the rotation - doesn't always look like he's giving 100% effort - fair or not). Of course, Gerald has also made some very positive quotes about Jeff Green recently too. Or maybe he's talking about the recently departed Jordan Crawford? Don't mean to turn this into a witch hunt, but it he made the comments about someone and it is hard not to wonder about it. 這段YY就不翻了,大概也知道他在罵誰。 All in all, this seems to be a case of two veteran guys frustrated with the rebuilding process. Bogans can be moved - either via trade or by an outright release (not sure if Ainge would be willing to do that). 總而言之,這兩個老兵的沮喪看來是重建過程中的問題。 Wallace, on the other hand is a lot harder to move with the two years and $20M left on his contract after this year. I've heard it speculated before that if the C's wanted to dump him on another rebuilding team and not take a lot of salary back, they'd have to include a first round draft pick. Well, now they have one more potential 1st rounder to use in case they want to go in that direction. 具小道消息有重建中的球隊願意以一輪選秀權為代價去接下G蛙的約,經過昨天的交易, 現在有了更多的選擇去執行這個選項了。 心得:誰想一輪想瘋的,76人?公鹿?魔術? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
z2114422 :現在球隊這種狀況 他們兩個沮喪也無可避免 01/17 01:05
z2114422 :希望他們能繼續加油!個人其實挺欣賞他們兩個的 01/17 01:06
dixongossip :喔喔喔喔有下家了嗎?希望不要見光死 01/17 01:07
pote85712 :要丟籤哦... 01/17 01:15
NLchu :這人覺得最有可能的交易時間是球季結束後選秀前 01/17 01:15
NLchu :過了這個時間點就不好玩了 01/17 01:16
piercepaul :我是希望要交易G蛙,也把他交易到一個有季後賽希望 01/17 01:16
piercepaul :的球隊,他並不是無法上場做出貢獻,他一直以來都是 01/17 01:16
piercepaul :認真、努力的好球員,他值得到一個季後賽球隊 01/17 01:17
NLchu :當初被拜嫩拐到氣胸沒多久就復出真的超威哈哈 01/17 01:18
EviL1988 :回山貓可行嗎? 01/17 06:56
lalascott :真假有人要接G蛙的約還貼一輪 01/17 07:44
coldplay0211:當初到阿拓他也是很認真在打 01/17 08:33
viking0518 :偶爾回來看Update..但感覺都沒有個穩定的主軸.. 01/17 08:34
viking0518 :現在是還在清洗還在換牌就是了.... 01/17 08:34
piercepaul :G蛙+一輪送是OK,重點是拿什麼回來 01/17 08:34
truthzero :很喜歡G蛙,希望他去有競爭力的球隊 01/17 10:19
auron4041 :他的數據實在很難匹配他的薪水.... 01/17 10:31
Dragonborn :76人是不是要丟turner? 01/17 10:54
Dragonborn :跟Hawes Hawes好像還不差? 01/17 11:09
z2114422 :GW+一輪籤換Hawes可接受 有AB不用Turner 01/17 11:54
rayensighner:"並以波森諾因素請了假" 這是誰....? 01/17 13:42
mog044 :personal吧 01/17 13:45
gaiaesque :personal reason =.= 01/17 15:21
rainingdayz :XD 01/17 16:03
lalascott :喔喔原來是我們貼一輪 那就丟七六人那支一輪變兩支二 01/17 16:31
lalascott :輪的吧 希望換來堪用C 01/17 16:31
xdd1524 :丟G蛙能換個約比較短的就該滿足了 01/17 16:46
jrump :波森諾XDDD 01/17 21:40
EMPERORHEN :祝福G蛙能去一隻季後賽隊伍 他值得! 01/18 10:17