看板 ChicagoBulls 關於我們 聯絡資訊
After nearly four days of lounging on beaches in Mexico, Eddy Curry found himself back in the spotlight's glare Monday. That's not a place where Curry feels comfortable, but he wanted to respond to reports from All-Star weekend that he won't want to re-sign with the Bulls because of coach Scott Skiles. "That's ridiculous," Curry said. "I like Skiles. I want to come back regardless. I'd like to think coach Skiles and I have a good relationship. At this point, I don't see myself wanting to go anywhere else and having to start over with feeling a coach out and him feeling me out and getting used to a whole different system. "Definitely, at this point, I really want to come back. I just hope everything goes well over the summer and they're able to do it." Like most NBA players, Curry has privately grumbled about his playing time. He also has occasionally voiced displeasure about Skiles. But this isn't the first time Curry has stated his desire to keep playing in his hometown, and it won't be his last. Barring an unforeseen and ridiculous offer benefiting the Bulls, Curry won't be dealt by Thursday's 2 p.m. trade deadline, according to multiple team and league sources. That means Curry will be reiterating similar feelings this summer, when he's a restricted free agent and the Bulls have the right to match all offers for him. Given how many assets the Bulls have lost for nothing in recent seasons—Jay Williams, Marcus Fizer, Eddie Robinson—it's possible general manager John Paxson will make a pre-emptive strike with a large and substantial offer early in the negotiating process, thus thwarting other teams' bids to sign Curry. If that's the case, count Curry in. "The way we were able to grow this year, I hope we can stick together, grow together and see how much better we can do with another summer of work and another summer of coming together," he said. Curry is happiest when attention is elsewhere. That doesn't mean he doesn't want the spoils of success—the "max" contract, the five cars in the driveway —but if he can avoid the spotlight while achieving those, all the better. Miami center Shaquille O'Neal, whom the Bulls face Tuesday night, has long supported Curry. He did so again over All-Star weekend, saying, "People put too much pressure on [Curry], trying to put him in a category that he's not in. They want him to be dominant and be mean and talk trash." Curry, who is as mean as a puppy, appreciated O'Neal's words. "It's flattering because he knows me and respects my game," Curry said. "It's always good to see that you have somebody of his caliber behind you and wishing you the best. "I always look forward to going against Shaq. He's the best big man in the game. Anytime you match yourself against him, you can really measure how far you have to go and how far you've come since your last meeting." If that's the case, Curry must progress much more. On Feb. 5 in Miami, he looked so spooked against O'Neal that Skiles played rookie center Jared Reiner for long stretches. ---- 所以之前那Skiles和Curry不合,所以不想在球季結束後和公牛續約的消息那邊來 的。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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