看板 ChainChron 關於我們 聯絡資訊
終於開了XD 不過我馬上就要去新訓QQ 希望回來的時候看到大家都有PO法老文 人手5隊SSR CC版千秋萬載,一統江山! -- I am the bone of my soup.Turtleˍˍis myˍbody, and water is ˍˍ my blood. ˍ I have created over thousands ▉ ▉ of ▃▂ soups. Unknown to overturn. Nor ▉ ▉known to drink. ◢◤ Have withstood life ▊ ▊cook many soups. ▋◢▊◢◤ φkiluaagnes Yet,the brain will ▊ ▊never thinkanything. 《無限海龜湯製》 Never I pray, ◥▆▆ ◤nlimited ˍ urtlesoup ◤orks. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
NekoPass:淚推 11/09 14:22
lifunming:豈不是黑木崖的切口 11/09 19:00